Understanding 'Political Zionism'

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root."
~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden


The root of evil in the world is

It's important to understand the Deep State political
 ideology called Zionism, which is not to be confused
with the religion Judaism.

The Bible refers to the 'Synagogue of Satan' as
those who say they are Jews but are not.
Or as Joe Biden infamously said,
"You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
I am a Zionist"
~ video clip HERE

5 minutes - the Big Lie BUSTED!

Nov 1, 2023 / Reese Report

Click on image for videos and article

Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews?
The Truth of History Matters

August 2023 / NewDawnMagazine.com

Israel's Big Lie of "Self-Defense"
Nov 2, 2023 / GlobalResearce.ca
  An occupier does not have the right to use arms in
"self defense".

Oct 17, 2023 / Reese Report
5 minute reality report - transcript HERE

6 minutes:

Nov 14, 2024 / Reese Report

REVEALED - Who Are the Real Jews:
Hidden History Of The Khazar Kingdom
Nov 7, 2022  / infowars.com 
With all of the talk lately about anti-semitism,
Brian Wilson explains what it truly means
to be a "semite"

 Zionism is a supremacist racist ideology
- not unlike white supremacists and other Jew haters -
but as a tiny minority, Zionists are shunned by
the majority of people who are not racist.

Oct 17, 2023 / reallygraceful

See also:
Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews
(True but shocking politically incorrect history)
  The Zionist State of Israel  (scroll down),
 Secret History of Zionism (59 min video),
   and Zionism In America by Robert Steele

Hitler's propaganda minister showed the world how the German public was programmed with the Big Lie that was so BIG and so bold and so often told that they believed it... that they were superior and must protect and expand (demand) their totalitarian interests by going to war with the world.
Most people don't realize how the Nazi's were in collusion with political Zionists who were willing to sacrifice a lot of Jews to further the long-term agenda of Zionism. The Zionist flag was the only flag allowed to fly at the same level beside Hitler's Swastika. Think about that.

Why Millions of U.S. Christian Zionists
- and Zionists in both political parties -
support the Zionist State of Israel:
  It's important to understand how our Judeo-Christian heritage
   has been hijacked by Political Zionism to create the oxymoron
 known as 'Christian Zionism' – the Zionist ‘
Belief System’ –
 that was published in the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909,
  and taught by Christian theologians for more than a century
 to convince about 60 million U.S. Christians of the Zionist BS
  that the political State of Israel is now God's 'Chosen People'.

 The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's
Rise to Power in the United States

July 12, 2019 / MintPressNews.com
If you seriously read this article in 'good conscience'
(pure intention, focused attention & love retention),
you will 'realize' (real eyes), the genesis of the
Great Deception that now challenges the
Great Awakening & Enlightenment.

EXCERPT: There is perhaps no other book that has been more influential in the dissemination of Christian Zionism in the United States than the Scofield Reference Bible, a version of the King James Bible whose annotations were written by Cyrus Scofield, who had no formal theological training. Oxford University Press published the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. Twenty years after its publication, it became the first-ever Oxford publication to generate over a million dollars in sales.
     Scofield's Bible became spectacularly popular among American fundamentalists soon after its publication, partly because it was the first annotated bible that sought to interpret the text for the reader as well as because it became the central text of several influential seminaries that were set up after its 1909 publication.

  Among Scofield’s many annotations are claims that have
  since become foundational to Christian Zionism, such as
 Scofield’s annotation of Genesis 12:3, saying that those
      who curse Israel (interpreted by Christian Zionists to mean
      the state of Israel since its founding in 1948), will be cursed
      by God and those that bless Israel will similarly be blessed.
    Many Christians now believe the Big Lie taught them.
     “The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds
   by masters who rule them with lies.
   They feed them on falsehoods
   till wrong looks like right in their eyes."
~ Johann Goethe

When you are honestly mistaken and hear the truth,
you will either cease being mistaken,
or cease being honest.

"One thing that Zionists universally have in common
 whether they are liberals or conservatives, Jews or
 Christians is an intense desire for perpetual war
on behalf of Israel."
~ Chuck Baldwin, April 2019

Shocking? Not when you know the
whole truth of political Zionism and
their supremacist ideology of using
  war by deception for 'Greater Israel'.

War by Deception - The Zionist Agenda


The Khazarian Mafia and the ADL

Internet backlash for Zionist Agenda

"Greater Israel":
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

August 3, 2019 / GlobalResearch.ca

How Israel Censors the Internet

Feb 2, 2021 / If Americans Knew
An expose' on Israel's detailed projects (some public, some covert)
to influence what people see on the Internet, and what they don't.  
From the article, "How Israel and its partisans work to censor   
the Internet
"; the article has additional information and citations.   
  Since the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day - much of which
 comes back to lobby the Congress via AIPAC -
it is essential that
Americans are thoroughly informed on this issue.

   Zionism was deeply entrenched in the
  Trump administration as is evident in
  THIS VIDEO that has had millions of
views over the last 6 years:
Note: Zionist 'gatekeepers' (fact checkers) at Google
have censored this video repeatedly, but copies
  keep popping up, so watch it while you can. ~CR

There is a media war being waged to
  suppress the truth of political Zionism:

The only way the Deep State Zionists could pull off 9-11 was to own and control the cabal of six giant media conglomerates which script mass mind programming via TV, radio, magazines and Hollywood films.

Controlled opposition is a tactic of Zionists to maintain the narrative of 9-11 cover-up, and independent social media is increasingly being infiltrated by Zionists who suppress 9-11 truth.

Alex Jones is a prime example of an 'Alternative Media' personality who became popular promoting 9-11 truth but discounts the Zionist connection, probably because he has millions of 'Christian Zionist' followers who don't want to hear how they've become 'useful idiots' - the above quote by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Dec 15, 2023 / Stew Peters Network
The systemic Zionist infiltration of America

The Gaza Massacre of Palestinians;
Wake Up World - Silence is Consent!

April 6, 2018 / GlobalResearch.ca

The Neocon Zionist Plan for an
Apocalyptic War in the Mideast

April 3, 2018 / State of the Nation

Love him or hate him, Trump is gasslighting
 the core issue of Zionist 'War by Deception'
   so that people worldwide will wise up to who
  is profiting from war, insecurity and tyranny,
  creating a scarcity of love for the rest of us.


Netanyahu: Trump is my finest puppet to date
Jan 5, 2020 / VeteransToday.com
The US has threatened to stage an attack and
blame it on Iran over & over the last few years.
  Don't let war based on deception happen again.

4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack
and Blame it on Iran
Jan 3, 2020 / corbettreport.com
 So 2020 is beginning with President Trump
assassinating an Iranian military hero who
had assisted the U.S. in fighting ISIS, and
was on a diplomatic mission to Iraq after  
invited by Sec. of State Pompeo  
  in an apparent ambush!


Soleimani Killed on Diplomatic Mission to Iraq
to Receive Trump-Pompeo Missive
Jan 6, 2020 / Veteranstoday.com By VT Editors

On foreign soil, as a guest nation, the US
assassinated a diplomatic envoy whose
mission the US requested.

Report HERE / Jan 8, 2020 / WakeTheChurch.org
How do you wake up the Christian Zionists
 under strong delusion that this evil is good?

Benjamin Fulford Full Report:
Zionist Move to Start WWIII Backfires
Jan 7, 2020 / EraOfLight.com
The U.S. murder of top Iranian General Soleimani
 was either a 'brilliant chess move' or a very stupid
but either way, it severely harms Zionists.

Understanding the Great Deception
May 12, 2018 / Heartcom Network
How deeply Christians have been seduced
and deceived by the Zionist State of Israel.

Is Israel Anti-Christian?
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians
That Nobody Is Talking About
Nov 2, 2019 / original.antiwar.com
Palestine's Christian population is dwindling at an
alarming rate. The world's most ancient Christian
  community is moving out. And the reason is Israel.

See this recent video for more truth bombs on
the Zionist-Communist connection behind
Gaza genocide and Vax democide:

Jan 2, 2025 / Jim Rizoli (22 minutes)
Zionist control of America - believe it or not!

Note from CR: I've watched this video carefully, comparing it to half a century studying conspiracy fact. This video has an epic message - truly mind-blowing revelations of the systemic Zionist infiltration of core social institutions worldwide. The Great Awakening of global humanity is naturally neutralizing this dark underbelly of Deep State dystopia.

Unmasking the 'Khazarian Mafia'
For the Whole World to See!

Dec 3, 2024 / AndreCorbeil
Note from CR:
 Exceptional truth-telling but shoddy production
with some AI graphics that are really bad, and
other images irrelevant to the narrative.
At 35 minutes 
 that the dark-side Deep State Zionist-Communist
  desperados hadn't figured on the Internet blowing
   their cover and making them look like liars & idiots
    whose time is short and apprehension is great.
Global enlightenment is end game for tyranny.

There's no healing evil in the land
without coming out of denial of
the cause of mass dis-ease.

US State Passes Law Defining Any Criticism of Israel
as 'Anti-Semitic' Just As They Kill 60 Civilians
May 16, 2018 / TheFreeThoughtProject.com
As many Americans criticize the number of civilian deaths
on the Gaza Strip, a state has passed a measure labeling
 criticism of Israel as "anti-Semitism."

How Zionist Israel Celebrated Its 70th Anniversary
May 17, 2018 / ChuckBaldwinLive.com

Excerpt: The indigenous people of Palestine have been subjected to some of the cruelest and most inhumane treatment at the hands of the Zionist government of Israel ever since Zionists came to power on May 14, 1948. And May 14, 2018, was no different.
     At least 58 unarmed (unless you count slingshots and stones against armored tanks, machine guns and .50 caliber sniper rifles as being 'armed') Palestinian protesters were mowed down by Israeli gunfire. Over 1,300 were wounded.
     Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, writes:
~ continued 

The Trump And Israel Conspiracy
June 7, 2018 / ChuckBaldwinLive.com

Excerpt: Israel is America's sacred cow; it is the third rail of politics. No one dares to criticize it, much less expose its manifold crimes. Israel is also America's Trojan Horse. Virtually the entire country (with America's evangelical Christian pastors and churches leading the way) is scared silly to say anything critical of Israel. Fortunately, the hackneyed moniker 'anti-Semitic' is fast losing its sting, as more and more people are awakening to the rank evil and criminality committed by the Zionist state - not the least of which are a plethora of Jewish people, including rabbis. ~ Continued HERE


  The Deep State agenda for World War III
- the entire Mideast fiasco -
  is now self-evident as a plot out of hell...
and this compels public demand for the
   High State agenda of Worldwide .

Deep State War => High State Peace
Jan 11, 2020 / 2020 Global Co-Creation

Consider how the ordained Power of Love
makes the inordinate love of power
OBSOLETE... sooner or later.

See also: Beyond the Divisive Agenda -
Seeing Donald Trump as a tool for the  
judgment of the Zionist elite worldwide

... to gasslight Neocon and Zionist evil.
Oct 13, 2017 / ClarityOfSignal.com


   Zionism has been highjacking Judaism
to put a 'religious face' on one of the 
most dangerous ideologies on Earth,
 and many Jews say that is exactly so.

The Hidden Powers Behind
Destruction of America

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil
Khazarian Mafia
Millennium Report by Preston James, Ph.D

The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete
Control of the United States

Jan 24, 2020 / State of the Nation
Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace.
SOTN Editor's Note: The specific threat to America is
  Zionist in nature; Zionism is not Judaism. While many
    Jews now see the distinction and are rejecting Zionism,
many others have been and remain tools of Zionism,
 and thus, whether well-intentioned or not, are also a  
 threat to America because of misplaced loyalties that
   ultimately undermine the U.S. Constitution & Republic.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes a
 revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell

~~~~~ Bottom Line - Just in Time ~~~~~

Thanks to Internet enlightenment of global Netizens
the full spectrum of light bearers and light servers
Aquarian Frequency Shift in now mainstreaming
 a new conscientious common sense, known also as
Effective Sensory Perception – Quantum . 

 Fearless faith neutralizes faithless fear.
Just be careful what you have faith in.
Conflict comes from deep deception
causing mismatched expectations.

From the article,
 'Message From Universe'

There is enlightened 'white magic'
and deceptive 'black magic'.

in these '5 dimensions' for:

To first know thyself in the image and
likeness of G.O.D.~~Source
and then know the enemy as that
which denies your highest and best
discernment of right and wrong,
good or evil, love or it's absense.

As Forest Gump famously said,
"I may not be very smart
  but I know what love is."


Understand 'Political Zionism' - to KNOW -
how perception deception, once exposed,
leads to self correction & divine direction.

With as golden rule-law language
and gold standard for a golden age,

Geometric Ordered Divinity 
G.O.D.~ Constitution)

A Universal Interface for Global
Full Spectrum Enlightenment
via ‘Law of the Angles and
Language of the Angels
at the heart of 5D TLC;
Worldwide Whol
with Holistic Healing.

  TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,

We can either sustain fearless faith in the
 image and likeness of G.O.D.~,
or we can succumb to faithless fear and
 victim dictum as surrenders sovereignty.

So Keep the Faith, See the Good,
and Make it So!
~ Christopher