Shift Update August 1, 2019 / New Moon in Leo
Envisioning the Infrastructure Framework
for 'Authentic Intelligence' (5D AI)
Shift Coordinates for Global rEVOLUTION
Big shift dynamics challenge all of us.
Golden Age vision is shining through.
Our cognitive liberty is at stake folks!
Global freedom opportunity beckons.
Skip to the bottom for an inspirational video on
the power of music for healing or dis-ease.
Either the golden rule/law language for a
golden age represents the golden ratio harmonic for
coherent order in the universe - the
cosmic 'golden rule' - or the ordained power of cosmic-universal
That's tyranny via algorithms - the social engineering tool of the technocrats who program AI (Artificial Intelligence) to serve the agenda of a 'heirarchy' (corporatocracy) of unelected super-rich plutocrats.
Or as America's
1st president clearly stated
at the outset of the American Revolution: "If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent, we will be led, like sheep, to the slaughter." This is serious folks. Global civilization is at a cross-road: utopia or oblivion. It's that serious! Or as was said in one of my top ten favorite books right up there with Future Memory, Power Vs Force and World Waiting To Be Born - Civility Rediscovered:
"Humankind is standing precariously on
the edge of its destiny. It will either rise to a paradigm change or experience decline and possible destruction. This is an unavoidable confrontation. The options will be presented and the choices will be made." - from Jesus Speaks - Love Without End by Glenda Green This is the urgency of the hour. This is the judgment of mankind as kind men... or not so much. Both the Deep State and Shadow Government want 5G-driven AI for population control and huge profit, NOT for public health or liberty.
For an excellent distinction between the
'Deep State' and 'Shadow Government', listen to this
short excerpt by Robert David Steele from the
July 27th X22 Report at 41:12
minutes HERE. An optimist will see the opportunity with the problem but a pessimist will see the problem with the opportunity . And so it is with the ordained Power ofWading through the 'mud' of 3D density is part of the human problem on the path to 5D opportunity.
July 25, 2019 / Note how what we have in common is far more important & powerful than the divisive dialectic that would keep our common sense uncommon. Our cognitive liberty is at stake folks! The ability to view alternative ideas and contrary opinions and come to our own conclusions is the basis of cognitive liberty. Big tech is now turning the screws and making sure that no one using their platforms will find these alternative viewpoints.
This Battle In the Info War has been Lost.
Change My Mind. 07-30-2019 / Your feedback to James Corbett is encouraged. He doesn't know about the infrastructure model focused on here, or he'd give it support. But he needs to hear that from you because I'm just one voice. I need your help here. It's this serious: Unabashed censorship in mainstream media - Big Media collusion with political agendas - has infiltrated our Internet social media with blatant censorship and digital assassination of alternative views and conservative voices. July 27, 2019 / Truthstream Media Conference Probes "Human Rights of the Mind"
For whatever reason, this video - above - has been censored. I thought it provided insight into current developments of mass mind control via public-social engineering. This video may have gone too deep into the 'cognitive shaping' being done by plutocrat owners of Big Tech... who naturally prefer to remain in the Deep State dark with impunity. Note: I highly recommend viewing other recent videos at the above video's channel - Truthstream Media - which provides some exceptional conscious evolution reporting: the genesis of 'Cognitive Liberty' in a free-open press. CONSIDER THE RIGHT OF COGNITIVE LIBERTY The Framework of the Constitution - for 'upgrade of the Bill of Rights' via Five Core Internet Freedoms featuring: A universal interactive interface for global TeLeCommunity with TLC for heart coherent standards at the heart of TeLeComm & TeLeCare plus The Constitution of 'US' of Earth (United Sovereigns) wants a high standard of TLC with well-informed choice. Deep State? Or High State?
I've been at this for 43 years!
1976 Bicentennial Self Portrait:
"Egg Head In My Egg Rocker"
(description HERE)
How else do we mediate
global rEVOLUTION?
Based on your prescient
response, consider
the obvious opportunity - the pregnant choice
to either culture a TLC
upgrade of sovereignty
or become slave to power elite policies that
keep freedom and opportunity from all of
rather than of, by and for
The higher the concept of
at the heart of global TLC,
the greater the RESULTS.
"In the beginning,
G.O.D. geometrized."
"In the end, we
become what we geometrize."
So keep in mind a pure geometry frame of reference
for biomimicry infrastructure modeling of 5D
on Earth as in holographic heaven.
This transformation process will naturally be as healing as it is 'holistic' with 'holographic' integrity representing the currency of consciousness in a universal interface - a maps holodeck interface - for navigating from cyberspace to innerspace (Web 3.0) with Effective Sensory Perception (ESP InnerNet). |
The Power of Music for Healing or Dis-ease
July 30, 2019 /
Edge of Wonder