2019 Global rEVOLUTION Series

I'm thrilled to announce the
Genesis Project!

April 2, 2019 / Heartcom Network
Yep, I'm excited... like a kid on his birthday:)
I've already been given this 'gift' (download)
 regarding the
Spring of the Genesis Project.
Genesis color-coding via light language
for 'KoF' (Keepers of Frequency).

The Genesis Project is a Process:

Initiating a vision of virtue and valor for victory
of the universal 'Language of the Angels'
and Law of the 'Angles' of   for
TeLeComm & TeLeCare
at the
heart of civilization.
Holy Spirit (TLC-in-action) with
a universal interface for culturing global
 social media interaction that involves
and evolves
social conscience.
Shifting the timeline from 3D victim dictum
5D victory virtues for all of 'US' as
United Sovereigns of Earth.

Full Spectrum