S.O.S. – Save Our Society
Help Needed
By Christopher
Rudy, Publisher
HEARTcom Network
Point /
The point
is that a HEALING CHANGE is needed, period.
The counterpoint wants to maintain the status quo.
The synthesis is as good for healing as we
can all agree will most likely insure
a holistic healing process
as a public choice.
Following is the whole point of, by and for holistic healing of our communications and health care systems -- two simple models that could be easily implemented and do the job.
UltraMedics Services™ -- Doing for
holistic health-building and disease prevention as paramedics have done for
crisis medicine.
That which prevents disease has always cured disease at therapeutic levels.
The only reason we don't
have free-online universal self care
information for personalized health-building and disease prevention
is because it would self-correct the sick system that profits from the cause
and treatment of disease.
Any "public option" that doesn't include such informed choice is a betrayal
of the public - no real option.
Services™ – Culturing social
conscience in social networks. The
currency of conscience is the foundation of civility
for the evolutionary ascent of civilization. The priceless value of
this currency is a natural healing process
that will involve and evolve our individual and collective conscience --
conscientious common sense.
This is now possible with an interactive interface for "real time"
(simultaneous) mass-to-mass interaction
with a process of interaction that frames higher consciousness at the heart
of global
TeLeComm: Self-governing social networks in our new instant-everywhere-interactive global village;
(1st principle: PURE INTENTION: There's no security without purity - Core Constitutional freedoms )
TeLeConscience: Self-learning, self-correcting currency of conscience in the Family of Man;
(2nd principle: FOCUSED ATENTION: Full spectrum order rather than disorder)
TeLeCommunity: Self-elevation as salvation in our social networks at the heart of Net reality;
(3rd principle: EVOLUTIONARY ASCENSION: Social conscience in our social networks)
TeLeCare: Self-healing through "Free Online" (Universal) Self Care for all global Netizens.
(4th principle: CIVILIZATION'S REINVENTION: The "Great Reboot" for a Golden Age)
Notice that
this sequence for framing the process of self-elevation creates a
clockwise spin "upwards" (higher consciousness), for an up-wising and
up-rising of our social conscience in our social networks... to Save
Our Society.
This is an SOS for those who receive this. Please forward it freely,
it's a love thing -- the kind of LOVE
that can Save Our Society.
We all know that there's nothing more valuable than a vision that has
found it's time, thank you Victor Hugo. Well how about a vision for
healing the sick health care system? Check out what the new "UltraMedics"
will look like, doing for holistic health-building and disease prevention what
paramedics have done for crisis medicine. [Realize
how that which builds health and prevents disease will cure disease at
therapeutic levels]
The process for higher mental and spiritual healing in our collective social conscience will naturally succeed to the extent that we involve and evolve our individual and collective consciousness with the language of consciousness as part of the interactive interface at the heart of mass-to-mass communications -- the next phase of social networking with the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.
Help Needed
If you forward this just to two people you love, and those two do the same within 24 hours, and that process is repeated for 30 days, more than a billion people online will get this at least once. Some will post this S.O.S. link to social networks where hundreds or thousands of people can read it. Some won't do anything.
Help is needed to translate core information here into other languages, as long as all links to the English original are maintained in postings.
Help is needed to maintain a "prayer field" of pure intention and focused attention for evolutionary ascension that is anchored in the physical plane for civilization's reinvention. Obviously, a critical mass of upward mobile consciousness is needed to sustain an upgrade of the status quo.
Help in needed from the volunteer open-source community of programmers and developers who can help build the UltraMedics and HEARTcom Services infrastructure on-line. Their reward will be public recognition and compensation worthy of their contribution.
Help is needed from "angel investors" who can see why HEARTware defines the Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet revolution with a core shift from "the computer is the network" to "the network has a conscience"... defining the paradigm shift to an economics of abundance based on abundance in the core "currency of conscience". Or as the Chief Architect of the Constitution said, "Conscience is the most sacred of property." ~ James Madison
Help is needed
for developing the HEARTcom Network as a
decentralized Net roots (grass-roots) PROCESS that represents a
whole, healthy or otherwise holy spirit of interactive
in form and frequency as in frequently at the
of our social networks.
Please forward this vision for it's Net worth.
Pay it forward by copying and pasting an "SOS" tagline "SOS - Save Our Society" at the bottom of your e-mails, blogs, websites and twitters. As more people pay attention with pure intention, attention pays.
Pay it forward by forwarding it to others who may be more serious than you are about the evolutionary ascension ordained now for civilization's reinvention. The currency of conscience will pay the way.
what you can to Save Our Society...
because you can.
Mankind has free will so anything is possible, even the vision of, by and for the victory of social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
You have free will to "see the good" and multiply the intrinsic virtue in this vision, simply by doing what you can to make LOVE a self-fulfilling prophecy in your world.
We can be the change we want to see as enough good people see get the vision of winning from the beginning of global rEVOLUTION.
Someone has to do it -- You have the Power.
Global rEVOLUTION via higher consciousness is an Article of Faith for fulfilling the Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet revolution. Can you think of anything better to do in your spare time, for service to a global solution?
Global Community via social networked conscience is the divine destiny of a Conscious Movement to a Golden Age. Would you agree that this is the upward-mobile path that will define, refine, combine and shine our highest and best gifts, talents and resources?
You Own the Power of Love when you take
The ability to respond with informed choice is the "Test That's Best for All Souls". The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age will naturally culture knowledge power with the wisdom that fulfills the law and languaging of "TLC" (TeLeComm) in all archetypal dimensions of the inner sense at the heart of a new COMMON SENSE for global rEVOLUTION.
With LOVE as the rule,
Love Heals All,
I Am,
One for All.
Holistic Visionary
GeoNotes News
HEARTcom Network
BBS Radio Show, Cosmic Love
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Global Upwising ~
Global Independence
As pure intention for freedom and opportunity goes global,
inordinate desire faces the fire of global judgment.
Better to know better and to choose wisely
for one’s
evolutionary ascent
blessing for holistic healing
all that is lacking the
healthy spirit of
To love with
all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
and your sovereign neighbor in our Global Village as thyself
The Conscious Movement
Refining, Combining and Shining
Full Spectrum of Light as Conscience
© 2009,
HEARTcom Network™
All Rights ()
well-Rounded (
and Synergized (
with that
-- above all --
for giving.
Universal LOVE -- in principle, form and frequency
-- is, at heart,
the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometry Of
whereby the "Language of the Angels" is framed by
the holy spirit of LOVE-in-action that
the mass media’s collective conscience
with the golden rule-law language
as the interactive interface
heart of Net-centric
of, by & for
the heart & mind of
global TeLeComm~unity:
high touch HEART of high tech
with a higher understanding of LOVE
defining ~ refining ~ combining and shining
our God-given gifts & talents via Net Standards
for a New Economy based on LOVE-centric Net worth
and the Abundant Life culturing the "KINGdom"
with "all" (om)
as K.IN.G
with Keys
to the INner
sense of G.O.D.