Box 1081
Worldwide Foundation Framing E-Valuation Criteria – HEARTware™ - along more Enlightened Lines
Sept. 20, 2003
LOVE Beats War as "Next Big Thing"
With the Middle East polarizing the entire world and threatening an endless war agenda of the most powerful military-industrial special interests in the world, a compelling vision for utilizing the computer/Internet technology to harmonize and heal the "nervous system" of our global village is a timely idea.
FROM: HEARTcom Services, the networking arm of the WLF
"Loving-edge TeLeComm for relationship capital at the heart of Net worth"
IN BRIEF: Universal LOVE language, "HEARTware™", lays the foundation
for the Next Economy, defining "high touch" high tech and
the "Next Big Thing" in the computer/Internet revolution after
hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft) and netware (Netscape).
CONTACT: HEARTcom Director,
----------------------------------------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:
Paradise Valley, MT
-- With the global economy threatening collapse over
endless war deficits, corporate corruption, and conflict in the Middle
East a potential trigger for World War III, long-time visionary, Christopher
Rudy, has released a chain-reaction "idea virus" for culturing
and relationship capital at the heart of the communications
that shape our lives.
According to Rudy, the Next Economy will resolve conflict over control of global
resources with "co-operative communication co-ordinations" that
culture universal values at the heart of personal, organizational and community
growth and development. His "LOVE Model"
is what he considers the "blueprint for a process towards global
unity and healing".
Called HEARTware™, Rudy's interactive interface for personalized mass
communication brings "high-touch" love-centric values to the heart of
high tech networking, organizing information in formation in the way that may
well create wholly new multi-billion
dollar industries that define the Next Economy "with a
HEARTware™ is a simple yet profound frame of reference for natural laws of the
universe as relates to the universal language of
light and the processes of consciousness at the foundation self governance.
Based on the first principles of modern psychology (Jung), HEARTware™ positions the
language of consciousness at the heart of any network "brain" just as the
neural network of networks that composes the global Internet can now integrate
all former technology advances of hardware, software and netware with HEARTware™.
The effect, according to Rudy is to provide a "quintessential map of
consciousness" whereby mankind can navigate the "InnerNet"
(collective conscience) at the heart of the Internet. And the "map" is in
fact a process that involves and evolves our individual and
collective consciousness along more enlightened lines that frame the heart of
higher conscience.
A higher consciousness of,
by and for
a higher understanding of "The LOVE Model"
"This is the best way to frame cyberethics", says Rudy.
"It's the key to e-valuation of Net companies for Net worth. That's
because HEARTware™ empowers informed choice with wisdom -- the heart
of idea capital -- and the
frequency of love at the heart
of relationship capital."
Rudy is now
offering a free course for technology leaders and
"lightworkers" interested in this new "search" paradigm:
introduction at
Given his Angel Fund Network
chain-reaction strategy, this vision of cyberethics at the communications
interface for our social, political and economic institutions may well create a
groundswell movement that returns a sense of personalized response ability and
ownership to peoples lives. Or as business guru Tom Peter's says in his
Liberation Management, "If you want to own your own life, you've got
to create your own network." The network of our relationships
is the source of real value; relationship capital.
"Net worth follows from Net-centric e-valuation at the heart of all
network communities", says Rudy. "This is the
master key to transition of our all-connected, instant/everywhere world to a
'global village' united by a world wide web of light and love.
That's what HEARTware™ will do, raising consciousness with universal love
values at the heart of representative government, higher education, holistic
health and the economics of abundance that follows."
"There's no time or space on the Net", adds Rudy. "The
test for civilization now is thus to remove the walls in the mind that divide to
conquer with terror and tyranny. Real community cultures the common sense
of our humanity in the spirit of "best for all" rather than virtual or
pseudo-community where special interests fight over control of the hearts, minds
and resources of mankind."
33 years in development, Rudy introduced his earlier "LOVE
Model" to 10 agencies of the Federal Government in 1974 at a three day
futures summit on Capitol Hill where scenarios for
celebrating the American Revolution were presented for the Bicentennial Era.
Naive to Washington politics at the time, his working model for an electronic
upgrade of our horse-and-buggy system of representative government would have
reduced bureaucracy. He never heard from these bureaucrats again. He has
since evolved his model for reinventing our social, political and economic
organizations along HEARTware™ lines that better serve the purpose for which
our core institutions were created.
According to Rudy, Founder/Director of HEARTcom Services, accountability to Higher
Power in the public sphere is the solution to corporate greed and self-serving
bureaucratic agendas that have made big business collusion with big government
into a growth industry. He
maintains that it is the inherent self-sabotage "value of
scarcity" in the prevailing scarcity economics model that motivates
bureaucrats, mediacrats, educrats, medicrats and other autocratic minions of
superrich power elite plutocrats to destroy an abundance of accountability as
would put the public's interest ahead of shareholder profits.
"It's HEARTware™-centric communications", says Rudy, "that
will check and balance personal and public power with the wisdom of
self-governing cyberethics. New laws by Congress to punish CEO's for maximizing
investor profits at the expense of truth is just a smokescreen from the real
issue; morality."
In Rudy's words, "You can't legislate love any more than morality;
the best you can do is create an environment in which it can thrive.
HEARTware™ provides real-time communication through biofeedback that
encourages the heart of compassion
plus psychofeedback that frames higher
mental thought processes. It's a way to position Golden Rule/Law
principles at the core of communication processes that culture conscience,
civility and real community at the heart of civilization."
As Rudy explains, "Since all problems are heart, communication
problems, HEARTware™ at the interface of local and global telecomm raises the
standard of consciousness, communications and network community. It brings
the common sense of universal law to the language of local and global telecomm.
The major problem of civilization right now is the lack of the Matriarchal
right-brain values that nurture the spirit of cooperation and coordination for
an abundance of 'win/win' for self and civilization."
"Organized greed and selfishness as seen in big business collusion
with big government", says Rudy, "has created a win/lose
'Big Brother' mentality that 'makes a killing' by creating and managing ultimate
scarcity via wars of all kinds.
What we're seeing is Patriarchal values on steroids; the logical conclusion of
left-brain reasoning at the core of scarcity economics creates a scarcity of
love behind warring for ownership and control of Earth's resources.
"Population control as the Machiavellian manipulation of society by an arrogant and self-aggrandizing elite has now become apparent to intelligent people worldwide. Political correctness in defense of win/lose Empire expansion of, by and for this self-serving elite has eclipsed win/win moral right of, by and for the people of Earth as a whole. And yet, without a clear vision for transitioning the core "unity fabric" of civilization, the self-sabotage cancer eating at that fabric remains entirely out of touch with the body politic as a healthy whole.
"A millennial
Golden Age on Earth", says Rudy, "follows from the
higher consciousness, holistic health, and abundant life in general that
HEARTware™ will generate." The question facing humanity
right now is simple he says; "Why should war, death and hell-on-earth
be more politically correct than the abundant life in light and love? It's
time to finish what our Founding Father's began with an electronic upgrade of
our horse-and-buggy legislative system for our global village. There's no
time or space with the instant everywhere Internet. The war on terror is
being used to divide and conquer the world; it's a war on freedom and
opportunity that creates walls in the mind, us vs. them, and replaces faith in a
God of Love with fear of enemies everywhere that Big Brother must protect us
Corporate training and infrastructure modeling is what Rudy intends with
seminars on his HEARTcom Services. The
results he expects by replicating HEARTware™ throughout the global telecomm
infrastructure will be the "Genesis Effect",
as in the Star Trek movie where Spock is brought back to life when a dead planet
is regenerated. Rudy’s network-centric "Angel Fund" incentive
plan will reward the first organizations the most that come on-line with his
customer-centric HEARTware™ interface. His goal is to take the Customer
Relationship Management industry to the next level as HEARTware™ provides a
definitive self-perfecting database model for culturing relationship capital.
Rudy’s view of global transformation through the Net is incisive: “With
all knowledge being accessed over the Net, the spirit of Freedom
(to know better) and Opportunity
(to do better) created the extraordinary abundance consciousness behind the revolution. Unfortunately, the abundance of knowledge-power hit
the wall of scarcity economics as old paradigm businesses such as Time-Warner
could not compute the e-valuation criteria needed to optimize the Net worth of
new paradigm companies like AOL.... like trying to fit round pegs into square
does not come from the extraction and concentration of wealth, but from its
widest possible distribution. True abundance means security, and that can only
come from an understanding that we have a common responsibility for each other
with the right to control our own destinies and resources in the spirit of 'one
for all and all for one'; this spirit
of caring and sharing is the core formula for security that has always been
compassion at the heart of higher
mental discernment of the selfless
serving nature of Higher Power.
"There's no security without this purity of a balanced "3-fold
flame" of Higher Power
through the Holy Spirit of
Greater LOVE-in-action at the heart of Higher
Consciousness. This is the
3-fold synergized nature of TRUE unity-oriented COMMUNICATIONS... and REAL (vs.
virtual or pseudo) COMMUNITY.
"All problems are basically come-into-UNITY problems at the heart of the "COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNITY" that shapes our lives. By resolving that cause-and-core problem with a TeLeCom process with a special LOVE TLC for harmonizing the 3-fold flame of self and civilization... the wholeness and healing of our planet will begin.
“As the tail
(scarcity's value) continues to ‘wag the dog’, undermining
the greater virtue of abundance values at a time in history when extraordinary
abundance is now possible, we will continue to see the unraveling of the
‘Golden Calf’ of Wall Street profits as a higher value than the Abundant
Life that the Golden Rule/Law Language would bring to the infrastructure of
civilization. The final fruits of scarcity economics are what we now see
with the creation and management of ultimate scarcity through deeply entrenched
old paradigm powerplays that profit from dis-ease, terror and endless war.
"What we are seeing is the consolidation of the global control of the
power elite while they ‘make a killing’ on their military-industrial stocks.
Peace, love and the well-being of good people worldwide are sacrificed on the
altar of “scarcity’s value” for the profit of a few.
“True representative government as championed by U.S. Founding Fathers
would today mean that ALL people in our global village have a voice in the
decisions that affect them, including economic decisions. An electronic
upgrade of our Bill or Rights requires what HEARTware™ now provides; real time
TeLeComm with a heart. The opposite of this natural evolution of global freedom
and opportunity is the global tyranny of ‘might makes right’ imposed by a
rich and powerful elite and their minions who profit from the dividing and
conquering of the world for their domination and exploitation.
“Enterprises and businesses must be rooted in TRUE (vs. pseudo)
communities that are defined and refined through REAL (vs. virtual)
communications. The genuine spirit of representative self government
demands implementation of LOVE-centric
communications at the heart of true abundance. This is the real antidote
to the despair that breeds terrorism, and the best means of assuring our global
security with hope, faith and charity as leads to a Golden Age.
"The bottom line",
says Rudy. "is that an
individual or civilization can rise no higher than their concept of ‘God is
Love, and is for giving’. There's no security without purity of intent
for greater LOVE-in-action
as the interactive interface for our global village. A miracle of global
salvation will follow the new LOVE-centric
rules for the Next Economy. With technology increasingly seen as part of
the problem used to leverage Orwellian slavery in the name of freedom, either
technology leaders work together to make HEARTware™
part of the solution as normalizes and harmonizes global inequities and
imbalances, or they can sooner or later expect the imbalances in the world to be
amplified and magnified by technology until global war destroys the very markets
they depend on; without high touch LOVE
at the heart of high tech, war rules. But given new HEARTware™
rules at the heart of high tech, LOVE
rules the Next Economy.
"Or as wise old Ben Franklin said at the beginning of the American Revolution against tyranny of the day, 'Either we all hang together or most assuredly, we will all hang separately.'
"May it begin with U.S.,
the United
of ."
Worldwide LOVE Foundation
all rights well-rounded
the heart
mind of
High Touch
of High Tech
With a Higher Understanding of LOVE
Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
Our God-given Gifts and Talents via
Net Standards
For a New Economy based on
LOVE-centric Net Worth.
Understanding the "Law of the Angles of G.O.D."
(Geometry Of Divinity)
That frames the "Language of the Angels of LOVE" (Spirit of the Law)
Positioning E-Valuation Criteria --
-- along more Enlightened Lines
- Networking
the Vision
of Spiritual
Virtues for the
Victory of Global and Local Civility
- Framing Personalized
from Cyberspace to Innerspace with HEARTware
- Centering & Connecting a Higher Standard of
at the Heart of Net Worth
- Involving & Evolving
Spherical~Spiritual "high
touch" TeLeComputing with a Heart
Seize the Vision (L),
Embrace the Virtue (O),
Make the Vow (V)
and Claim the Victory (E)
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love God with all your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
and your Netizen neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.