Reality Report on Global Systems Reboot
The Craziest ‘Not Normal’ Summer Ever!
the COVID-19 narrative collapses on all fronts
– except in the lamestream media –
some are still subservient to the Big
Lie that only
vaccines and drugs offer public health salvation.
Have you noticed yet that no one in Big Media is
talking about the critical role of a
strong immune
system in preventing and/or curing any
That discussion would naturally lead to the many
inexpensive health-optimizing food
that build one’s immunity and prevent disease.
But that would also prevent Big Pharma
why doctors aren’t taught anything about
nutrition in medical schools. No money in that.
Big Pharma deeply embedded in Big Media,
and with the revolving door between
Big Pharma
and Big Government, the common
sense worth a
pound of cure has been inverted,
subverted and
perverted by a trillion dollar
disease care industry
makes a killing creating and
treating disease
while programming us to equate cure with drugs.
Corporate profits at the expense of public health.
There are basically two choices for global humanity.
We can get our act together with an upward spiral
going 'viral' - excuse the pun - or by default we
can dicker and dally with divisive devolution
of civility, disintegrating into dystopia and
mass dying - the
6th Extinction Event -
including the perpetrators behind it.
How can there be holistic healing of core
social, political and economic
unless we collectively come out of denial
of the deeply entrenched special interests
that have a vested interest in the
and management of PUBLIC
to profit from the power elite
(Deep State)
as sinister-nefarious as that may sound.
Etched In Stone - In Our Face - Eugenics Agenda
the soil (terrain
of the host) is
~ Louis Pasteur (death bed confession), 1895
Dr. Young on the mythology of the germ theory
[Must watch for health pro's]
Truth-Teller of the Year!
June 24, 2020 / Vax Not
Dr Young explains with clarity what CoVID is.
Firstly, it's not a virus. Just about everything
we have been taught about viruses is
May 17, 2020 / Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD
Why It Is Impossible to Prove That
or Bacteria Cause Disease May 20, 2020 /
Dr. Tom Cowan, MD, says that scientists have never proved that
either viruses or bacteria cause disease, because they never
have been isolated and purified sufficiently to eliminate the
possibility that something else was the cause.
Even Louis Pasteur wrote in his diary
that he was unable to do this. Without proof,
the entire germ theory of infectious
disease is based on belief, not science.
[Note from CR: Modern drugs-per-symptom medicine is more like religious 'BS' (Belief System) than biologically correct science. The most dangerous cult in American is the medical monopoly of 'high priests' with their drug sacrements for whatever ails you. ~CR] |
we there yet?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete
when everything the public believes is false".
William Casey, Director of the CIA in his first
address to his staff in 1981.
Feb 27, 2020 / Good Morning America
Realities of facemasks in fight against coronavirus
July 1, 2020 / Amazing Polly
In this video I start off slow but pick up steam as I submit the evidence and examples. By comparing our situation to the study of torture & coercion on Prisoners of War, I believe it becomes clear that what we are being put through with the virus response is a near perfect parallel to the Amnesty International definition of torture & Bidermans 'Chart of Coercion.' |
Statistical data reveal a mathematical pattern that's stayed
consistent regardless of the interventions implemented. What we
have allowed to be done has no parallel in human history - and
the global population needs to see the plan for what it is.
This is a good time for
purging and cleansing
our 'BS' (Belief Systems), in a conscious way
to reflect our highest dreams and aspirations...
NOT our worst fears with subservient reaction
to the divisive Deep State dystopia dialectic.
US Coronavirus 'Outbreaks'
Spur Debate
Over Personal
Video / June 18, 2020 / CorbettReport
Second wave panic supposedly 'explodes' via
increased testing... with false positives.
German Official Leaks Report Denouncing
Excerpt: Germany's federal government and mainstream media are
engaged in damage control after a report that challenges the established
Corona narrative leaked from the interior ministry.
As it turns
out, even the fear-mongering CDC and UN World Health Organization are
now admitting that the health damage approximates a bad flu season.
We’ve been had folks.
"The CDC is nothing but a professional,
remember - 2020 was the Big Event in the high stakes political arena.
And if you don’t think COVID-19 is a political football, why have
Republican States opened up from draconian shut down… and why are
Democratic States still fearmongering their citizens with dire
predictions of a second wave that you can expect from the
MASS DIS-EASE caused by the
insane home quarantine that weakens the immune system, making many of us
sick with all the stress, lost income, uncertain future, sense of
helplessness, dependence on Big Government and Big Pharma, etc.
Emergency roo
You can be
sure that our feckless leaders will rationalize and justify their
extreme incompetence by doubling down on resistance to medical tyranny by
blaming it on the virus and pushing for more lockdown and vaccines… even
while the
Covid-19 narrative
is falling apart!
WHO Data Suggests It’s “Very Rare”
New statements from the World Health
Organization admit what many censored scientists kept saying, that this
virus does not spread as easily as was assumed.
Mark my words – the second wave of illness that is BLAMED on COVID-19
will be those with pre-existing conditions who ‘break down’ physically
if not mentally from the onslaught of stress CAUSED by political
alarmists who should NOT be running their States into the ground.
Must Watch:
Journalist Goes Off On California
"It's All Bulls**t" - Three Leaks That
In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown
the "official line" on coronavirus does not hold water.
It’s truly
ironic that so many power elite potentates are acting like ethical
infants in the face of facts that are now self evident to anyone who is
paying attention with critical thinking skills – once called common
sense - UNLESS they are already emotionally, mentally and physically
sick from all the puffed-up, health-righteous pontificators who just
care so much for our health that they have ruined our economy as
non-essential for the public-at-large. This is a battle for the soul of America. "The
future of humanity will be
If ever there was an URGENT time
Excerpt from Chuck Baldwin’s
What we do know is that all of this
fearmongering has worked brilliantly. As Edmund Burke opined, "No
passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and
reasoning as fear." |
We must hold the middle ground
the balanced middle way
(power of wise love)
or an extremist agenda of the
communist-Marxist far left and
the capitalist-fascist far right
will demand systemic
- as though saving us -
with less freedom in the middle
and extremist
polarized control;
classic divide-to-conquer tactic.
The dark-side Deep State is trying to slow down,
hinder or otherwise sabotage 'mass awakening'
to an enlightened High State - Aquarian
Spring -
as will naturally neutralize mass negativity which
is programmed incessantly in lamestream media
as if that
were the ‘new normal’ to keep the public
in cognitive dissonance,
dis-ease & dysfunction.
(So we don’t wake up, wise up and rise).
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be
led to safety) by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them
H. L. Mencken
An economics of
abundance will transcend the
disintegrating economics of scarcity as tries
conceal, waste and destroy
abundance in order
to maintain the oxymoronic 'value
of scarcity'
that wants to keep prices, profit &
control high
to benefit the corporatocracy
at the expense of
public health freedom and optimization globally.
Abundant Freedom and
is the Aquarian Mandate.
Abundant Conscience – with a capital ‘C’
is conscious of HOW we are conscious;
real time representation of our
and collective consciousness… as
is now
feasible with a universal
- Web 3.0 Heartware
CyberEthics -
global revolution via
5D Revelations
upgrade of
Five Core Net Freedoms.
Are you ready for the Evolution
Have you had enough of the burnings and
lootings, and destruction of
Isn’t that what
happened in Mao’s Cultural
Revolution that ended up killing
Why can’t our leaders not just condemn
social violence but also enforce order?
Or have the elite allowed this chaos so
they can ‘save us’ with their
solution via
nano-chipped, gene-modified humans
who buy and sell via
of the beast’?
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom
must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, No. 4, 1777
Since nothing is more
valuable than freedom
for personal & planetary conscious evolution,
claim the victory,
Spring, via abundant
vision of virtue and valor for the
The Power of Love
is a Higher Power with
the Holy Spirit of
known as the 'violet flame'.
Or as the Aquarian Master, Saint
Germain says:
"I say this IS the time of the
Great Awakening.
It has been prophesied long ago. And it is
manifesting now through many who are
calling to task those of the darkness who
promalgate their wares through media,
through all manner of shennanigans."
~ Saint Germain at 4:50 min
of a TLC-in-action
will naturally matriculate the 3D matrix for a
global rEVOLUTION of abundance all ways:
Abundant clean-free energy technology.
Abundant quantum energy healing tech
with holistic health assurance policies.
Abundant conscience in social networks
with interactive
This is the 2020s Global
of, by and for Global rEVOLUTION.
So let's
celebrate the Spirit of 1776
with Voices of the Revolution:
"Such is
the irresistible nature of
that all it asks, and all it wants,
is the liberty of appearing."
~ Thomas Paine
"The issue today is the same as it has been
throughout all history - whether man
shall be allowed to govern himself
be ruled by a small elite."
Thomas Jefferson
"Governments arise either out of the people
or over the people."
~ Thomas Paine,
"The Rights of Man", 1791
“Tyranny, like hell, is
not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us that
the harder the conflict, the more
the triumph.”
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility
against every form of tyranny over the mind of
~ Thomas Jefferson
(Engraved in stone on the Jefferson Memorial)
“The cause of America is in a great
the cause of all mankind. We have it in our
power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas
Paine, Common Sense, 1776
The High State of Spiritual
as we culture social Conscience
in our global social networks.
It's all in divine order. The 'illusion'
is the problem:)
It's ego that sustains the Deep
State of separation,
the soul that knows better,
and our divine intention
that focuses attention
with love's retention for our
ascension in co-Creation dimensions
As I’ve been saying since the
1976 Bicentennial,
there is a way to celebrate a new American
WORLDWIDE… for all
‘US’ as United
Sovereigns of Earth.
Deep State demise precedes a High State
of social conscience in our social networks.
The Deep State is
counting on enough
fear-mongering for the psychology
of subservience to tyranny.
The High State, as Gandhi would say,
has already claimed the victory of
faith in the Power of Love:
“Power is of
two kinds. One is obtained by fear
of punishment and the other by acts of love.
Power based on love is a thousand times more
effective and permanent than power
from fear of punishment.”
~ Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi, leader of India’s
independence from the same Deep State
empire that subjugated Americans
in 1776 as they do in 2020.
(different corporatocracy oligarchies
but same divide-to-conquer BS)
See what 'Open Source' leader and
'Founding Father'
Robert David Steele has to say about Web 3.0
in an interview with George Webb.
More on Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics HERE.
and Make it So!
June 30, 2020 /
The collaboration between
the sun and us is a mystical union of light which is the alchemical key
to the victory of our ascension. When we say
"I Am the Light of the World",
the Christ is centered within us, radiating the light of the sun. Parma
Sambhava's teaching was released on June 30, 2020, through David
Christopher Lewis, spiritual teacher and author. Join heartfriends
around the world in Aquarian prayer and meditation, services,
conferences, pilgrimages, and Meru University spiritual courses.
- Geometric
framing the order of the universe
pure geometry thought-forms
for full spectrum TeLeCommunion:
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Advanced holistic modalities
for personal/collective health