Table of Contents:
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Chapter 8
Global Enlightenment Shift Update
The light switch for global enlightenment
is being
turned on like a rheostat slid bar.
As the light increases in social
the shadows are coming into sharp focus.
The dawn of the Aquarian Age is
thus an
exposure of the dark side via more light.
The nightmare
we see in the world with
social, political and economic instability
is coming to
a head with the quickening
of our
collective consciousness due to a
systemic frequency
shift in the quantum
field regulating Earth’s heartbeat. This is
Schumann Resonance as corresponds
to our human brain wave
work on the same frequencies.” ~
Nikola Tesla
by Christopher Rudy,
Host of Cosmic
Here’s an update on the systemic frequency shift The frequency shift that is now morphing the energy grids of Earth is an increase in the Schumann Resonance ‘heartbeat’ of Earth from its historical norm of 7.8 Hz to above 11.3 Hz, and it's important to understand that our brain waves adapt to match the corresponding Schumann Resonance.
As the ‘heartbeat’ of Earth increases, so does the ‘set point’ of human consciousness in resonance with morphic energies which are rising to the higher Alpha wave range of frequencies that ultimately represent hemispheric balance through heart coherence in both hemispheres of the Earth – East and West – setting the synchronous morphic matrix for coherent hearts and minds worldwide.
seeing a shift in frequencies
of Earth and consciousness... a global shift 'reset'
of the world’s currencies and financial order... an Internet shift to instant-everywhere-interactive Net reality... a profound shift from
Internet cyberspace to InnerNet innerspace... and an unprecedented
upgrade of knowledge power, wisdom and opportunity to raise the standard of civility,
health and prosperity for all of “US”
United Sovereigns
of Earth. The MegaShift Megatrends Converging Now
quickening of conscientious common sense in
new unity in our diversity may be disruptive to the
Something BIG is about to happen globally, and it
The rapid global transformation of Net reality for billions of global
Netizens at this time is because the decentralized Internet coresponds
to a global 'mind field' that represents
the all-connected quantum source field - the
'InnerNet Source' of 'common sense' as
Just as the technology of the printing press took humanity beyond the
'Dark Ages' - empowering the 'Enlightenment Age’ and ‘Reformation’ - so has the modern
Internet 'printing press’
likewise liberated global enlightenment for reforming dysfunctional social
institutions with a golden age foundation.
Prelude to
a global golden age – 3 integrated
‘Re-Formation’ –
Emerging Blueprint; Telecomm ‘Re-Invention’ – Web 3.0 CyberEthics;
These are the blue, yellow and pink coordinates for the enlightened POWER of WISDOM with LOVE that corresponds to first principles of frequency shift dynamics as resonate in the energy grids of Earth and human consciousness according to natural law and the universal language of 'light-as-consciousness'.
The 3-fold co-Operative
Operative pure intention
focuses creative attention
This up-wising and up-rising of the New Enlightenment compels another
re-formation of
civilization. But this time it’s a global affair on a scale like ten
Enlightenments and Reformations rolled into one.
This systemic shift in global social, political and economic
infrastructure is bigger than HUGE. The implications for humanity’s
conscious evolution revelations are PROFOUND. And the emerging vision of
abundant social conscience at the heart of a global golden age is
“Our minds will unite like the fragments of a hologram.” In the larger scheme of the Aquarian Continuum, mankind will mature as kind men and women who will look back at this time of global enlightenment as the end of the ‘Dark Age’ when a relative few power-elite potentates tried to privatize the public sphere and Internet commons for their self-serving profit and control OVER the public rather than of, by and for 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.
In the meantime, there are millions of people in America who live in a
media bubble of mass illusion that is programmed by unabashed propaganda
in the highly centralized corporate media cartel monopoly that controls
about 95% of the media spectrum – except for the Internet – which the
cabal of
corporatocracy wants to control for full spectrum dominance of the
hearts, minds and resources of global humanity.
Most American don’t think of the Internet as the genesis of the ‘global
mind’ of billions of Netizens who are connecting with our new
instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities. But this is
our new Net reality, and a new social conscience is emerging in our new
global social networks. Facebook alone has 1.71 BILLION members
The Internet is a highly decentralized interactive medium that
represents the “grass roots” (Net roots) of global humanity. But the
corporate media cartel is a highly centralized one-way programming
medium in collusion with an even larger monopoly of the medical,
marketing and military-industrial complex sometimes called the ’matrix’
or ‘cabal’ of the
that is run by the oligarchy hierarchy of globalist trillionaires and
their billionaire sycophants.
The hierarchy of this corporatocracy is an anti-democracy plutocracy. A
few trillionaires own and control corporate media that propagates the
illusion of free-will choice with fair elections for humanity. But the
elections are rigged to favor the candidate who best serves the
plutocrats who pay off the secretive companies that count the votes.
The 2016 presidential election 'circus' is prime example of the
illusion of choice exposed by the massive leaks of hacked emails
proving that the Democratic National Committee rigged the primaries so
that Bernie Sanders would lose.
Some say that this disclosure marks the end of democratic government as
we’ve known it. But more accurately, it’s the beginning of the end of
the corrupt corporatocracy cabal as we’ve known it.
The Internet wants to liberate the global mind, but corporatocracy wants
to control it with deception and destruction of fair and open elections. The Internet wants a level playing field - Net neutrality with full spectrum truth - but corporate media wants top-down manipulation of the global mind with their narrative of truth.
The Internet wants a global upgrade of core
freedoms, but the control matrix of the military-media-medical
and market monopoly wants to dictate policies for profit and power.
The Internet wants sovereignty of, by and for ALL people – the global
Netizens of Earth – but the corporatocracy wants power and control OVER
our human and physical resources.
So this is a global freedom versus tyranny issue.
The freedom agenda is love-based and positively motivated,
culturing civility with conscientious common sense. But the tyranny agenda is fear-based and stuck in negativity,
creating and managing tyranny with terror tactics.
The negative agenda sees the problem with the Internet
that is eroding their power to rig everything for their profit and
As thus is the Family of Mankind on the threshold of
We’re on the cusp of the millennial Aquarian Age of freedom-in-
Global economic reset will only succeed to the extent The Internet has fulfilled revelations of ancient scripture that prophesied the ‘thinning of the veil’ of illusion. Now is that time long foretold. As we move through the ‘Apocalypse’ (which means
‘the unveiling’ in ancient
Greek), new revelations of Earth’s history and
present are unveiled. And as we awaken out of illusion, it becomes clear that some media outlets are programming
some obvious deception while social networks are enlightening and
reforming society with a new ‘common sense’ of global interactive unity
in diversity.
This article is
testament to our new Net reality. Internet knowledge power has awakened the global mind
with new freedom and opportunity to
know better and do better.
And as the frequency grid of Earth and human consciousness recalibrates
with the
surge in the Source Field
at this ordained time, there’s nothing more valuable than the vision of
virtue and valor for the victory of a golden age for humanity.
As global humanity wakes up to the opportunity now, there is naturally a
wising up and rising up to those first principles of light and love as
universal law and language governing conscious evolutionary ascent both
individually and collectively.
This is a global shift in how we all see the world.
It’s a propitious time for inspiration and upward-mobile aspiration to
conceive and believe what a golden age can achieve. Above all, keep in mind the prime directive for civilization, and that the gold standard for a golden age is the currency of conscience as reflection and correction for perfection of direction. With the Internet, that translates to a collection of perception for introspection - the heartware interface for mass-to-mass interaction as represents collective volition of coherent hearts and congrurent minds that 'vote' their conscience.
This conscience currency is qualified by the frequency of heart
coherence - the
holy spirit
as the
power of love
at the
of interactive mass-to-mass
This currency is the
factor at the heart of
This is the currency for valuation of
'conscience' not as a
commodity of things or people but rather the first principle of ethics –
a moral compass – for reflecting, correcting and directing conscientious common sense in our
Internet commons.
As a worldwide web of social conscience emerges in our new global social
networks, this is naturally a challenge for the unconscionable policies
of a global economic infrastructure that still rewards the plunder of
global populations for a corrupt corporatocracy that
profits from war, disease and desecration of Earth.
predatory policies are an affront to conscience.
Heaven knows how important it is to focus on an economics of abundance
cultured by
conscience currency
in our
global social networks. Or as the chief architect of the U.S. Constitution said, "Conscience is the most sacred of all property." ~ James Madison, 4th U.S. President The more things change at the dawn of the Aquarian Age, the more we need to refresh our conscience with those first principles that frame the Constitution of Conscience.
Universal sovereign
So here’s to a global revolution in higher 'Conscience' with a capital 'C'
as in SEE how the gold standard of conscious light and coherent love can
liberate enlightenment at the interactive
web 3.0
of social
conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
Hold fast to this vision of global enlightenment in good
Conscience. See the opportunity for a
beautiful world emerging. Realize (real eyes) that it’s up to us to
create beautiful new society with beautiful works of art and music and
communication tools and processes for culturing enlightened social
conscience in our new instant-everywhere and interactive social
networks. This shift to golden age forward thinking is a challenge for the retro status quo mindset that resists and resents any change from the paradigm paralysis that does what it has always done, yet expects different results - a good definition for insanity as seen in the creation of war and disease for power and profit. Much of the cognitive dissonance in mass media is actually programming designed to confuse us - and divide us - to keep us from uniting with common cause in our new Internet commons.
Indeed, a ‘global mind’ is emerging on Earth, and that mind needs a
heart just as surely as the Family of Mankind wants kindness as the meme
and method to our happiness. The #1 crisis in the world is a ‘crisis of conscience':
terror war for military-industrial profits
The disease-profiteering of the medical-industrial complex
And mind control propaganda in the monopoly media
This is the ‘bad fruit’ of the old paradigm of scarcity economics that
has created a scarcity of truth, health, peace and prosperity for 99% of
humanity. That’s why the shift to a new paradigm of abundant
is so compelling. Only the rule of love will end the terror and tyranny by power elite
potentates who are ethical infants.
We can look around and see what’s wrong with a lot of analytical cussing
and discussing of why things went wrong, or how they’ve gotten worse or
what dire things will come if things keep getting worse according to
this negative way of seeing things…
or we can predict the future by
creating it, seeing the extraordinary capabilities of new
technologies for liberating an unprecedented abundance of conscience
currency through Global
Such a global ‘TLC
Culture’ could go mainstream worldwide very quickly with current
Internet capabilities. The vision alone of HOW to mainstream
Conscience is destined to fulfill the
Aquarian Mandate
as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As I explain at
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age,
the universal language of ‘light-as-consciousness’ and
It’s not rocket science – it’s quantum reality whereby the way we look
at the future is the way we create it. Full disclosure of extremely advanced technology with unprecedented ABUNDANCE capabilities is going mainstream via the Internet. Full disclosure has reached critical mass in the global mind.
"The cause of
Now the Spirit of '76' is going global for rEVOLUTION
This is the ordained time for mass awakening to
Global Enlightenment with
Web 3.0
This ‘spark’ of global enlightenment is The systemic global enlightenment with our new Net reality is like opening Pandora's Box of TRUTH about everything from UFO's and the secret space program to long-suppressed technologies of 'free energy' and quantum healing. Full disclosure 'side-effects' will only be mitigated to the extent that global humanity understands and agrees to some 'game rules' regarding cosmic-universal 'Law and Order'.
Culturing the Light of Aquarian
This may cause disruption of corruption that has long governed scarcity
economics, but abundant conscience compels global civilization to get
our act together for ALL of
of Earth.
This is the Aquarian future for global humanity - an opportunity
to create the world we all want. We have the capability to create a
beautiful world with clean, free-energy power generation, global
learning networks via satellite, holistic healing networks with
and a space-age upgrade of our horse-and-buggy representation systems
with Global
TeLeComm. This is the next phase of the computer/Internet revolution that brings heart coherence to the equation of global mind congruence – 'unity conscience' as an upgraded 'common sense' in our Net reality.
Some of you listening to this won’t believe it until you see it. But if
you can’t believe in golden age principles and processes for creating
it… how
could you see it?
This is the CHOICE that global humanity faces.
We have the opportunity to culture the power of wisdom with love at the
heart of our global social networks… sooner rather than later.
Our new Net reality with billions of Netizens worldwide is now aware of
a systemic shift from Western dominant geopolitics to a more nonlinear
right-brain model that represents more heart in the global
holodeck with
rise of the
divine feminine
as principle and process.
The principle of the
divine feminine
is about creating life and nurturing life to sustain optimal living.
It’s about cooperation more than competition, unity more than division
and love more than fear.
Time is of the essence. Get a grip on a future we can all believe in.
Sieze the vision of Global
to claim the victory of
for self-governing
and self-determination with ethical
– the Next Economy.
In our heart of hearts, we all know that 'Great Love' heals all. So Keep
the Faith, See the Good and |
Full Spectrum
“This is that moment when in the proliferation of uncertainty
and the proliferation of chaos, we are ready to take
the next quantum leap in our evolution.”
~ Deepak Chopra
For those
Initiates, Lightworkers & makers
who have awakened with discernment of
energy as
- and exercise this ‘knowing’ frequently
compare the ‘vibration’
and prescient message in the
two videos published recently:
Voice of the I AM /
Published Aug 22, 2016
(14 min
video, recorded at Mount Shasta)
Council of Light Speaks / Published Aug 21, 2016
(105 min
video via
Center in the heart of your heart
Here's to the inspired order now emerging as the
All Ways
CopyRound © 2016, Heartcom
All Rights Well-Rounded
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