I hope everyone had
a great Easter, connecting with family and friends on the phone or
Internet. Christic love never gets old as the best antidote for mass
fear and anxiety in the Family of Mankind. And Easter resurrection
themes hopefully prick our conscience to remember the spirit that
matters for evolutionary ascent.
To say that global civilization is going through systemic social, political and economic RESET may sound simplistic, yet may prove an understatement. This is THE EVENT we've been waiting for. I've been calling it Aquarian Spring - the decade of the 2020s that initiates the Aquarian Age.
It may be much different than
yet better than you had ever hoped for. Behind the mass media cover story of the 'virus', huge organizational infrastructure developments will be morphing the matrix of our 'global village' of instant-everywhere & interactive TeLeComm; an exquisite metaphor for unity consciousness.
Free energy technology will be replacing Big
Oil and the petro-dollar via blockchain currencies of exchange. Quantum
healing technology will be replacing Big Pharma's domination of media,
medicine and government policy. And quantum computers will be replacing
knowledge tools as we have known them.
As quantum physics
has revealed,
our act of observing the universe influences the universe we observe; our act of observation is co-creative.
They will be calling
the Aquarian Age the Quantum Age. And what is healthy in the quantum
field will have greater sanctity as the holistic and holy spirit that
matters on Earth as in Cosmos.
Quantum reality is the self-evident truth that the choice and responsibility are truly ours regarding how things turn out. ![]() As quantum physics points out, the best way to predict a healthy public future is to consciously co-create it with individual-collective collaboration and coordination of cooperative communication that cultures social conscience in our ubiquitous social network communities - the TeLeComm-TeLeCare model. HOW we get there during Aquarian Spring is the HUGE elephant in the room that very few people notice is even here. It's as though the wool has been pulled over our TLC vision. ![]() But the veil is lifting. People ARE waking up, wising up and rising up THANKS to brilliant new videos like this one just published this week; 8 million views already. This one is a MUST WATCH for spiritual initiates who think for themselves:
April 10, 2020 This 'Out Of The Shadows' documentary lifts the mask on how mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda in their content. This is the 'war on truth' we face now.
Personally, as a
I've been suffering a little burn-out from tending this 'patient' -
the collective consciousness yearning to breath free from unabashed
fear porn in the fakestream media. This has created a lot of public
- an existential crisis - for billions of Netizens worldwide.
Mental distress from fear of the unknown narrows one's mind-set with the inability to process new information of an in-depth nature. That's the definition of both 'executive burnout' and 'paradigm paralysis'... also known as 'stinking thinking'. This is what happens when discernment of a holistic nature - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical - gets fragmented, overspecialized and under-adaptable to heart coherence that centers and connects mind congruence amidst mass awakening disruptions of 'normal'. I discussed this in my 'Easter 2020' compendium, but it's a much better read now - upgraded with numerous edits, infographics and videos since Easter. Did you see what Jesus had to say on Easter? That was one of the new videos added the next day. Those who know my publishing routine are aware that I typically incorporate upgrade feedback from readers - and trusted news sources - into new compendiums over several days, before putting them to 'bed' in the Internet's own version of the Akashic Records. Hopefully, you had a good laugh with my Easter egghead selfie from 1976. I was a 'superhero' in my own mind - the hero's journey - long before I was the host of Cosmic ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I apologize for my awkward performance the first part of Saturday's Cosmic LOVE Show on the Eve of Easter. I was so exhausted prepping the Easter 2020 compendium that I took a 'power nap' 2 hours before the show; but instead of waking up 15 minutes later as usual, I was awakened by the studio calling to patch me in. Showtime! But a little groggy at first.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Easter 2020 ~ Global Resurrection from inordinate fear to Aquarian love Conditional Easter Quarantine Moritorium April 1, 2020 The Big 'EVENT' - Mass Awakening: A Free Home Study Course April 4, 2020 We Are ALL Homeschoolers Now April 7, 2020 / Full Moon in Libra ~~~~~~~~~ REALITY REPORT - PART TWO Old Paradigm of Normal Is Disintegrating
The stock market has plunged further
faster than it did in the Great 1929 Crash. Trillions of dollars in wealth have vanished. Unemployment is skyrocketing nationwide. The stress of all this is causing FAR MORE DIS-EASE than the flu bug going around.
to Benjamin Fulford on April 13th,
"Planet Earth
is in the middle of a Slave Revolt!
We are living through times that will be written about thousands
of years from now. We are
witnessing the overthrow of an ancient control system involving
murder, lies, and bribery. The
inbred family group controlling this system of Babylonian debt
slavery is called the Khazarian Mafia
or more simply
the Cabal. The epicenter of this revolt is the United States."
In the famous prophecies of Dannion
Brinkley from
his book, 'Saved By The Light' (movie version), one of the messages from the Masters is: "The battle for the future of humanity will be fought in health care". That prophecy always seemed obtuse to me until the global COVID-19 panic attack and lock down of Americans in their own homes. EXCLUSIVE - TRUTH BOMB EXPLODES! Dr Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, and EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers as the Economy Collapses: April 16, 2020 / Bitchute video 5 million views in 4 days on YouTube before they shut it down For a synopis of criminality involved, see this powerful 4 minute video: Medical Tyranny 2020 April 10, 2020 Connect the dots - follow the money. Boom! Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigating his $3.7 Million Obama Era Grant to Wuhan Lab!!! April 18, 2020 / The Next News Network This is a synopsis of part of the 48 min 'Truth Bomb' above.
Historically - TO DO NO HARM - you
NEVER quarantine healthy people. That ALWAYS causes more harm to
In Florida, the State receives
$132,000 for each reported case of corona. In Nebraska, Minnesota
and Montana, the State receives over $300,000 for each reported case
of corona. The difference in the amounts received is based on some
weird government bureaucrat-created voodoo Medicare formula. The
point is, hospitals are being financially rewarded for identifying
people as contracting or dying from coronavirus -
whether they actually contracted the virus
or not.The difference now - that few seem to wrap their head around - is that this 'plandemic' was planned. It's a huge power-grab scam - a false flag psy-op cover story - with federal payoff to States of as much as $300,000 per person for each reported case of COVID-19! Read for yourself at this excellent article: By now, most thinking people realize that the numbers of people being infected and killed by the coronavirus - as told by front men for the Pharma-Media 'Complex' (Cabal) - are grossly exaggerated.
Dr. Scott
Jensen, a Minnesota
physician and Republican state senator said he received a 7-page
document coaching him to fill out death certificates with a
COVID-19 diagnosis
a lab test to confirm the patient actually had the virus.
Hospitals are being PAID by Fed-Gov to FALSIFY THE NUMBERS!
The Fraudulent COVID-19
Fatality Timeline:
From 40 Million, to 2 Million, to 200,000, to 81,766. to 60,415 Deaths April 8, 2020 / TheGatewayPundit.com
The numbers are fraudulent. The fake
news fear porn is excessive. And the global economic shutdown is
than the coronavirus.
Dr. Lorraine Day, MD, trauma surgeon:
"The coronavirus pandemic is a HOAX. Never in the history of the world have they quarantined well people." April 15, 2020 / TheRealistReport.com This is an enlightening Reality Report by a 50-year veteran of the MEDICAL WARS with inside info on WHY we are lied to, and WHO behind it. Note: When Lorraine talks about 'Jews', she is referring to Political Zionists. Not all Jews are Zionists. ~CR
Here in
Montana, lockdown continues and unemployment is SKYROCKETING
while hospital beds are empty and two thirds of the counties in
the state have only one or zero coronavirus patients.
If you don't see how the Big Media and Big Pharma are colluding with Big Government for domestic terror to push their agenda of medical tyranny... then you haven't been paying attention, or just don't want to 'go there'.
Elizabeth Clare Prophet was another
messenger of the Masters who privately told some close friends
that the most dangerous cult in America was the high priests of
medicine with their drug sacrements.
Imagine that there is a brilliant
- the guy who actually invented e-mail - who is running for Senate while exposing massive collusion of Deep State Fed-Gov agencies fronting for Big Pharma interests with trillions of dollars of profit at stake. If you watch the April 4, 2020 video by Dr. Shiva, PhD HERE, you will get his brilliant story behind the 'scamdemic' that ignores the immune system while weakening it with drug side-effects. ~~~~~~~~~ REALITY REPORT - PART THREE New Paradigm of Normal is Integrating. As Light Surges, Darkness Purges.
actors will see this crisis as an
extraordinary opportunity to reset this stumbling block into a stepping stone for global freedom and holistic healing via Global TeLeComm and TeLeCare. Aquarian Spring will mature with a High State of TLC-in-action that transcends the Deep State's vested interest in power to PROFIT from disease - not PREVENT those profits by preventing disease. That conflict with TLC interest is pathological. The sooner we reboot global civility with TeLeComm and TeLeCare, the sooner that Aquarian Spring goes mainstream with the Creative Ascent Process (CAPstone), for the VISION of Effective Sensory Perception via the 1st principles of Cosmic Law of the Angles and Language of the Angels. You know - the Aquarian Mandate. More ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This is the self-correcting, upward-mobile spirit that matters to get past the past broken record of doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.
Good definition of the
Global Reset PROBLEM
is the prelude to a Global Reset SOLUTION. Is it true that public health has been privatized by the State for profit and population control?
The Global Debt Crisis and the
Privatization of the State April 17, 2020 / GlobalResearch.ca By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Has the Pandemic Been Used to Precipitate the World into a Spiral of Mass Unemployment, Bankruptcy and Despair on Purpose?
Are you aware how this has
and desperation as the plan and intent of globalist social
What Happens When People Realize It? [Watch this before it's taken down] April 16, 2020 / World Alternative Media
Would you
agree that
quantum healing breakthroughs and
TeLeCare could quickly provide free, online, universal self
care for everyone on Earth?
Who wouldn't want that! Who profits from disease and population reduction? Who funds the CDC, the World Health Organization, a mandatory vaccine agenda and a mandatory microchip implant?
The Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated more than $21 million
towards developing a vaccine technology that uses a tattoo-like
mechanism which injects invisible nanoparticles under the skin
that is now being tested in a vaccine against the virus that
supposedly causes COVID-19.
Bill Gates is a business man. He's not a politician, not a doctor, not a virologist, nor an epidemiologist, not a scientist, and he's not even a populist. In fact, he's been on record for years talking about the need to reduce the global population through vaccine programs. As a business man, Gates has done a great public relations job of presenting himself as a philanthropist, but his vaccine business has a deadly conflict of interest with philanthropy.
Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls
for Investigation
For over twenty years Bill Gates and
his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
have been vaccinating children by the millions in remote areas
of poor countries, mostly Africa and Asia. Most of their
vaccination program had disastrous results, causing the very
illness (polio, for example in India) and sterilizing young
women (Kenya, with modified tetanus vaccines). Many of the
children died. Many of the programs were carried out with the
backing of the WHO and the UN Agency responsible for protecting
children, UNICEF.of Bill Gates and the Depopulation Agenda. April 18, 2020 / GlobalResearch.us Gates is widely known as a self-professed eugenicist - a person who advocates, "improving", the genetic makeup of humans. The Nazis brought the whole notion into disfavor after executing all undesirables and promoting the Aryan Race during WWII. But many people still believe in the concept, and one of those people appears to be Bill Gates. For example, Gates provided vaccines to Africa that had ingredients which caused mass sterilization. Gates is also 'credited', with a polio vaccine he brought to India that paralyzed 490,000 children who received them. There is growing suspicions that what happened in Africa and India were not just coincidence or bad luck. Gates has committed billions of dollars to vaccine development worldwide, and he is pushing politicians to promote mandatory vaccines with a tracking system that plugs you into the 5G-AI matrix. Since's Gates' Microsoft is the predominant computer code used by the military-security complex... you can see where this is going.
Artificial Intelligence - devoid of
conscience -
is a 'DUH' attack on our global humanity; Dense, Unconscious & Heartless. April 16, 2020 / Nicholson1968 This is the personal and collective war on the health and safety of global Netizens. This is the AI agenda of transhumanism with high tech subversion of soul intent. This is the Big Lie that is destroying public freedom in the name of safety and health. Or to paraphrase wise old Benjamin Franklin: "He who gives up health freedom for safety deserves neither health nor freedom." How 5G alters blood cell permeability, amplifying coronavirus fatalities April 15, 2020 / Mike Adams / Pandemic.news
Verizon will meet its target of
bringing 5G service to 60 cities by year's end,
even in markets
that are in lockdown,
and is boosting capacity in legacy 5G markets, the carrier's
Heidi Hemmer says.
irradiating the population
If I was one of those conspiracy theory nut jobs, I might be so
skeptical of this fear-mongering plandemic as to consider that
part of the plan for ongoing domestic terror and 'stay at home'
orders is to get 5G installed in hospitals, schools and other
high-profile public spaces while there's no one around to
witness it happening.with 5G is an essential service that we cannot do without. March 18, 2020 / StarsNotFar432 From an insane 'profits before people' perspective of the Cabal - the eugenics rationalization that values public control more than public health - this is a BIG win/win/win for Big Tech, Big Pharma and Orwellian Big Government. 5G is being pushed relentlessly with no prior health and environmental impact assessment, ignoring safe and reliable fibre connections, and without our informed consent. Like vaccines, 5G radiation has NEVER been proven safe. No REAL science can deny the biological side-effects. No REAL justice can ignore that this is doing HARM to humans. Vaccines are so dangerous that our corporate-bribed congress critters have actually passed laws to indemnify Big Pharma so they can't be sued for killing people with their vaccines. Indeed, the Big Pharma lobby is twice as big as the Big Oil and Military-Industrial lobbies combined. Six of the top ten most profitable Wall Street companies are Big Pharma companies... and joined at the hip with Big Media programmers of vaccines and drugs for whatever ails you. Secret vaccine courts have been set up to pay damages.
The Vaccine Court was created
following the passing of 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury
Act, whereby the US federal government absolved vaccine
manufacturers of ALL liability arising from injury or death due
to vaccination. Since drug companies can't be sued if vaccines
harm or kill someone in the US, this Vaccine Court was
established to address the damages.
It's called 'paying off the victims' with a non-disclosure agreement that hushes up the CONTINUED damage from vaccines that create myriad diseases worth trillions of dollars to Big Pharma pill pushers.
Do you see the conflict of interest
Vaccines and
5G are literally
making a killing with
Big Money at stake for Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the "Big Cabal" (corporatocracy).
The Nazi-style 'Big Lie' has become so BIG and so bold and so often told that many people believe what is repeated incessantly in fakestream media. This is the same mass mind-control technique used by Hitler. Plus we see that Soviet-style central planning has hijacked State sovereignty.
Do this 8 minute walkabout with James Corbett
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of this pandemic
panic to one striking at the root. Join James Corbett on the
streets of Japan as he strikes at the root of the pandemic
problem that we are being presented with.to get a brilliant perspective on the EVENT that no one is talking about: April 16, 2020 / EarthNewsPaper.com While the economy is being destroyed with far worse repercussions on public health than a virus, Montana Senator Steve Daines is pushing the Big Pharma agenda of 'preventing' coronavirus with vaccines which is INSANE as documented via numerous videos and articles HERE. Someone tell me how much Big Pharma donated to Steve's re-election campaign. We are headed for a 'Hunger Games' world if we don't turn things around. That's what the HOME LOCKDOWN event has shown people worldwide. The collective fear and anxiety is palpable to any sensitive soul. Of course, global TeLeComm and TeLeCare could turn things around very fast, but that may be a later chapter in Aquarian Spring. Our representatives won't see the light until they feel the heat of public outrage over more HARM from medical tyranny than from the flu that has fizzled out in 'fly-over' America. In the meantime, Bill Gates should never be allowed within 2000 miles of a lab developing vaccinations of any kind. Like his Nazi brethren, Gates has aligned with the Deep State of Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech and Big Government. If Trump is actually fighting this Cabal, he has his hands full. If Trump IS the Cabal - as some people think - then our prayers to a Higher Power should be even more fervent. Is it true that there is an 'Alliance' of 'White Hats' globally who are now - behind the scenes - taking down the Cabal? Are you aware that this is a 'Do-or-Die' battle for the Republic and Alliance of alliances on the InterNetwork of social networks?
Would you agree that our best defense
is a good offense by exposing the Big Lie of vaccine pharmacide "for our health and safety".
Folks, six weeks ago I reported that
this plandemic was a hoax. The fear was peaking then, along with
fear's ugly step-sisters of anger and anxiety. I got a lot of
backlash from this flu fear foe. But there's a lot more people
waking up since then.
Can you hear me now?
Do you see the hoax? Ready for some TLC?
With the moon passing over the
Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn alignment and then Mars over this last
week, there's been a lot of intense energy in the ocean of
quantum actuality that we filter and subjugate as 'reality'.
ORDAINED FOR THIS TIME. And it's ALL in divine order. Dis-ease is purging. Whol ![]()
The energies are lightening up this
weekend with the Moon now in Pisces, conjuncting Neptune which
is exalted in Pisces with a very deep and mystical energy of
universal love. So enjoy the cosmic weather:)
BE the
you want to SEE.
Dare to Care and Share. All Ways ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() - Geometric Ordered Divinity - framing the order of the universe via pure geometry thought-forms for full spectrum TeLeCommunion: TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity, TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and NEXT economy - TeLeCommerce. If we aren't investing our co-creation energies in ways for us to wake up, heal and evolve, then what are we believing, thinking and doing with our co-creation energies? |
with full spectrum holistic health:
Advanced holistic modalities
for personal/collective health