And this sector of the Galaxy
Nov 30, 2024 / New Moon in Sagittarius
Here's a little cosmic humor
for today,
Unofficial Ambassador for the Galactic
of Sovereign Planets
Over the years, I have often reported on the SSP - Secret Space Program - with advanced ET technology exchanges, and the careful monitoring of Earth by advanced humanoids who technically 'don't exist' BECAUSE (spoiler alert), that would interfere with the Prime Directive and humanity's free will evolution on the threshold of global unity in diversity;
'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.
In other words,"We the People" (worldwide), can only join the Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets when we get our act together.
Disclosure Movement Disclosed
This is old news for UFO/ET researchers but assiduously avoided by the lock-step lamestream media for three obvious reasons.
1- Advanced ET energy tech will make Big Oil
2- Abundant energy makes scarcity economics
3- Decentralized power makes
centralized power obsolete.
Currently, the power elite's money-power corporatocracy has hijacked democracy to the extent that gross defects obscure actual gains. But Trump's Team is ostensibly advancing his swamp-draining agenda
BY LIBERATING ABUNDANT FREE ENERGY TECH that the Trump-created US Space Force possesses but has been concealing to maintain the status quo... until now.
Government Secret UAP Program:
"They're Using UFO Free Energy Technology!"
Nov 25, 2024
Because of the current energy crisis, we know
that a
vast number of citizens struggle to make ends
with forever increasing energy bills.
And that's not just Big Oil that is being challenged. Big Pharma is made obsolete by quantum healing tech. And Big Media is made obsolete by interactive TeLeComm tech.
The Mainstream Media (1920-2024)
Nov 26, 2024
/ Activist Post
The Mainstream Media has died from a terminal
case of TDS
combined with an aggressive infection of the
woke-mind virus.
Plus as the 'QFS' (Quantum Financial System) matures with blockchain security, Big Government will be made accountable; bureaucratic Fed-Gov collusion with corporatocracy becomes obsolete.
This is BIG DRAMA for the millions of cloaked galactic starships around Earth watching the BIG SHOW on their plasma screens.
It is a rare event and HUGE drama as an entire planetary civilization comes into unity consciousness - evolving to 'O-point' (spherical-global consciousness), as a unified field whole; unity in diversity; atONEment..
Will that happen in Trump's reign on Capitol Hill? I doubt it, but it could. The Heartware Project, by itself, could provide coherent equilibrium in our ubiquitous social media network communities.
Buckminster Fuller called this the 'trimtab' effect. The trimtab is a small surface on the ailerons on the wings of a jet plane - or the rudder of a big ship - that is first moved to leverage movement of the entire aileron or rudder for directing the airship or - in an analogous way - the entire Ship of State.
That's what heartware can do for local and global community building - culturing social conscience in social network communities - and directing wisdom of the crowd with a High State of Sovereign Self Governance that makes the Deep State obsolete. Swamp drained.
This is also what Global TeLeCare will do to create "small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos" in the public health care system. This TeLeCare model of Aquarian Health Sovereignty could truly "shift the entire system to a higher order."
In the meantime, I'm trying to be patient. As a recognized futurist - 50 years ago this month - I addressed 10 agencies of Fed-Gov on Capitol Hill on how to celebrate the Bicentennial of Revolution with a Space Age upgrade of our core Constitutional freedoms.
Yet we still have a horse-and-buggy legislative system in the
Quantum Age - 4th wave of the computer/Internet revolution - after prior emphasis on hardware (IBM 1st wave), software (Microsoft 2nd wave), and netware (Netscape 3rd wave); heartware (Heartcom 4th wave).
These are the four color-coded quadrants
corresponding to Jungian archetypes and
first principles of universal-cosmic law as
Personally I believe that the purpose and plan that the Cosmic Hosts of Heaven know and serve is being fulfilled through Aquarian sovereigns of
The 2020's Aquarian Frequency Shift will indeed be changing us from the inside-out as DNA strands activate with more heart coherence for mind congruence; quantum shift.
I'm documenting the BIG SHOW as best I can, and hopefully at least my 6 grandchildren will someday read how their 'Grandpa Cricky' was a cosmic dude:)
All Ways
Framing the Constitution of
'Cosmic Law' and Universal
all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.