Life Review: Epitaph and Obituary

Life's a hoot... and then we reboot.
Light is the language of the angels
  at the heart of the law of the angles
  for the
that is for giving...
worlds without end.

Life review via 'Rudy' aka 'Dr. Christopher' aka
'Christos Lightweaver' aka 'The MetaPhysician'

Published to the Heartcom Network on
April 25, 2013

Obituary preliminary follows:
The veil has been getting very thin for me recently, so past and future have merged in a prescient present that sees my inevitable demise, and considers it prudent now to say a few 'last words'. Why wait until I'm speechless:)  

Maybe I'm being somewhat 'reactive' to the fear and negative energy sent my way due to Wednesday's article, but I'll try to be proactive and sum it up.

I well remember when I was a teenager listening to the Beatles' song, "When I'm Sixty-Four".  Brain-damaged at an early age, with a severe skull fracture and concussion that gave me amnesia for weeks, I could barely conceive what 'sixty-four' would be like... in 2013. Shift happens!

I've loved this world.  It's been a great life.  I've learned a lot about human love and divine love and that we are co-Creators with the Creator-God-Love of the unified Source field.

A good life is when you assume nothing, do more,
need less, smile often, dream big, laugh heartily,
and count your blessings and the opportunities
rather than fail to see blessed opportunities.

My greatest love has been very personal in a birth family with two brothers and three sisters and wonderful parents. That blessing was magnified with four children of my own, and now five grandchildren.

My greatest love has also been 'impersonal'.  After my first near-death experience getting my brains scrambled, I became very aware that there is a quiet-small voice within that represents the 'Great Spirit' of Conscience that my dad always referred to as 'common sense'; not a person but it's there.

At age 15, I was hit head-on by someone who didn't see me coming out of the sun on my motor-scooter, and when the car made a left-turn right into me, my ankle shattered between the bumper of the car and the frame of my scooter... as my body caved in the hood of the car. They were going to amputate my leg below the knee, and I prayed fervently, promising greater service, and a virtual miracle saved my leg, running cross country on it the next year. For me, love of God IS divine love. It's given me a 'leg up' on life:)

I'm not going to bore you with my life story. The future is YOUR story... and that of our children. The best I can give you is a vision of a wonderful future as I failed to deliver with a better established 'Worldwide LOVE Foundation'. I hoped it would catch on sooner... the universal law-language of
whereby divine love rules. 

Atonement is what atONEment does... how the Family of Man unites in our new global village of instant-everywhere and interactive 'InterNet reality'.  Those who know me well - my pure intent -- know that I've been driven with a sense of 'mission' that gave my life up to 'divine direction', with conviction, at an early age.  I didn't know where it was going, but I was on the way... 'On The Path' to unveil the mysteries of God-in-man as raises mankind in the image and likeness of 'kind men'... '
US' as the 'United Sovereigns of Earth'.

THE REST OF THE STORY (On The Path) is the amazing account of the evolution of
from "Capitol Hill" (1974) to 'The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age' with 'heartware' as the gateway from the Internet to the 'InnerNet'... the next phase of the computer/Internet revolution after 'hardware' (IBM), 'software' (Microsoft) and 'netware' (Netscape). Those who have followed my archived Cosmic Love radio talk show the last six years, know that I've been explaining how 'heartware' not only bridges cyberspace and inner-space, but also provides 'cultural DNA' as will involve and evolve our individual and collective-social Conscience... worldwide.

That's the spiritual 'thrust for a purpose' - the 'gold standard' for the 'Next Economy' - with the 'Currency of Conscience' as conscientious common sense of, by and for the 'Constitution of Conscience' at the heart of unity in our diversity... '
United S
overeigns of Earth'.

The physical 'manifestation of this vision' -- for global holistic healing -- is a definitive process for healing the sick 'health care' system with free, on-line 'Universal Self Care'.  I have failed to bring that to fruition also.  I've had a good business model for launching both heartware and Universal Self Care for years, but apparently it wasn't yet time.

If I died tomorrow, I would hope this two-faceted vision for Earth's golden age is kept alive to understand and appreciate 'Co-Creation with Source' for  wholEness and healing in spirit and matter on Earth as in Heaven.

I realize that these things sometimes take a little longer than we would hope, and yet can be far better than we ever dreamed possible.

So keep the faith. Onwards and upwards.  The Legacy Project will remain a testament to the 'Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age'.

All Ways ,


PS:  No flowers, please.  As Mark Twain said, "Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated". By the grace of the "Great Spirit" (I Am, I Can, I Will and I Do), rules and lives forever. And I'll keep on keeping on in that Spirit... to BE the you want to see... KNOW the that sets you free, GET the that gives you more by giving it away!  It's the only thing we take with us, past this life, to put wind in our sails for the next round... worlds without end... for our conscientious evolutionary ascent in the eternal scheme of things.

If you feel compelled to make a contribution, do so with 'enlightened self interest' for your own optimal wholEness of body, mind and spirit. By taking the 'Elixer of Life', your optimal health is empowered, and the proceeds will be used to maintain the archived web presence for the Heartcom Network and hundreds of original linked articles that document the evolution of to establish  'The Foundation'. May that be OUR legacy. ~ C.