2020s Global Co-Creation Series
Important Reality Report on the Election
Fast-Breaking News on the Battle for
the Soul of Global Humanity.
It's that important!
Food for thought for the truly
Dec 3, 2020 / Heartcom Network
Skip to the bottom for humor and health
Microsoft's "ElectionGuard" a
Trojan Horse
for takeover of American elections Nov 28, 2020 / NaturalNews.com
In May 2019, Microsoft announced
the release of a new software
called 'ElectionGuard' that the
company claimed would protect American elections against
The true purpose of ElectionGuard,
however, was to steal reelection in 2020 from President
Trump... under duress via the Gates Biosecurity
final solution" to
COVID-19 and over population",
according to Bill Gates,
"is a vaccine." Gates is
not a doctor nor health scientist. Mr. Gates' conflicting
interests are showing. As Moderna's co-investor with Dr.
Fauci, Gates' eugenicist father officiated Planned
Parenthood. That organization favored infanticide,
especially in "developing countries" and Black communities.
Gates has lectured extensively on the use of vaccinations to
reduce global populations. That controverts Gates' claims
that vaccines will secure the human race. His money buys a
lot of propaganda, vaccines, and political support for his
depopulation agenda.
Fifteen percent (15%) of the world's population can be reduced via vaccinations, Gates lectured at a TED Conference. The "Final Solution" to over-population and COVID-19 are one-and-the-same, according to Gates. His propaganda belies the genocide committed by Microsoft's predecessor-in-interest, IBM, whose Nazi partners, scientists and eugenicists, administered the Third Reich, WWII holocaust, and victim-tracking using computer punch cards linked to number tattoos on prisoners arms. Today, that crude holocaust technology is succeeded by Silicon Valley's most advanced data mining, 5G wireless communications, and Cloud technologies. We see the rise of the Biosecurity State with billionaire investors in genetic biotechnology who advertise their computers, online services, 5G, trans-humanism movement, and Cloud administration as the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution'... but actually it's the rise of the Fourth Reich. To conclude otherwise is recklessly ignorant, negligent, or complicit in the genocide.
The whole world is watching the drama unfold. a mind-numbing combination of election fraud, medical tyranny, and unabashed media bias.
Command Forensics Expose
Election Fraud Sting Going Well (entirely blacked out in lamestream media) Dec 2, 2020 / InfoWars Steve Piecznik Doubles Down: Trump's sting operation against Deep State fraudsters is going well, media sedition aside.
The Digital Coup and the Great Exposure Nov 27, 2020 / Martin Geddes EXCERPTS:
The unavoidable
picture that is emerging is one of a
Digital Coup.
The rogue intelligence agencies in the US and
elsewhere had perfected a toolkit for
'colour revolutions'. This included
sophisticated election hacking, designed to
deliver the desired result in a highly plausible
The Dominion voting
solution was not for vote counting, but for
election fraud - by design.
In the next few weeks, the awful truth about the recent US election and the attempted theft of the Presidency from the People will become impossible to ignore. The Director of National Intelligence is tasked with delivering his assessment of the integrity of the election within 45 days - the deadline being December 18th. Other lawsuits and events are progressing in the interim. These tools were deployed against the US population in an illegal act of war. There is evidence of involvement by both China and Iran; other powers may also be exposed, including supposed allies, if the Russiagate precedent tells us anything. The enormous Trump landslide was outside of the range the fraud systems were configured for, which caused a panic insertion of fake paper ballots and extreme and obvious levels of digital 'vote switching'. We are already witnessing the run-up to the disclosure of fraud and foreign interference prior to the December 14th electoral college vote. Fraud vitiates everything and annuls the Biden candidacy; foreign interference makes this a matter of military law. You are going to see a mass treason event and huge numbers of people brought to justice. This wasn't really an election; it was a military intelligence sting operation against a corrupt establishment. The controlled mass media is deliberately pushing a desperate false narrative to cover for their own criminality. They say "no evidence of fraud" and "unsubstantiated" allegations, even as that hard evidence mounts up in court filings and open source intelligence analysis. There are numerous districts with more votes than voters. [Yet the Big Lie in lamestream media is so BIG and so bold and so often told that many well-meaning people believe it - a kind of mass psychosis like good sheeple led over a cliff by wolves in sheep's clothing ~CR] "You have been hoodwinked by a system of social engineering that was covertly established, mainly after the 1963 de facto coup following the assassination of President Kennedy, and installation of a permanent criminal shadow government." (Deep State ~CR). Continued HERE.
1, 2020 / Rutherford.org
Like it or not, the
COVID-19 pandemic with its veiled threat of forced
vaccinations, contact tracing, and genetically
encoded vaccines is propelling humanity at warp
speed into a whole new frontier - a surveillance
matrix - the likes of which we've only previously
encountered in science fiction.
Operation Warp Speed:
precise... tracking systems... very active
pharmaco-vigilance surveillance system."
These are not idle words, but express a decades-old
plan to track and monitor every person on earth. The
COVID vaccine will open the door into a surveillance
nightmare worthy of 1984. ~TN EditorYour One-Way Ticket To Total Surveillance Dec 2, 2020 / Technocracy.news / Dr. Mercola
Really Designed to
Advance Transhumanism at Warp Speed? Dec 2, 2020 / New American "Great Reset" Transhumanism: Merging Man & Machine
US - UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War
and American state intelligence agencies are
'weaponizing truth' to quash vaccine hesitancy as
both nations prepare for mass inoculations, in a recently
announced 'cyber war' to be commanded by
AI-powered arbiters of truth against information sources
that challenge official narratives."
~Whitney Webb
at Unlimited Hangout
UK OKs Experimental COVID Vaccine; Could Roll Out in Days [VIDEO] Dec 3, 2020 / The Corbett Report IMPORTANT Vaccine Report at 2-7 minutes. "Are you willing to be a human guinea pig in this mass scale vaccination experiment?"
Gen. Flynn's Emergency
Message To America:
Evidence of Widespread Election Fraud Nov 29, 2020 / BANNED.video
In his first interview
since receiving a full pardon from President
Trump, Flynn outlined to WVW-TV hosts Lt.
General McInerney and conservative activist Mary
Fanning on Saturday the legal path to victory
laid out before President Trump.
General Flynn presents clear evidence of widespread election fraud. Our ballots were not even counted in America. Our ballots were counted in Germany, and in Spain, by a company owned by supporters of communism. This is not just about this one stolen election. This is about the future of liberty worldwide. If we do not stop the total corruption and destruction of the America republic, liberty will end worldwide, and the entire world will enter into a another era identical to what is now referred to as the 'Dark Ages'. Here is our dilemma: Every SINGLE Deep State, fake news, media source is telling the same lies. The average intellect is concluding that these lies must be true, just because they have heard them so many times, from what appears to be many different sources. Our media is controlled by six corporations that are all controlled by New World Order globalists. What is called the 'main stream media' is pure propaganda and fake news. What is called the 'alternative media' is the only free-open media that still exists. Do not be surprised if this very video is censored by the Deep State controlled media. This video is placed here with an expectation that it will be censored by the Deep State controlled media. We did not have an election. We had a charade that was supposed to appear to be an election. America must not be a corrupt third world banana republic. President Trump won this election by a landslide. If the criminal Deep State tries to steal this election, they will foment civil war. The desperate audaciousness of the criminal Deep State is inconceivable until we understand that for these criminals this is a matter of life and death. These criminals have been above the law for their entire lives. They have run out of tactics for delaying their prosecution. The 'Russian Collusion' hoax did not work. The totally baseless impeachment scam did not work. The Covid-19 hoax did not work. The George Floyd martyr diversion did not work. Now the only thing that they have left is to steal the landslide re-election using every tactic that they have. The fake news media is calling easily provable facts 'false claims'. At the same time the fake news media is flooding the country with blatant lies. Large numbers of people honestly believe that Biden won the election, and that Trump is a usurper for trying to stop this Coup D'etat. What is being called 'fact checkers' should actually be called TRUTH CONCEALERS. The Democratic Party, the American media, the major corporations, social media, and many colleges are now virtually owned by Communist China. We have the best politicians that money can buy. Anyone who would sellout our country to Communists is a traitor, and should be on the next plane to Gitmo. Communists have 'infiltrated' (bought off) our election tabulation system, and the evidence is massive. The electoral college will vote on December 14, 2020. And unless the people wake up and take action NOW Communist China will be running the American government. What is happening in America now, has happened in many other places, and has been explained in the Communists own training manuals: 'And Not a Shot Is Fired' by Jan Kozak Everyone who believes in liberty and justice are allies without regard to the color of their skin. Those who seek to create tyranny want those who believe in liberty and justice to fight each other. Communists call this a "class struggle", but it is really the destruction of a peaceful world, where liberty and justice... ~ Continue reading Health Ranger Report: Dec 3, 2020 / NaturalNews.com Mike Adams on Trump's Speech at 7:30 minutes. These daily reports provide exceptional updates on the fast-developing 3D outpicturing of 5D Aquarius. Systemic-holistic paradigm shift is accelerated by the drama of 'more conscious light' amidst big 'DUH' (Dark, Unconscious & Heartless). Ya gotta wanna... more Light and ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() easier and faster. So Keep the Faith ~ See the Good and Make it So! ![]() (Geometric Ordered Divinity) framing the order of the universe via pure geometry thought-forms for full spectrum TeLeCommunion: TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity, TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and NEXT TeLeCommerce
The Cure for Divisiveness Is Found
Keep in mind that 'light in the body' (SPX
Pure intention focuses attention with
Be Thou Made Whole!