Declaring Aquarian Independence;
the Path to Freedom
portents for transformation now manifest
as the divine order in the cosmic scheme of things
is about to reboot global civility along enlightened
"lines" of Cosmic ""
whereby LOVE
This time may point to a quantum leap in consciousness.
26, 2010 -- Grand Cross Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
(Cosmic portents at end of article)
by Christopher
Rudy, Editor
GeoNotes News
For almost
three years, as the host of the Internet radio talk show,
Cosmic LOVE, my sincere intention has been to focus attention on the
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age. Either we focus our attention on our
evolutionary ascension -- a global rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness --
or by default we fail to ride the wave of accelerated change on the
2010-2011 timeline.
Having interviewed the authors of more than a dozen books on 2012, the subject
of powerful portents for global transformation has been the recurrent theme of
Cosmic LOVE. This theme centers on the free-will choices with our new
all-connected Net reality in a global village of instant-everywhere and
interactive Internet capabilities... as our solar system crosses the Galactic
Plane of the Milky Way Galaxy in alignment with the stellar bodies thereof,
repolarizing the energies of Earth and our consciousness thereby.
A new "Net reality" will naturally fulfill the potential of the Internet with capabilities
that reflect and perfect "virtual omniscience" as we have known with all knowledge at
search-engine disposal. That requires omnipresence -- knowing what's really
important to know. And such intuitive
KNOWING -- conscientious common sense -- ultimately arrives at omnipotence
of, by and for the power of love.
I know, proposing a sane world sounds crazy. But we all have the choice to be
part of the problem or part of the solution.
My experience with Cosmic LOVE has ranged from great challenges to the
corresponding opportunities... from
Galactic Shift to a quantum leap in human consciousness... and from the
victim dictum of disconnect from Mother Nature to the victory virtues that will
mitigate cataclysmic Earth changes.
One way or the other, big global changes are coming fast over this next year.
The portents for personal and planetary transformation are the subject of Cosmic
LOVE. And at least from my experience, there are certain self-evident truths
that will define, refine, combine and shine our collective God-given gifts and
For example, consider how the golden rule/law language for a golden age can
provide the interactive interface for mass-to-mass communications, transforming
the global Internet with a quintessential vision of values that culture virtue
at the heart of a global "victory" -- a local/global rEVOLUTION in higher
Call it mass awakening, systemic enlightenment, or a quantum leap in
consciousness... my particular bias has been to consider such a movement to be a
good thing. Or at least, I can't think of anything better to do than
ride the wave and encourage others to do the same☺
Now don't get me wrong. I've had my suspicions that global humanity has
struggling with global awakening for some time. Thanks to the Internet, we have all the knowledge power in the world at our search engine finger
tips... and we know we could utilize this knowledge power for global empowerment
energy), global healing (health
assurance) with heart-centered
Unfortunately that big shift is a big challenge to the deep doo-doo with giant
institutions that monopolize "dirty power" (Big Oil), disease profiteering (Big
Pharma), and the "mind control matrix" (Big Media) that is virtually killing us
to save us. You know, like killing more than a million Iraqi's to save them for
nation building of, by and for the multinational oil firms that now control that
nation's oil reserves.
Obviously, you can't have free energy if you are slave to Big Oil. Neither can
you have holistic health if you are slave to a medical-industrial complex that
rivals the military-industrial complex. And if you have the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth, you're set free to think for yourself, which
is dangerous to the monopolized mainstream media that makes a killing promoting
fossil fuels and foodless food (that makes you sick) and then drugs for whatever
ails you.
That system of systemic greed-centric monopoly of our hearts and minds has
nothing to do with "nation building". It is destroying us. It is NOT
sustainable. Even in the short term, we can all see that the golden rule of
civility is being betrayed as our life support systems and our sacred DNA is
being destroyed by toxic genetic poisons in our air, food, water, and then taken
as "medicine" in pills or injections.
When profit trumps golden rule principle, the people perish. Common sense is
then turned on its head with a pound of cure more profitable than an once of
prevention. That's when war profit trumps peace values. Consider how the U.S.
Commander-in-Chief -- who won the Nobel Peace Prize -- fired one of his military
generals for saying in Rolling Stone Magazine that war is basically a racket,
knowing full well that Afghanistan heroin production is once again supplying 90%
of the world's heroin after it was virtually eradicated under the Talaban who
are now considered the terrorist enemy by our war misleaders. And just as Great
Britain made huge fortunes to sustain their empire off China's and then India's
opium production, the U.S. now enforces control of this classic "off the books" black operation that the prostitute press rarely
One way or the other, this systemic empire madness is coming to an end. "You
can't fool Mother Nature" was an overused advertising slogan in the 70's, but
it's back with a vengeance in real life now. If we don't end the madness, that
madness will end us.
That madness could now end with
free energy technology as could liberate us from the fossil fuels that are
polluting the air we breath and destroying life in the oceans with the oil
spill. It's all connected; more than half of Earth's oxygen is produced by
photoplankton in the oceans.
According to the Wayne Madsen Report (WMR) sources within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Pentagon and Interior and Energy Departments told the Obama Administration that the newly-discovered estimated 3-4 billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico would cover America's oil needs for up to eight months if there was a military attack on Iran that resulted in the bottling up of the Strait of Hormuz to oil tanker traffic, resulting in a cut-off of oil to the United States from the Persian Gulf.
As for prior knowledge, see: "Obama to make $85 million from BP disaster?" And no one knew the disaster would occur? DUH!
In other words,
it was the military-industrial "Big War" values in collusion with Big Oil
interests that created the oil spill, and the real "clean-up" needed begins with
the golden rule for civility that ends the black gold's dark standard of "He
who has the power makes the rules" (suppressing clean free energy
The power of choice in a world waiting to be born
The good news is that the oil spill may be the significant emotional event that bumps us out of the illusion of separation and into a healthier relationship with one another and the planet. What is called for is no less than a spontaneous spiritual evolution from children of God to adults of God, from victims and villains to aware, responsible co-creators. It's never happened before. But never before have we had the worldwide network of communication to create an open-source approach to a situation that threatens every one of us. ~ from Steve Bhaerman's article, "The Oil Spill and the Blood Spill: Same Problem, Same Solution"
Global madness could end with a system of mass-to-mass TeLeComm -- emphasizing the "TLC" -- whereby social Conscience is cultured in our ubiquitous social networks. What better way to heal the mass media mind control matrix than liberating the conscientious common sense that is pro-life for our lives? No wonder the power elite want to shut down the Internet; they would lose power if it evolves to actualize its inherent potential.
institutionalized order cannot tolerate any deviation from the mindset
it has worked so hard to maintain. At least since the time of Gutenberg,
it has been at war with any expressions that undermine the status quo.
As the political establishment continues to collapse, its war against the
transformative nature of information becomes intensified. Efforts are
currently being made by some politicians and governmental agencies
control the Internet;
to give to the President a "kill switch" that would
allow him to shut down, on his dictatorial whim, this decentralized and
unrestrained engine of communication whenever he considers it necessary
for the interests of 'national security'. That Sen. Lieberman - the sponsor of
such a bill - justifies the measure on the grounds that the Chinese
government has such power, is indicative of just how strongly the
established order feels threatened by free minds!"
from: "Making It McChrystal Clear"
by Butler Shaffer
The reason that
political insanity feels threatened by the Internet is simply because the
capability of open source solutions could virtually heal the institutionalized
corruption that is destroying our core life support systems.
Declaring independence from the "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD) model of
the REAL terrorists -- whose love of power eclipses the power of love -- is the
beginning of holistic healing:
1- Healing the planetary ecosphere with
free energy for clean toxin-free independent living;
2- healing our Net reality with
enlightened Conscience for mind-liberating independence;
3- healing our health care system with
Universal Self Care for health-assuring independence.
Why? Why not? The alternative to holistic healing is systemic dying of our
planet and our lives.
To say that these are interesting times is an understatement. There is an
imminent crisis facing global humanity. And there is an extraordinary
opportunity for meeting that crisis with "flying colors" (full
spectrum Conscience).
"We have
polluted our inner being with dark behaviors and dark thoughts filled with
egoism and yearning for power. We have polluted our entire outer environment
with dark energy and its by-products, poisoning most of life-forms around us.
What goes around, comes around to haunt you later, and teach you the only Divine
lesson there is and can be: The Lesson of Love. Everything is a circle; the
Everything is a Sphere."
~ from: "The
Beginning of the End, or the End of our Beginning? Our choice."
The choice for
each soul is to either be victims or victors. We can suffer the "Satanic Rite"
(ritual abuse) of principalities of darkness or we can unite with the spirit
that matters for overcoming the organized greed of corporate tyranny that
suspends Constitutional principle.
Ultimately it is the principle of universal
as cosmic law and language that governs the order of the universe. God has
methods. There's no security without purity of intention and attention to those
methods. Institutionalized corruption is a mockery of those methods. And one
way or the other, the ordained power of
will fulfill the Great Law with the Great Purification.
We have all witnessed how the principalities of darkness invert, subvert and
pervert the light side of the force for the power to enslave hearts and minds
with fear and the psychology of subservience to tyranny. But this too shall
The authentic power of
lightbearers has always been the "inner sense" (innocence) that sees, hears
or believes no evil... but this strength -- in excess -- blinds lightbearers to
the principalities of darkness which sustain treachery and treason as has
infiltrated core institutions with the power to profit without the principle of
enlightened LOVE.
You have a choice.
In the realms of the Spirit that
the holy spirit of LOVE-in-action is
for giving.
It's not your aptitude but your
that determines your "altitude"...
whether you soar with the eagle's vision
or scratch with the turkey's feast
on bugs of begrudge.
you aware that the "chosen" has always been those who choose
gold standard for
conscientious common sense?
Is it true that your affirmation and confirmation of LOVE as the
gold standard
is your
determination of, by and for the
golden rule/law
language for a golden age?
Would you agree that the higher the concept of LOVE as
light's law and language,
the greater the results for independence from principalities of darkness and
"DUH" (Dummies Unconscious & Heartless)?
Based on your response, please forward; care enough to share with those you
Bottom Line:
Determining the High Road
to Higher Consciousness
of, by and for Cosmic
the Ascension Code for Sentient Life:
June 26th Grand Cross Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Interpretation at:
Cosmic Codes".
See also:
(6-26-2010) Grand Cross Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Moon in Capricorn is an
intense lunar eclipse. Eclipses always mark times of irrevocable change,
and as the veil thins at an accelerated rate on the
2010-2011 timeline, cosmic signs of the
times provide shift coordinates for mass awakening to the nature of the Aquarian
Dispensation. This is a uniquely powerful Full
Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Moon in a tight formation of planets in a Grand
Square/Grand Cross that includes most of the planets in our solar system:
the Sun (conjunct Mercury) opposite the Moon (conjunct Pluto), and Saturn
opposite a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus. This Grand Square/Grand Cross is
like looking down on the pyramid of Self and Civilization, and this core thoughtform
is the ""
archetype in the
Model that has long been considered by alchemists, mystics, Tibetan mandalas and
the Ascended Masters' Teachings as "the most powerful thoughtform in
the universe and the key to the ascension of the planet". With this in
mind, here's an invocation with pure geometry visualizations that you can
sustain as a "mediation" (meditation) that affirms the High Road of Higher
Conscience with Cosmic
before me,
behind me,
Above as Below and All around me.
I Am G.O.D.~
protecting here;
I Am G.O.D.~
directing now;
I Am G.O.D.~
perfecting all ways.
May it begin with "US" -- United Sovereigns in a United
heals all,
CopyRound © 2010, HEARTcom Network
For non-profit reuse only
Geometrizing Global 'Spherical
at the Heart of a
Frame of Reference;
The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age.
Establish THAT Foundation...
above all -- is
for giving.