The Aquarian Great Awakening
The Veil is Thinning – Enlightenment Winning
Over the last 50 years I’ve been
pioneering Aquarian
principles and processes that will define, refine and
‘shine’ global infrastructure for a Great Awakening.
This journey – from Capitol Hill
to Web 3.0 Internet
has seen me wearing numerous ‘hats’ as a futurist,
photographer, sculptor, architect and whole systems
designer before raising four children and developing
four holistic health centers.
This article is actually a synopsis of highlights from my
2023 Mainstream Awakening Series with
more than 33
e-books – with cartoons, embedded videos,
and ‘chapters’ (hotlinks) for a deep
dive into issues I've
focused on in my other 300+ e-books.
This is a 'holistic'
(holographic) romp into Aquarian dynamics – exposing
global crisis that is compelling the Great Awakening to
The Aquarian Quantum
Age of
Great Enlightenment.
I realize that an all-connected
‘quantum everything’
– including ‘Effective
Perception’ –
is a stretch for even futurists who have
read this far.
Frames of Reference defining
and 'shining' Aquarian Light Language.
The Great Unveiling of Revelations
We live during that epoch zeitgeist of Revelations
when there is great darkness and great
light in the
contrasting kind of way that defines the
big picture
of a global rEVOLUTION
in higher consciousness,
emphasizing 90% of the word.
Full spectrum enlightenment is our divine destiny,
and a Great Awakening is
accelerating the process.
But a unified field of 'Collective Conscience'
is still
catching up to match breakthrough innovations via
instant-everywhere-interactive Internet capabilities
for a new Common Sense - Unity in our Diversity.
That’s where it’s going folks!
(Out of Many - One)
Great Seal of the United States
now representing all of ‘US’;
United Sovereigns of Earth.
Note the symbolism in the Great Seal with the eagle's left leg holding on to ‘war (arrows), and the right leg holding on to peace (olive branch). This is the contrast between the ‘left-handed path’ (external control matrix), and the ‘right-handed path’ (internal powershift).
The self evident drama in
global civilization is polarization between forces of devolution and evolution,
division and unity, endless war or
without end. The existential crisis facing humanity thus creates the
quintessential opportunity to liberate
Sovereign Choice for
“We the People” – the Family of
Mankind in our global village of ALL-connected come-into-unity capabilities for
REAL community via interactive
Global Netizens are now witnessing a desperate Deep State attempt to centralize
top-down command and control over the physical and human resources of Earth.
Perhaps it had to get this bad before a Great Awakening when the pendulum swings
back to a decentralized bottom-up representation of the best and brightest – a
merit-based system for culturing social conscience in our ubiquitous social
networks – the Aquarian model.
But we’re not out of the woods yet. The divisive dialectic is still in full
play, creating and managing war and
for the consolidation of profit and power.
"All your strength is in your union.
All your danger is in discord.
Therefore be at peace henceforward,
And as brothers live together.”
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The ‘Sleeping Prophet’ Edgar Cayce was very accurate with many futuristic
predictions, one of which was that the Great Awakening would mature as a Great
Enlightenment in 2026 – three years from now. Of course it could be sooner or
later, depending on
mankind’s free will determination for more Aquarian
Light and
applications... or not so much.
For Individual Self Determination
And Collective
And Four Directions to the 'CAPstone'
(Creative Ascent Process)
Affirmation -
Spiritual 'G.O.D.-'
- 'I Am'
(Geometric Ordered
Local/Global Sovereignty
Education - 'I Can'
(mindful coherence)
Conscious Sovereignty
Determination -
Energy-in-motion of Care - 'I
(Holy Spirit as
Health Sovereignty
Integration - ness Economy-
'I Do'
Abundant Sovereignty
Culturing Universal Rights in the Public Sphere
of Instant-Everywhere & Interactive Net Reality.
via CoOperative TeLeCommUNITY CoOrdination
to define, refine and shine an Internet
upgrade of core Constitutional rights
of, by and for ALL global Netizens.
revolution from cyberspace to inner
Conceive 'IT',
Believe 'IT',
Achieve 'IT'
(Innernet Technology).
Aquarian First Principles of and for
Summing it up
- Personal Note:
As explained in my
newsletter, after 50 years
pioneering the new frontier of Aquarius, I'm 'retiring' or
at least slowing frequent publishing to do other things.
I’ll be writing my
memoirs now so my grandchildren can
discover how their ‘Pappy’ was one far-out dude:
This includes the
Aquarian Book of Cosmic ,
an ongoing work in process; more chapters coming,
including the
Cosmic Mysteries of
God Unveiled.
As a sculptor
see my 'Egg Rocker' (here)
– I've been
shaping Aquarian megatrend models: media, medicine,
marketing, management, etc... long enough to KNOW
that humanity's future requires a universal standard for
global up-wising and 'up-rising' as collective ascension.
This requires 'hacking away' at 'BS' (Belief
and the 'psychopathy of subservience' (victim dictum),
to unveil the archetypal form of our Aquarian victory.
In the cosmic scheme of
Earth’s Evolutionary
mankind has free will, so
anything is possible, even
a global rEVOLUTION
in higher consciousness
that will happen sooner rather than later
as enough good people do enough.
"I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do
the something that I can do.
What I can do, I should do.
And what I should do,
by the grace of God, I will do."
~ Edward Everett Hale
See the Good - Keep it Light
And Network for the Net Worth of
- Easier & Faster.
As the frequency
of -in-action
accelerates via interactive
the ordained Holy Spirit of 5D
will integrate - and thus will disintegrate
the inordinated love of power that dims
Coherent Quantum Source
Aquarian Light and .
Claim the Victory of Aquarius!
is a 'Process':
5D 'TLC'
(pure intention)
with optimal 'Vision'
and optimal 'Virtue'
plus optimal 'Value'
(conscious ascension)
for optimal 'Victory'
as full spectrum
5D Comprehension
of, by and for a
(Beyond Reprehension).