2023 Mainstream Awakening Series
Future Modeling in the Aquarian Age
Conceive IT
~ Believe IT
~ Achieve IT
Spherical Consciousness of, by & for 'US'
(United Sovereigns),
And the Aquarian Quantum Shift
Well-Rounded Attributes of
the Aquarian Model...
Upheld by the
5-Fingered Hand of
at heart;
via Global
Previous newsletter:
Inaugurating the Aquarian Quantum Age
The Light of Aquarius is Surging
and the Dark-Side is Purging.
This Light ‘brings up’ all unlike itself
for transformation – enlightenment.
is why fear porn is pervasive…
affirmation essential.
We’ve arrived at a global phase of
because the dark-side desperados
of the Deep State Corporatocracy
are going down… and projecting
their own terror of accountability
for crimes against humanity.
So keep your head – fearless faith
while others are losing theirs.
See the Good – Aquarian Models
for Global rEVOLUTION,
Make it So!
March 18, 2023
Skip to the bottom for an inspirational message from
Lord Lanto - wisdom frequency.
Beware of lamestream media diversionary tactics
as mass
hypnosis-psychosis formation is exposed
and loses its grip in their attempt to subvert the
Great Awakening and
Inauguration of Aquarius.
Mind Control 2020-2023
Fear porn is
rampant in our culture. The dark-side Deep State feeds public anxiety about Covid, vaccines, Ukraine, WWIII, food
scarcity, UFOs, etc. which makes people clamor for government salvation. People
will accept just about anything if they’re afraid.
The latest fear porn is bank collapse. Economic reset has been the covert agenda
all along. But reset to what? Centralized Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?
Or a decentralized Quantum Financial
System (QFS)?
Corporate media has been bought off, and he who pays the piper calls the tune of cognitive dissonance and divisive dis-ease which depresses the immune system and dims the spirit of general enlightenment.
The Deep
State's greatest fear is a high state of mass awakening that inspires
fearless faith in the Aquarian Quantum Age vision,
virtue, valor and victory over the paradigm paralysis and victim dictum
that is incessantly programmed with fear porn in lamestream media.
But this too
shall pass. There’s no stopping the momentum of the global computer/Internet
revolution towards an instant-everywhere and interactive global village for the
Family of Mankind.
The United Sovereigns of Earth are destined to be the new ‘US’ sooner or later. In the meantime, it’s good to keep the faith and see the good to make it so... a future we can all look forward to.
"The Golden
Crystal Age of Aquarius
will be a drama filled time.
But the drama will be one in which
human karma is dissolved and
the divine design emerges."
~ Lord Lanto, March 12, 2023
(video at bottom)
A compelling
vision of the future – for those who are not futurists – is sometimes best
motivated by a stark awareness of what it is NOT to be, i.e.,
tyranny on fear-porn
...Also Known as ‘Crisis Capitalism':
Creating and managing crisis to
emergency powers for 'population control'.
The Lords of Chaos
March 19, 2023 / Chris Hedges
How the corrupt elite traumatize and monetize
for endless war, disease and hell on Earth.
What the
Media Won't Tell You About
the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse
March 13, 2023 / Really Graceful
Silicon Valley Bank: There’s a lot of confusion around this
situation, so I’m
going to explain the
SVB collapse, how it
happened, pointing to some similar events
that occurred
in the past, and discussing what it means
for the future of
transformation in the financial system of the US and world.
Tucker Carlson on the SVB Collapse
If you like Tucker Carlson, you may love this:
March 1, 2023 / Natasha Owens
An award-winning Christian music artist, Natasha Owens
has performed with superstars from Michael W. Smith to
Toby Keith. Her new album is called "American Patriot",
and the first single is "Stand For Life"; see video
Deep Dive Into the Dark Dystopian
Spiritual Warfare
Behind the Scenes of 'Reset'
of the Current Global Crisis
June 1, 2022 /
Robert Sepehr
This video sheds some brilliant light on
the dark history of
religious 'BS' (Belief System) that has
sabotaged global
enlightenment. Eye opening historical info
that explains
today's current events. Sepehr claims to
be Jewish which
makes his 'insider perspective' more
thought provocating.
Brother Nathanael on the Jews behind SVB's
March 14, 2023 / Real Jew News
Is 'Political Zionism' a driving force in this crisis?
Is it true that virtually all the
directors of the fake 'Fed'
- which is not 'Federal' and has no 'Reserves' -
plus the giant cartel of corporate media conglomerates
are Political Zionists with allegiance
to a foreign power?
Is it true that the Big Lie
'e-veil' (energy
is thinning, and Great Awakening is winning?
Are you aware that Aquarian Spring
has sparked
a global rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness?
Would you agree that uncensored communications
with interactive open systems of mass
will eventually make dystopian dis-ease
The QFS Infrastructure for a New Global
Economic Order is Emerging.
The foundation of
global debt-based economic system
is in the final stages of
extreme debt and disintegration.
Tick, Tick, Tick:
The Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami
March 17, 2023 / technocracy.news
Since Technocrats
demonstrably have it in for Capitalism and
Free Market Economics, is it truly conceivable that they
intend to pull the tripwire on the massive derivative
The size of this obscure market is over 1 quadrillion
The economics of scarcity
has succeeded to the point where gross defects now obscure
actual gains. Abundance for the vast middle class has been
shrinking while the super rich have gotten richer and the
poverty class and homeless has burgeoned.
Extreme income inequality is the inadvertant
result with concentrated moneyed power for unaccountable plutocrats and their sycophant minions in the 'corporatocracy' (Deep State). 24 million views over 10 years; it's worse now. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." BELIEVE IT OR NOT:
A new system based on gold, commodities and other assets is
emerging. This new Quantum Financial System is not a hybrid
or retrofit of the old system. It's a wholly new system
that is quite the opposite of the prevailing scarcity
economics paradigm.
An economics of abundance is the
new reality
being optimized by the advanced technologies that have been suppressed, but are now being unveiled, initiating the Aquarian Quantum Age. We are beginning to hear news from certain people that the QFS is coming online because they sent international bank wires, and the wires arrived at their destination instantly, whereas they used to take several days. What is for certain is that the way is being cleared to roll out the numerous decentralized benefits of the new system via quantum TLC - Aquarian Frequency Shift. The Old World Order is trying to implement the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) system, with the aim being to create a cashless society and have the money supply centrally controlled. This concentration of control in the hands of the Corporatocracy is not favored by United Sovereigns of Earth.
According to Dr. Robert Malone in his article today
"The United Nations no longer
represents nations, it is a partner with the 1000 largest
transnational corporations in the world: the World Economic Forum
(WEF). We can
only assume that with this partnership a massive amount of
money flowed into the coffers of the United Nations.- Top Universities: Tools of the WEF - the Corporatocracy is subverting our sovereignty. TO QUOTE: "The United Nations and the WEF do not have officials which represent the people. Their leaders have not been elected to make decisions on our behalf or on our nation's behalf. The agendas of these organization are not those of our nation and do not reflect our concepts of rights to personal sovereignty. Yet through vessels such as Agenda 2030 and the World Health Organization's (a UN umbrella organization) proposed agenda, there is the appearance that the UN wishes to supersede national law and both national and personal sovereignty. "Those politicians with affiliations to the WEF need to declare themselves as foreign agents. It is an inherent conflict of interest to both represent and support the WEF and the US government. Likewise, many of the University Presidents named as WEF global leaders are from public institutions. They have a duty, as public officials, to report this as a conflict of interest with their institution. Taxpayer's money should not be supporting university presidents who have fealty to a foreign NGO." Fortunately, the masses have been waking up too quickly to support a centralized power grab. The truth has a pesky way of bursting our 3D bubble reality as the 4-5D frequency shift goes mainstream.
FBI Facial Recognition Software Confirms that
Majority of Initial Jan 6 Capitol Breachers Were Federal Agents March 17, 2023 / ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net All megatrends seem to be converging this summer on a new COMMON SENSE for sovereign Netizens who are about ready and willing for a Declaration of Independence from power elite tyranny. It's about TIME! The architects of QFS are timing its roll-out carefully. There's a delicate balance between maintaining trust in the current system at the same time as transitioning understanding of - and trust in - a wholly new system. Consider that the all-connected Quantum Financial System is 'decentralized' with self-regulating, self-correcting self-governance in the 'grassroots' - the new 'net roots' of global Netizens who network for the net worth of social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks; community building, in essence, is thus conscience culturing in our social network communities.
Real Community – Unity in Diversity ![]() Understanding this with philosophic grace helps mitigate the grief of unabashed fear porn as the Deep State pushes our panic buttons for subservience to CBDC tyranny. |
That Sums 'IT' Up Folks!
This explains how the BRICS nations of
the world
are crashing the US dollar with the 'gold standard'
beyond the influence of US & Europian banksters
of the Rockefeller, Rothschild & JP Morgan variety,
all being Founder-Owners of the 'Federal Reserve'.
For about
five years I've been reporting on the rise of the BRICS nations with a
new gold/commodities standard for global commerce. I've been following
the trending and connecting the dots for myself - enlightened self
interest - before sharing the nuggets with readers.
Personally I'm seeing a 'controlled demolition' of the economy... like
the 3rd building that went down on 9-11 without being hit by a plane.
It's like a slow-motion train wreck to demoralize the public in
preparation for a full assault on our sovereignty - Chinese style - with
digital passports and a digital 'social credit system' that big tech
pioneered in China... along with mass surveillance and totalitarian
population control.
Of course, they would never do that here! Yet that's exactly what they
did after 9-11 with the sovereignty-stripping 'Patriot Act' that led to
the disastrous Iraq War launched 20 years ago today, March 20th.
A lot of people worldwide hate the U.S. Empire for what it has done to the world. Global vaccine pharmacide - and then the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage - was like the one-two punch in the face of global Netizens.
Now they're pissed off. The empire mindset of 'command and control' with their centralized top-down 'International Rules of Order' has lost trust… and going down, playing their bank-collapse 'card' (fear dis-ease) now.
A new decentralized model is emerging with a mindset of cooperative
communication 'co-Creation' (w/), in a meritocracy that incentivizes pure
intention as focuses attention with
retention for conscious
ascension in the
5th dimension of enlightened full spectrum comprehension.
It's an Aquarian thing.
it? Got it. GOOD!"
Danny Kaye in 'The Court Jester' (movie clip):
"This may be the key to the whole plan..."
Get ready for the BIG
FLIP folks!
FLIP from Deep State disinformation
to High State reformation.
FLIP will occur over this next month,
mainstreaming a new 'Common Sense'.
FLIP peak lasts about six months;
Revelations - Equinox to Equinox.
The accelerated rate of mass awakening
will be 'peaking'
FLIP will 'upend' your entire world;
paradigm shift
Deep State 'SIN'
(Stuck In Negativity)
High State 'WIN'
(With Inspired Newness).
The FLIP means a culmination of the 'healing crisis' in the body of humanity. There can be no healing until we come out of denial of the cause of mass dis-ease - the vile history of Fauci and the NIH, of the Deaths caused by the mRNA poisons, of the Fedsurrection on J6, and the names of the people WHO planned it, and how WE are being tainted by their LIES.
Global Netizens will be talking about the Deep State and emerging High State while buying coffee or connecting on a myriad of social network communities.
The whole-holistic and
otherwise holy spirit of
-in-action is the catalyst for
from Deep State dystopia to High State
Great Awakening of Higher Power
and Wisdom with Big
"We the People" in our global village of
instant-everywhere and interactive
connection, with divine direction,
is now the Family of Mankind;
United Sovereigns of Earth
with frequent
principle and process.
Look to
SEE… Know to
Ordered Divinity:
Geometry Thoughtforms'
(G.O.D.~ Constitution)
for Effective Sensory Perception
via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and
next TeLeCommerce economy.
Food for thought for the truly thoughtful.
Spring Equinox is INBOUND.
March 12, 2023 / HeartsCenter.org
In a
HeartStream through David Christopher Lewis, beloved
Lord Lanto shares with us that
the nature of God is inherent
in all Life, for all life is God in its
essence and its beauty.
When we are still and the mind and
emotions are quieted,
we can access the grace and wisdom spirit of
understand the nature of God, it is necessary only
to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love
is to know and understand
God; and to know God
is to understand love."
Dr. David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I" (pg.
Thanks for your heart-felt support!
I'm grateful for reader support of this publication,
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