Health Care Dawning Series / Oct. 4, 2013
(upgraded 3-24-2015)
Heartcom Network

Continued from PART II

The Nature of 'Universal Self Care' and
Global 'Health Assurance Polices' with
America's Holistic Alliance" (AHA!)

"The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

  A new 'Common Sense' is emerging for the Family of Man
  in our new global village of instant-everywhere-interactive
TeLeComm capabilities. Global humanity is now finishing
what U.S. Founders began with united
'Common Sense

The rEVOLUTION today is one of collective Conscience.

The intent is to culture our conscientious common sense.

The vision for doing this follows the focus of our attention.

The retention of care with TeLeComm and TeLeCare will
empower wisdom with love
for our conscious ascension.

  The healing of 'health care' for the abundant life
  will thus evolve with 4th Wave business models.

See also: My Background with Quantum Healing
and Quantum Healing with Trinfinity8.

by 'Dr. Christopher'

Those who have read the links in Part I and Part II are aware that 'America's Holistic Alliance' (AHA!) is the networking arm of 'United Self Care', a public/private partnership of users and sponsors of 'Universal Self Care' and 'Health Assurance Polices'.

  Networking for the Net Worth of Global Netizens with
Enlightened Self Interest for our Self Determined
   Healing of a "Self Elevation" (Salvation) Nature.

This is not rocket science.  It would be common sense already if there were not so many special interests with a vested interest in keeping common sense uncommon.
Fortunately, a new global 'Net reality' with the Internet has reached a critical mass of Netizens worldwide who have been networking for the Net worth of 'Common Sense'.

"There's nothing more valuable than
a vision that has found it's time."
~ Victor Hugo

So take a walk through THE VISION... how free, on-line Universal Self Care will serve approximately 4 billion global Netizens who are now online with smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers worldwide. The infrastructure is installed and ready.

Here's what the 'public option' of well-informed choice will look like:

Click on image or go to:

Anyone in the world who is connected to the worldwide web will be able to go to the website for United Self Care (under construction).

Health Assurance Policies Introduced
by United Self Care

United Self Care (USC) is an alliance of health care practitioners, leaders and users of a highly personalized 'cloud source' model for self care with "Informed Choice Services" (ICS) as defines health assurance standards for the analysis, prevention and treatment of disease; new standards for a new health assurance industry with health assurance policies.

Consider how the decentralized public option for Self Care
 compares to the centralized health monopoly, ObamaCare.

When you enter the free, on-line website for USC, you don't have to register or enter your name.  All the highly personalized self-care information for any health condition is available for your consideration. Well-informed choice is a public option as it should be.

 The more specific your interest
    with well-formed choice options,
 the more definitive the results.

There's lots of general information on the website for common sense health tips for the most asked questions (Q & A) about health. But you also have the option of entering your "metabolic type" (blood type), a personalized portal where you can see what health care modalities are working best for all humans who have the same blood type. This provides information on the best and worst foods for your genetic pool of bio-individuality, and also, an empirical results-oriented database that clearly shows:

1- Which modalities of health care are most effective as remedies for
2- Whatever specific health symptoms you are concerned with.

No. 1 could be either homeopathic, naturopathic, chiropractic, allopathic, etc. modalities, or some eclectic combination that has evidence of efficacy.

No. 2 could be the health symptoms of anyone in your family who needs help.

This free online "Informed Choice Service" (ICS) is unique in the way it defines what's "working best" (efficacy) through a collaborative alliance of health care professionals and users of this service who share their results with simple reporting protocols.

The USC collaborative alliance, called AHA! (America's Holistic Alliance) provides numerous AHA! apps for personalized health assessment and choice fulfillment.

What's working best for self care becomes increasingly self-evident as the AHA! "cloud" (database) matures in three ways:
1- User feedback with reporting protocols that clearly define the parameter of results, 2- Practitioner feedback with more extensive analysis and reporting protocols,
3- Efficacy guidelines that represent the full spectrum of health modalities as
    documented by their respective professional associations.

AHA! apps for optimal health include an interactive interface for real-time communication within numerous health care support groups. This "universal interface" (heartwareTM), includes heart coherence standards and collective mind congruence processes for culturing consensus; what's working best to support optimal health.

USC provides optional links between self care users and health care practitioners who honor ICS/AHA! guidelines. These practitioners comprise USC's "Preferred Provider Opportunity" (PPO) for health professionals.

USC also provides "BMS Yellow Pages" (Body-Mind-Spirit components) with health products and services recommended by ICS users and PPO practitioners.

The bottom line for this working model of results-based AHA! standards is to raise the standard of self-care and physician care with 'Informed Choice Services', reducing the cost of care for individuals, families, small businesses, corporate America, and the burgeoning global on-line market that is now serving about 3 billion customers.

United Self Care is advancing the 'gold standard'
for personalized
integrated health care with
a new global
health assurance industry.

That may be too much information of an in-depth nature for some of us to 'compute', but connect the dots with a little common sense, and the Big Picture of self-perfecting standards for universal self care and health assurance polices for all will emerge.

To Your Optimal Health,

'Dr. Christopher'

Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue,
Vow with Valor and Claim the Victory
of the Power of Wisdom with "Love"

 - Quantum Computing with a Heart -
 For Health Freedom as Determines
  Life Over Death for Global Netizens

(USC's Health Assurance Policies)
With a Flagship Model of Global
TeLeComm Applications for
The 'Chalice' for our
 Global Holistic Health

Full Spectrum
TeLeCare for
Global Health