Previously... 2018 Review
2019 Preview
Perfecting our Gifts & Opportunities in 2019
Sovereigns of Earth
global ship of state is cruising into
uncharted waters with wide disclosure
of the Secret Space Program in 2018.
Ready or not, spaceship Earth is
entering a sector of Deep Space that
is known to cause an energetic shift
in Earth’s ‘morphic field’ (holodeck)
as corresponds to one's High State
in a higher
mental coherence
From Deep State to High State
unified field of conscientious ESP
– Effective Sensory Perception –
is emerging with
5D common sense
that anchors the ‘power of wisdom’
with the whole-holistic-holy spirit of
That’s the backdrop for a big shift
in the collective consciousness of
US – United Sovereigns of Earth
to a newly emerging ‘High State’.
Some of us are well on the way.
Others choose not to ‘go there’,
preferring the
‘matrix of reality’
programmed by the Deep State.
So consider this compendium as
a prelude to major megatrends
shaping our perceptions in 2019.
Skip to the bottom for
‘Believe it or Not’
videos this week.
I’m publishing this for Jan 1st,
but will be adding videos and articles
over this next week, thanks to many
readers who share what I’ve missed.
Full Disclosure – Reality TV for the ET’s
Humanity’s rEVOLUTION
to a High State
‘Common Sense Unified Field Conscience’
is the ‘Big Show’ in the Universe
right now.
Let me unwrap that:)
As the producer/host of the
My mind has been thoroughly
Full disclosure, in my case, should reveal that I’m a ‘UFO contactee’
(explained on my January 5th
For example, read ‘On
The Path’
In my compendium called ‘Meetings
with Miraculous People’, read the story about ‘Wayne’ – a real
‘sorcerer’ who had been going to source since he was 3 years old,
trained by ‘grandfather’, the shaman on the Pine Ridge Indian
reservation where Wayne lived in his formative years.
Wayne knew all about the ET’s.
Wayne had gone to source on this subject over decades. He could
access the Akashic records on anything, could see the auras around
people, had three holistic healing centers, and was a practical
visionary who made millions on dozens of inventions ranging from an
upgrade of Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy accumulator to advanced
Royal Raymond Rife technology – a modified square-wave chip in a
Texas Instruments signal generator – for healing disease with
frequencies that ruptured the membranes of fungal, bacterial and
viral pathogens. Wayne fine-tuned Tesla’s technology for an energy
shield that kept the snow off his house, and he used 12 Tesla coils
to charge water with 3 octaves of a frequency that ‘inactivates’
microbial parasites when you drink it over a month or two. The full
range of ‘bugs' - from fungus to cancer virus - died off. I worked in his
laboratory. We shipped truck loads of this water all over the U.S. I
ran his office in 2001, loading trucks with a forklift and
scheduling shipments.
But I digress. Wayne had a UFO viewer.
It was a high-power infra-red viewer that revealed the sky full of
cloaked UFO’s. They’re all around the planet – millions of them from
across the universe – watching the big drama as Earthlings wake
up, wise up and rise up to eventually welcome our ‘Space Family’ on
Earth as in Cosmos-at-large.
Reality TV for the ET’s
This is hard to believe – that our progress is being closely
monitored. Non-interference with our free will is the operant policy
of the Prime
Directive, but there are exceptions to the rule; nuclear war has
been banned so we can evolve without destroying ourselves.
Keep that in mind. Universe has rules.
Full disclosure of the ET connection to Earth’s true history and
future is busting out of the matrix mindset programmed by Deep State
consortiums which want no awareness or oversight by the public at
This is ‘Big Drama’ shaping 2019.
Watch the following video by Jordan Sather to see how mainstream
media is now beginning overt disclosure of the Secret Space programs
I’ve been reporting over this last year.
Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream
Worldwide exposure of the Secret Space Programs on the Internet is forcing disclosure of the truth in the lamestream media before they lose all credibility and viewers and advertising $'s to independent news sources on the Internet.
That’s another megatrend shaping 2019.
The High State of public awakening is wising up to the Deep State’s
psychology of subservience to tyranny since 9-11 – their terror
tactics for shock and awe that rolls over to power without
Constitutional principle.
That crisis is coming to a head in 2019. Social media has liberated social conscience in social networks worldwide to the point where the Deep State is now scrambling to survive the High State of a new ‘Common Sense’ arising. Big Tech has been co-opted by Deep State agendas to commandeer Internet media – with censorship and demonitization – to shape public perception. Their time is short, their desparation is obvious, and their cultural war against the truth is blatant.
(new 'must read' article by Jon Rappoport) has hijacked Net neutrality with
manipulation of the 'mass mind' in social networks. It’s now
rather self-evident that Big Tech has gone the way of Big Oil, Big Banks, Big
Media and the Big War corporatocracy cabal… making a mockery of ‘Do
no evil’ with a control-to-profit agenda that literally
makes a killing on
population reduction policies.
Endless War Has Been Normalized
PSS: Thanks to
readers for your
feedback over this last year.
You're the best mastermind
alliance I've ever had. ~CR
(next to the Masters upstairs:)
And thanks for a wonderful year
from all of 'us' at UltraMedics.
(multiple personalities:)
Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health