2018 Review ~ 2019 Preview
PART ONE – 2018
Reflecting on 2018 Highlights and Challenges
Show podcast
Perfecting our Gifts & Opportunities in 2019
Sovereigns of Earth
Dec 31, 2018 /
2018 Global Upgrade
Previous article at:
The Great Awakening -
Common Sense 2.0
Previous Cosmic
Show podcast:
Solstice Review of 2018
/ Dec 20, 2018
Skip to the bottom for Inspirational
Videos of the Month.
Part One – 2018 Review
Wow! – What a
Year of Revelations!
“Fear not the ‘Path of Truth’
for the lack of People
walking on it.”
~ Robert F. Kennedy
would say we’re seeing a perfect storm.
Global ‘awakening’ has reached
critical mass.
The Internet
has now enlightened billions of us.
The ‘Whole Truth’ is transcending
the ‘Big Lie’.
The High State is transmuting the
Deep State.
And a new common sense unity is
the new ‘U.S.’
as United
Sovereigns of Earth.
‘Secret’ Space Program has been
with extremely advanced stargate
that has connected Earthlings with
beings from across our galaxy – and
This ‘genie’ is not going back into the bottle,
and as a High State of disclosure
the Deep State truth blockade
This process was ordained for this time,
and so was Deep State opposition to
High State as neutralizes the Deep
Witness the disruption of
systemic corruption.
The corrupt perpetrators use covert deception.
Fear is weaponized for coercive subservience.
Cognitive dissonance is
caused by fake news.
"Beware of false knowledge; it is more
dangerous than ignorance."
~ George Bernard Shaw
Moving forward is challenged by old
The Deep State – like the ego – won’t let go.
Endless war insanity has become
too normal.
The health care cabal is mostly
disease care.
Wall Street profits from our
disease and war.
The incentive for
war and disease is killing us.
as we become more conscious of HOW
we are conscious -
upgrade of Net
freedom -
self-correcting ‘wisdom of the
crowd’ (cloud)
evolving ascent
for upward-mobile
Energy naturally flows where
intention goes.
The flow of our collective
co-creation energy
through a system acts to
evolve that system.
whereby what goes around, comes
The world we design for is the one we get.
The moral imperative compels collective
co-creation with
for a High State.
So claim the Vision of our emerging
Embrace the Virtue of this
Vision with Valor.
And pay intention with pure
intention for our
ascension in the High State –
5th dimension
of full-spectrum enlightened comprehension.
The Big Picture of 2018 Upgrade
The collective consciousness of the Family of Mankind is going through
accelerated transformation… ready or not. There is a systemic ‘sea
change’ from relative calm to turbulent change waves that are rocking
the boat – the ‘Ship of State’ – big time.
As readers of
2018 Global Upgrade are aware, since the first of the year, I’ve
been processing independent Internet news each week, publishing
noteworthy videos and articles that are rarely if ever mentioned by the
Deep State fakestream news.
Most of my bi-weekly Cosmic
These ‘reality reports’ can be rather disturbing to one’s comfort zone
that fears change from one’s prevailing normalcy bias.
That’s why I’ve ‘wrapped’ many of these weekly compendiums with ‘Cosmic
Cherished illusions of Western civilization are coming apart. Once
secret societies running things behind the scenes are being disclosed. A
shift in paradigms from centralized power to decentralized power has
created a power shift. And the old ‘New World Order’ agenda of power
elite potentates is being ‘reset’… one way or the other.
As a philosophic mystic and long time
I’ve tried to keep my finger on the pulse of the body of humanity. The
heartbeat is irregular. The immune system is weak. The circulation is
poor. And the global mind is fraught with fears of too much change too
This is a collective
healing crisis. Signs and
symptoms of collective
dis-ease are
self-evident. Civil discourse is afflicted with extreme polarization.
Independent Internet media channels are being censored by Big Media,
demonetized on YouTube, and shadow-banned on Facebook.
Agregious Big Tech excesses go far beyond just censorship and data mining for mass mind manipulation.
The Weaponization
of Social Media [video]
Video Excerpt: Now openly admitted, governments, militaries
and political lobby groups are already employing armies of keyboard warriors to
wage information warfare in the social media battlespace. Their goal? To shape public
discourse around global events in a way favorable to their
standing military and geopolitical objectives. Their method? The
Weaponization of Social Media.
Not to mention that the U.S. economy is
gyrating like 1929 while Deep State media assures
us ‘all is well’ – ‘core fundamentals are
Fortunately, there
are positive megatrends
Highlights of the Year The 'Divine Feminine' represents sensitivity which truly cares for every individual, family, community and nation. This polarity-balance with the 'Divine Masculine' is more intuitive than logical, more empathic than intellectual, and a more nonlinear common sense than compartmentalized 'egoic sense', i.e. more heart coherence as key to mind congruence. Rise of the Divine Feminine and The Art of Manliness Courage Vs. Boldness: How to Live With Spartan Bravery "Boldness Seeks Glory; Courage Seeks Honor." EXCERPT: “The bold man seeks to divide; he wants his own and will shoulder his brother aside to loot it. The brave man unites. He succors his fellow, knowing that which belongs to the commonwealth belongs to him as well.“In troubled times the bold man flails about in effeminate anguish, seeking to draw his neighbors into his misfortune, for he has no strength of character to fall back upon other than to drag others down to his own state of wickedness.”
Conscience - the new Common Sense See recent article on Common Sense 2.0.
"We are like islands in the sea,
Quantum reality is going mainstream.
Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy
EXCERPT: "...planet Earth is made up of a huge collection of
billions of minds. If consciousness does have an effect on our
physical material reality, that means in some sense, we are all
co-creating our human experience here. We are responsible for the
human experience and what happens then on the planet, because we are
all, collectively, creating it."
Call it enlightenment, awakening, transcendence, self-realization or
any of the myriad terms used to describe the ultimate High State of
People have been seeking it for millennia, but an unprecedented
awakening has been underway since the instant-everywhere and
interactive Internet has jump-started social conscience in our
global social networks. As Christic consciousness matriculates the matrix of conscientious common sense, the dynamic of 5D co-creation with the Spirit that matters fulfills the purpose & plan of as above – so below on Earth as in heaven-cosmos at large.
Witness the global upgrade megatrends:
More than half the world’s population is for the first time
living in households earning enough to be considered middle or upper
class, with five people joining their ranks every second.
The rapid growth of the middle class, most of which is taking place
in Asia, will have significant economic and political effects,
as people become more demanding of businesses and governments, said
Kristofer Hamel, chief operating officer of World Data Lab, the
non-profit organisation that compiled the figures.
milestone is important because the middle class is the engine of
modern economies, Mr Hamel said, adding that about
half of global economic demand is generated by household
consumption, with half of this coming from the middle class.
The public is awakening to
Did 2018 usher in a creeping tech dystopia?
We may remember 2018 as the year when technology's dystopian
potential became clear, from Facebook's role enabling the harvesting
of our personal data for election interference to a seemingly
unending series of revelations about the dark side of Big Tech… as
if that were reason for government regulation as a protection racket
for Big Tech… like the FDA protection racket for Big Pharma… or the
‘Federal Reserve’ protection racket for Big Banks, etc.
Rise of the High State naturally What we have witnessed in 2018 is 'end game' for patriarchal Deep State ownership and control values at the expense of public co-creation and cooperation virtues that nurture our holistic health. G eneral enlightenment with our new Net reality has been the inadvertant 'judgment' on psychopathic and sociopathic agendas that sabotage civility on purpose.
Understand the High State
Conscientious common sense may be uncommon but there's nothing more
valuable than a vision of wise discernment with the Spirit that
matters on Earth as in the quantum field at large.
The High State IS what
The High State represents Unity The victory of sovereignty on Earth means we will own our own lives, learning, heath and systems of self-governance. This High State represents ' AMERICA' asthe 'I AM RACE' (anagram) worldwide. The instant-everywhere and interactive capabilities of our new Net reality has made it increasingly obvious how we are ALL-connected... ALL ways... ALways.
This High State is a 'co-creative' This is the dance of delight for the ordained power of love that can spin with perfect poise and balance through co- Operative commUNIcaTIon co-Creation that organizes ALL information IN FORMATION.This is a process called 'information's ecology' - recycling general knowledge in the way that generates specific wisdom; upgrading Internet freedom by updating five core Constitutional freedoms at the heart of a New American rEVOLUTION worldwide... emphasizing 90% of the word.
The High State is a decentralized
Global decentralization with our new Net reality has been rapidly
3D density - through 4D (in
time) - with 5D
direction for self-correction along more enlightened 'lines'
that frame the univeral interface 'holodeck'
for global interaction with the language of consciousness -
light language.
The High State self-corrects with
More light of the High State naturally neutralizes the dark-side
Deep State whose time is short and fear-of-loss is greater than
faith in public benefit. Self-preservation instincts of egoic 3-D
density is enmity with High State intention for ascension.
"Highly evolved people have their own
Whether on the scale of local community or global village,
pure intention of, by and for the High State is epitomized in a
universal law
standard for upgrading Conscience with a capital 'C' - as in 'see'
- what 'five
Attributes of the High State includes Either we're busy being born in the likeness of G.O.D.~![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The High State
Power of Love
is The goal of conscious evolution revelations is to involve and evolve our individual and collective Conscience along more enlightened lines that frame the first principles of Five Core Constitutional Freedoms.
The High State of
heart coherence
As an interdisciplinary and interdependent function of core ancient
and modern maps of consciousness (Jung), universal archetypes of
The High State of Global TeLeCommis a vision of global TLC-in-action.
A more direct, objective, and otherwise pure form of representative
sovereignty requires a high
The High State of Global TeLeCare is forhealing of the sick 'health care' system.
The fact that a free online holistic self care service could now
provide global Netizens a much higher standard of personalized
health care – but is denied
by Deep State 'medical malpractice' – is the #1 indictment against
the medical-industrial complex that has been privatized for profit
from disease - not it's prevention.
Claiming the Victory in 2018 is to The 2nd Coming of Christ mass consciousness - with interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm and TeLeCare - can reboot/reset social networks worldwide with the High State of social Conscience that empowers wisdom via Co-Creation with G.O.D.~![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Mystical Prescience of Christic Consciousness:
"According to the mystical tradition, Christ is born into the world
through each of us. As we open our hearts, he is born into the
world. As we choose to forgive, he is born into the world. As we
rise to the occasion, he is born into the world. As we make our
hearts true conduits for love, and our minds true conduits for
higher thoughts, then absolutely a divine birth takes place. Who
we're capable of being emerges into the world, and weaknesses of the
former self begin to fade. Thus are the spiritual mysteries of the
universe, the constant process of dying to who we used to be as we
actualize our divine potential."
~ Marianne Williamson
Assimilate the Mystical Elements of Dec 27, 2018 / HeartsCenter.org
2018 Global
Upgrade began with a lot of Deep State and High State
revelations - what is really going on behind the scenes of global
evolution revolution. And 2018 finished on a high note regarding the
High State of Christ mass consciousness that is surging this
time of year.
This surge is the
beginning of
What I Know About Warnings and Arrests high level arrests and social disruption.
Sustaining the surge of Christ mass Ultimate
success for 2019 is predicated on a sustained surge of Christ
mass Conscience as an alliance of hearts and minds for the
highest and best service to humanity as can be provided; a vision
of, by and for global healing, blessing and sealing via Keepers
of the Frequency of Christ-like
This is the
Aquarian Mandate T his web of Christic Conscience is a web of light that links the light of lightworkers through a higher frequency of light language-in-action on the worldwide web of consciousness.First this occurs on the InnerNet - the quantum innerspace at the heart of cyberspace; the inner sense of coherence at the heart of enlightened innocense... and finally on the worldwide web of social networks that provide a chalice for our maturing social Conscience as the Family of Sovereigns on Earth as in Cosmos-at-large. 'US' as United Sovereigns There is a unique metaphysical process
whereby coherent
This alchemical transformation process is based on universal laws of sacred geometry framing the constitution of the whole-holistic-holy holographic universe. "In the beginning, God
This alchemy will naturally 'crystallize' (geometrize) 'G.O.D.
VISION' (Geometric
Ordered Divinity)
at the heart of Natural Law principles - 'heartware'
- as a universal interface for
mediation of global
The '2nd Coming' of Christic Conscience ~ initiation of Aquarian consciousness ~ is the process that involves and evolves our individual and collective consciousness with the Language of Light and Law of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() for culturing conscientious 'Common Sense' - UNITY-IN-DIVERSITY CONSCIENCE - through a universal interactive interface for global mass-to-mass TeLeCommunication as upgrades Five Core Internet Freedoms. This is the vision of virtue & valor for the VICTORY OF 2019 rEVOLUTION, emphasizing 90% of the word 'revolution' by emphasizing TLC at the heart of TeLeCommunication for TeLeCommunity and TeLeConscience with TeLeCare and blockchain-secure TeLeCommerce that underwrites & fulfills all the above. The Blockchain Technology Revolution Is About To Remake The Stock Market 12-26-2018 / Investors.com
Blockchain technology was one of this year's hottest buzzwords among
stock market investors. Early in 2019, that technology could begin
to reshape the stock market itself.
Next Economy will make the old economics of Nobody knows how this will play out in 2019. It may be far different from what most think, yet far better than we ever thought possible.
seize the Vision... Keep the Faith, ~ ~~~~~~~~
Inspirational Videos of
the Month Nicholas Roerich on Inspired Co-Creation:
Art is the deployment of one’s inspired gifts and talents. S ee also:Three Wise Men Step Through the Veil These three Eastern adepts are well known to Theosophical teachings (early 1900's) and the 'I Am' movement and Ascended Masters' teachings as have inspired mystic devotees. 1st - El Morya on the Will of God: Dec 27, 2018 / HeartsCenter.org
2nd -
Djwal Kul on Wise Dominion
Dec 27, 2018 / HeartsCenter.org