Compendium by
A full spectrum of views for
enlightened Net reality
Feb 25, 2017 /
Note from CR: This is the best article I've seen on the
current state of the new enlightenment paradigm shift
amidst the 'stuck' paralysis of old paradigm divisions.
If you are not familiar with the Thrive Movement,
watch their short 3 minute introduction:
What the Thrive Movement lacks is what
the Heartcom Network focuses on with
an in-depth whole system approach to
wholly integrated holistic solutions with
Neutralizing Nefarious Negativity
For example:
Is the 'Deep State isolating Trump
We the People
“Donald Trump has to decide, #1, does he want to mobilize
the rest of the country around his Presidency and defeat
the Deep State.”
~ Robert David Steele
Published on Feb 21, 2017
Greg Hunter
goes One-on-One with intelligence expert and election reform advocate
Robert David Steele. If Trump can’t mount a counterattack and get rid of
his White House “traitors,” what happens? Intel expert Robert David
Steele predicts,
"If we don’t do electoral reform…“He will not be re-elected,
and he will also probably be impeached in 2018… I believe in
Donald Trump. I want to devote my life to helping Donald Trump to
restore the Constitution and restore democracy. I am deeply upset that
Donald Trump is not getting the advice he needs to lay this out for
America and provide a solution.
The Electoral Reform Act needs to be implemented
in the next 90 days or Donald Trump is not going to finish his term.”
See Robert’s Feb 22nd article:
"We have the greatest opportunity the world has
What Election Reform
Looks Like
#1 – It will keep the
attention of
people alive
#3 – It will
finely qualify social justice with Love, Joy and Peace Win in the End! ~~~~~~~
A GOOD LAUGH – WHAT A HOOT! The joke is about each one's left brain and right brain; ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ dominance respectively. Women who are left brain dominant - like most men - may intimidate or otherwise challenge the prevailing "worldview paradigm" (perceptions) of those 'caring' men who are right-brain dominant. Men who are right brain dominant, like most women, may likewise feel challenged by the ‘worldview’ of those 'strong' women who are left-brain dominant. The real issue is NOT one’s sex but the prevailing dominance of in-the-box paradigm paralysis that resists and resents holistic all-connected intuition in an Internet world beyond our walls in the mind. A more balanced ‘new paradigm’ worldview will involve and evolve full spectrum enlightenment with a more interactive model of global ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
So chill
out. There is a Higher Power at work.
Peace in the Eye of the
The 3 Pillars of the Deep State Must Be
President’s Day Message – Feb 20, 2017
“Each of you as a sovereign being of light
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Upgrade your immune system with the ultimate superfood. Support your DNA's replication, repair, regeneration and full-spectrum health with Swedish Pollen Extract for more light (mental clarity with neuro-transmitters); more life (vital force for cell immunity and repair); more love (balance via hormone precursors). ~ 'Dr. Christopher'
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All 'Rights' Well-Rounded