A Universal
"Co-Operation” (Co-Creation) Interface
for Mass-to-Mass Internet
Christopher Lee Rudy
Holistic Visionary
CEO, Heartcom
Publisher, HEARTcom
Host, BBS
Radio Show, Cosmic Love
Author, Emerging
Blueprint for a Golden Age
Director, UltraMedics
Services, Global
and the Legacy
Imagine if you had the foresight to see the potential of the
Internet then,
or the next generation of the computer/Internet revolution now with
'Quantum Computing':
· THE VISION: Next Generation of the Computer/Internet Revolution; · NET REALITY: Culturing Social Conscience in Social Networks; · HEARTWARE: Integrating Hardware, Software and Netware;
WEB 3.0 SHIFT: From “The Computer is the Network” (Internet) · CO-CREATION: Heartware™ E-valuation Criteria for CyberEthics; · HEART COHERENCE: Education of the heart for centering Conscience;
The technique for
‘high touch’ high tech, defined
by The natural evolution of the computer/internet revolution from an emphasis on hardware to software, netware, and now to a new ‘Net reality’ of, by and for ‘Co-Operative Co-Creation’, can now be well qualified with web 3.0 HEARTware™.
We are what we believe, think, feel
and do, and we
Web 1.0... the computer becomes the network of computers;
PREFACE: Following is the in-depth ‘coded version’ that
introduces HEARTware™.
The WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN and WHERE of HEARTware™ First… the larger context – the insight overview “CAPstone” (Creative Ascent Process) – as is defining, refining, combining and 'shining' our individual and collective Net reality… a process culturing conscientious common sense, systemic enlightenment, education of the heart, cultural DNA, etc.
Historical Note: Back in November of 1974, I addressed 10 agencies of the Fed. Government on Capitol Hill, as explained HERE. I introduced a simple yet profound way to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial with a decentralized system of interactive telecomm as will upgrade our horse-and-buggy system of representing core Constitutional freedoms. Today we still have a horse-and-buggy representation system that has been co-opted by the corporatocracy.
resolves this conundrum via feedback
When the interactive
interface for mass-to-mass interaction is ‘universal’ with an
archetypal frame of reference for global Net reality, all
information is organized
Conscious evolution of, by and for global civility HEARTware™ has overcome the #1 obstacle of mass-to-mass interaction, framing E-valuation criteria with archetypal processes of consciousness (Jung) as are ‘geometrized’ or otherwise objectified through a process of conscious choice at the HEART of conscious evolution. This is the #1 criteria for the next generation of the computer/internet revolution from an emphasis on hardware to software, netware, and now to web 3.0 HEARTware™… culturing social Conscience in social networks. The HEARTware™ process serves to resolve the common mental health ‘dis-ease’ of information overload and consequent “future shock” (paradigm paralysis) as a consequence of the exponential increase in knowledge with the computer-Internet revolution.
The more information we have, HEARTware™ is a process that ‘recycles’ knowledge in the way that extracts wisdom with a “heart” (Conscience)… resolving the entropic effect of ‘sensory overload’ – too much information -- which is just as crippling for conscious evolution as sensory deprivation. HEARTware™ integrates the syntropic effect of ‘Effective Sensory Perception’ of a more enlightened ‘universal’ nature.
Such a higher standard for Net reality will holistically A truly ‘universal’ E-valuation criteria at the HEART of interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm will qualify ‘smart’ with ‘heart’ of a more conscientious ‘best for all’ nature. This is the ‘heart’ of ‘community building’ within any social network. It is also the ‘heart’ of unity in our diversity. And it is a way for cultural creatives to co-create ‘Unity Conscience’ via the ‘Source field’ of Effective Sensory Perception. These core processes of consciousness are an exquisite metaphor for Five Core Constitutional Freedoms, and with optimized ‘Freedom of Conscience’, all other freedoms are synergized and ‘universalized’ for our ‘global village’.
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.” The ‘universal’ E-valuation criteria at the heart of HEARTware™ likewise defines a ‘universal’ standard for cyberEthics, resolving the cognitive dissonance from the horse-and-buggy standard of one-way, top-down, highly centralized media programming… bringing public dialogue into the Internet Age with multi-way, bottom-up, highly decentralized interaction that naturally cultures conscious evolution through relationships of relevance and ultimate reverence: the power of wisdom with ‘TLC’ geometrized at the heart of local/global TeLeComm. The WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN and WHERE of HEARTware™: WHAT: HEARTware™ is an interactive interface application for integrating the current capabilities of hardware, software and netware in “real time” (moment-to-moment)… as will culture the Currency of Conscience at the HEART of the Next Economy… highlighting the best ideas, innovations, revelations and communication tools and processes of, by and for global enlightenment. WHY: Defining and refining ‘high touch’ high tech; culturing consensus as social-unity Conscience in social networks; conscious evolution at the HEART of the instant-everywhere and interactive computer/Internet revolution will upgrade core Constitutional freedoms. HOW: Involves and evolves the ‘language of consciousness’ at the HEART of the learning process, the creative process, and the actual processes of consciousness at the quintessential foundation of self-governance… for “mass-to-mass TeLeComm” (with a heart). WHEN: Rapid development model following funding. Goal is for premier release of the video on 12-12-12; the vision alone can be the catalyst for rapid deployment of the HEARTware 1.0 interface for early adopters in 2013. WHERE: Coming to a desktop, laptop or hand-held Net reality near you.
The language of light is a universal language ‘seen’ by all humans
on Earth. It’s also
HEARTware™ will provide an interactive model for translation and application of the
The Overview Vision “CAPstone”
The higher the concept of Universal
Note that a truly universal interface will, for the first time,
enable a ‘higher frequency’ with interactive
Defining and refining web 3.0 for crowd-source conscious co-creation will thrive with E-valuation criteria for ‘wholEness’ with ‘global cyberEthics’ of, by and for ‘Effective’ Sensory Perception… culturing Enlightenment as ‘Unity Conscience’… harnessing the evolution revolution with a global interface for ‘Universal Co-creation’.
can harness the winds, the waves and the tides, The goal is to culture our Net reality with “high touch” (personalized) high tech at the heart of the instant-everywhere and interactive computer/Internet revolution… and with a free downloaded app for palm-held, lap-top or desk-top networking platforms.
Interactive interface for universal mass-to-mass
TeLeComm: This is a unique proprietary process for geometrizing cyberEthics E-valuation criteria for ‘information ecology’ as 'recycles' information IN FORMATION along more enlightened ‘lines’ that frame universal law ‘language’ with core Jung archetypes governing conscious evolution. HEARTware creates a ‘portal’ from cyberspace to inner space… the gateway from the Internet to the ‘Inner Net’, the virtually untapped potential of a higher consciousness than that which created all our social problems.
It doesn’t take an Einstein to realize that a global
All social problems are, at heart, communication problems – how we ‘come-into-unity’ for real ‘comm-unity’ in our diversity. HEARTware is an application that integrates the capabilities of hardware, software and netware “in time” (real-time, moment-to-moment) in the way that involves and evolves the ‘language of consciousness’ at the HEART of the learning process, the creative process, and the actual processes of consciousness at the quintessential foundation of self-governance. HEARTware frames the next generation of Net reality – web 3.0 -- with a universal interface for interaction of hundreds or millions of people at the same time… providing input coding with 3 numbers in sequence which represent the 3 dimensions of contextual ‘E-valuation’ – three 1-9 scales radiating from “0-Point” as ‘at-ONE-ment’ or ‘Unity Conscience’. Input of these 3 numbers via HEARTware™ -- at any one moment of a live or replayed video -- creates a dot in a 3-D cube icon displaying real-time social consciousness. This e-valuation criteria can thus provide ‘highlights’ for origination of new content that focuses attention with pure intention for the heart of the matter… how our collective Conscience is centered and connected with -- or divided and disconnected from -- the spirit that matters… empowering wisdom with a ‘heart’. The leaders of the future will be good communicators, and HEARTware™ refines the communication process in the way that enlightened communicators can rise and shine, showing us all how to wake up, wise up and rise up with greater social Conscience in our social networks. This information’s ecology process of E-valuation and origination for culturing ‘crowd source’ Conscience – qualified by HEARTware cyberEthics – empowers the response ability of informed choice to know better and do better in ALL DIMENSIONS of our individual and collective ‘holodeck’ – the "Source Field" (quantum 'cloud') at the heart of every social network community... as framed by HEARTware: 1st number ‘dimension’: from upper brain to lower brain, i.e. context is ‘above you’ or ‘below you’… from a centered and connected 'O-point' of cognitive agreement. This is like the ‘brightness’ scale from ‘too bright, sophisticated or authoritative’ to the perceptual perspective of 'too dark, dense and DUH: Dumb, Unconscious and Heartless'. This 1st dimension of “pure white light” (pure intention or not) goes through the veil of human thought and feeling, like a crystal prism, to ‘refract’ into all the colors of the rainbow as represent full-spectrum consciousness. The focus of attention on this spectrum further qualifies ‘light language’: 2nd number ‘dimension’: from left brain to right brain, i.e. context is “too linear” (technically abstract) or “too nonlinear” (absent of meaning)… from a centered and connected 0-point of cognitive agreement. This is like the spectrum from ‘too mental’ (intellectual-abstract intelligence) from the perspective of “too emotional” (nonlinear-intuitive intelligence). The Star Trek analogy would be Spock on one end of the spectrum and Scotty on the other end... with Kirk in the middle. The composite of brightness and color in the 1st and 2nd E-valuation scales respectively, creates a picture worth a thousand words, as in a well-exposed and developed color snapshot. The ‘synergy’ of brightness and color – the process of cognition in frequency and form – leads to ‘pattern recognition’… to ‘get the picture’. 3rd number ‘dimension’: from forebrain to rear brain, i.e. context synergy of the 1st two dimensions in terms of either too profound for foresight or hindsight to grasp… from a centered and connected 0-point of cognitive agreement. HEARTware 1.0 will include an in-depth user guide explaining the e-valuation process with a unique self-assessment profile (on-line, confidential) for personal relevance of the 3-dimensions to your own cognitive frame of reference. This becomes your ‘bench-mark’ for conscious evolution in relationship with others utilizing HEARTware's E-valuation criteria for cyberEthics in our individual/collective ‘holodeck’. HEARTware 2.0 will include an application with a biofeedback interface which references heart coherence as a higher standard for HEARTware™ cyberEthics. Such ‘coherence' is actually a golden ratio algorithm of the heart rhythm when in the frequency of loving kindness, holy compassion, divine feminine energies at the HEART of 5-D Unity Conscience. SUMMARY: A 3-D interface application for “4-D” (real time) interaction -- on palm-held, lap-top or desk-top networking platforms -- will involve and evolve our individual and collective “Conscience” (5-D) for ‘Universal Co-Creation’ – a cooperative process for culturing unity-in-diversity at the HEART of local and global social networks. More information on ‘The Vision’ – how HEARTware™ works -- is available per request at heartcom@mcn.net . ~~~~~~~~~