THE 7 HAT DIALOGUE PROCESS FOR THE A-TEAM: By Christopher Rudy, HEARTcom Services For all ‘A-Team’ respondents: Please qualify your feedback with the specific ‘color of the ‘hat’ you are ‘wearing’ when responding… an affirmation of your understanding of ‘light language’:
White Hat… pure full spectrum ‘light’ with
pure intention to focus attention
loves retention for
conscious ascension in a
common dimension of greater ‘ Black Hat… devil’s advocate; cynicism that sees through the ‘looking glass’ darkly, expressing the denial, denigration and depression that represents stages of grieving from loss of ‘Source Light’, i.e. the quantum connection to the ‘white whole’/’black whole’ torus fields of the unified ‘Source Field’. Enlightenment includes a process for making the dark side of us conscious… to make it obsolete with more ‘light’. Black Hats may repudiate the perspective of White Hats, but Black Hats have an important role to play in a dialogue that represents all hats.
Blue Hat… Yellow Hat… Pink Hat… (the three ‘primary’ colors) combine to form Green Hats and Violet Hats with unique specificity of intention behind feedback E-valuation of communiqué content. Color codes for 7 Hat Dialogue Process explained HERE.