Winning from
the Beginning of the
Global Healing Crisis
Global civilization has arrived at the point where we can see how public
government, public education, public health care and public economics
are in crisis. Winning from the beginning of this global healing crisis
is not a mystery when the core problem and solution for self-correcting,
self-elevating, self-governance is conceived,
believed and achieved.
If you are not aware of the increasing conflict between status quo
institutions and the
‘New Net
for the Family of Mankind in our global village, either you haven’t been
paying attention or you haven’t connected the dots to this ‘Big Picture’
overview from crisis to resolution.
The transformation of global civilization with new
instant-everywhere and interactive Internet
capabilities will naturally be optimized
by heart coherence
and mind
(New Normal).
New common law standards for the global commons must naturally involve
and evolve our individual and collective consciousness. This common law
must represent all of us with the
language of consciousness that includes the creative
learning process as well as the processes of consciousness at the
quintessential foundation of self governance.
This is how we
govern ourselves
individually and collectively.
The Internet has inadvertently blown the lid off the cauldron of
problems in America and the
world at large. Due to search-to-find capabilities, global
Netizens are discovering the truth about entrenched power elite policies
of privatization, centralization and deregulation with less taxes for the giant corporate
cartels that virtually make a killing on war, disease and
destruction of civility.
This is the healing crisis that compels systemic healing change. That
change is resisted by the totalitarian collectivism of corporate
aristocracy (corporatocracy) that is
driven by profits, not ethics.
The obvious sign of this crisis is extreme wealth
the widest global economic gulf in human history.
The scale of the crisis has
reported by the charity Oxfam:"The richest 1% will have pocketed more
than the other 99% put together next year."
The 1% leverages money for power, rigging legislation for more of both,
and quadrupling their share of
income since the 1980s.
Divide to ‘control’
(conquer) is the intent of a corrupt power elite whose
inordinate desire for power has created the
income inequality that has concentrated
moneyed power for the banksters and their
corporatocracy minions.
Nov 20, 2012 / 24+ million views Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting the actual numbers of inequality and the
of inequality; the reality is often not what
we think it is. Note: This video was made ten
years ago; the most viewed video on income
This trend has accelerated to the extreme
with trillions of dollars transferred to the top
due to the
pharmacidal agenda
to reduce
population while
‘making a killing’ creating
and managing disease on a global scale.
The plunder of public wealth is a
moral and social outrage that is fuelling social and climate conflict, wars, mass migration and
political corruption, stunting health and life chances, increasing
poverty, and widening gender and ethnic divides."
~ excerpt from:
Now as never before, the public is waking up, wising up and rising up in good conscience.
A new Net reality is eclipsing the mainstream media matrix whereby six
mega-media corporations control 90 percent of all that Americans read,
watch or hear. This is down from more than 50 companies 30 years ago.Here
are graphicsthat
show how this media mind control matrix now monopolizes WHAT to think –
a control agenda - rather than HOW to think with well-informed choice to
own our own lives.
When well-informed public
choice in government, education, health care and the
economy is truly a public option,
Social Conscience is liberated.
Boob tube ‘normalcy’ is thus giving way to a
New Normalwhereby well-informed public choice on core social issues will
increasingly check and balance inordinate abuse of power in governing
As this megatrend continues to shape
Global Net Activation,
the flow of co-Creation energies through our Net reality will naturally
act to organize and otherwise upgrade self-governing systems of
as cultures social conscience in all-connected social networks FOUR BASIC WAYS:
upgrading our core Constitutional freedoms with
heartware standards
for interactive mass
Unity Conscience will mature spiritually in local and global social
by involving and evolving our individual and collective consciousness
with heartware’s ‘light
language’ model for the language of consciousness, global
naturally cultures social
via TeLeCare:
by caring to share empirical evidence-based results for defining and
refining a superior
model for analysis, prevention and treatment of disease, global healing
advances with
Global TeLeCare.
via TeLeCommerce:
by empowering
wisdom and
heart, the universal ‘gold standard’ for a global
Currency of
Conscience naturally advances to optimize
Structuring a practical world with ethical standards
that are uncompromisingly spiritual.
that works for global self governance
is simple enough if you want to know.
Liberation of collective conscience
requires well-informed choice.
This is now so true
for all 'US' as United Sovereigns
of Earth.
at the heart of well-informed choice,
the torch of freedom shines bright for all.
The paradigm of mass communication as the highly centralized, top-down,
one-way programming of the mass mind is rapidly transforming due to
highly decentralized, grass-roots (Net roots) networking with two-way
and every which way interaction. This is the big shift folks. Let's get
it right!
A new
paradigm of Net reality as collective
Conscientious Common Sense
is emerging for personal and planetary
Self Governance.
Is it true that all our social, political
and economic problems are basically communication problems…
how we come into unity
with heart coherence for REAL (versus pseudo or virtual)
Are you aware that interactive
TeLeCommin simultaneous
instant-everywhere real-time
requires a universal interface for global exchange of Common Sense in any
Would you agree that the language of
consciousness which best serves human evolution will representheart coherenceas a universal standard
congruenceof a more enlightened nature?
as the rule in global TeLeComm,
Conscience of, by and for cosmic-universal
naturally thrives:
Effective Sensory Perception
is thus governed by universal law that is coherent
with the heart
of the divine feminine holy
spirit which supports and
sustains the
power of
congruent universal-cosmic -in-action.
This is why the Next Big Thing in the
the computer/Internet revolution after
hardware, software and ‘netware’ is
TeLeComm heartware.
In the larger scheme of personal and
planetary soul evolution, there’s no security without the purity of
intention, attention, retention and ascension in a dimension where
naturally thrives as the
InnerNet; the Source of ‘The Force’; the Heart of Creator in
Field’; Creation with Heart.
Universal Law Has Methods.
"To understand the nature of God, it is
necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.
To truly know love is to know and understand God;
and to know God is to understand love." ~
Dr. David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I" (pg. 88)
Common sense of an enlightened nature will embrace a vision of
common law virtue and uncommon valor that claims the victory of the common wealth
with a gold standard for the currency of conscience in our ubiquitous
social networks.
The method of
God-Love is the Law of the Angles of “G.O.D.”
(Geometric Ordered Divinity);
a frame of reference for the Language
of the Angels of ” (heart
The highest and best use of new global TeLeComm capabilities is more like the fulfillment of current trends
toward our divine destiny rather than rocket science. Common sense may
still be uncommon but it sure beats the alternative.
The true
test of spirituality
is all ways practicality.
Those who comprehend the practical application of heartware for
global TeLeComm
will not dismiss the Power of
Love as a Pollyanna pipe dream or cherished illusion. Heaven knows
this is virtually a 'Do or Die' proposition for the Netizens of Earth...
a Jonah at Nineveh event. History is
littered with the debris of civilizations destroyed from within by inordinate
love of power without TLC.
It’s time to educate the obvious rather than
continue investigating the obscure.
We have global self governance in principle. Our new Net reality
demands it. But in practice, the lugubrious machinations of heartless
moneyed power that only wants more money and power is stifling the
of wisdom with love at the heart our core social, political and economic
Imagine What a World We Could Live In!
The liberation of
at the heart of interactive global TeLeCommunity,
and TeLeCommerce
will free-up the vast human and physical resources of Earth to culture a
millennial Aquarian golden age. As conscience is cultured, extremism is
tempered with TLC.
Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue
with Valor, and Claim the
Source Code for InnerNet Navigation
Establishing the Foundation for
"Thy kingdom come"
- KINGdom Conscience - Whereby All Sovereign Netizens are 'KING'
with the Keys
to INternalization
of God-love.
Is 'Q' the Spirit of
Saint Germain in disguise?
Global Netizens Unite for EnlightenedTeLeComm
TRUST THE PLAN ~ Saint Germain, Jan. 1, 1997, via E. C. Prophet (as the Internet revolution went mainstream)
"Let us have one plan, and let us go with that plan,
and let us go with it big
time. Let us do that. Let us not have little groups here and little groups
there, thinking they know what to do when you have to have MasterMind
conscience that you are going to transform not only a nation
but a world.This is a
global situation and nothing less,
so you must think globally andyou
must realize...
This is a pivotal moment...There
will never be
a greater moment, a greater opportunity to solve the problems of Earth..."
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