Conscious Evolution Series / May 16, 2015
Heartcom Network
The 2015 Frequency Shift –
A Revelations Revolution
In Open Source Everything
May 18 Update: Saturday's
interview with the author of
'Open Source Everything' is now
linked at the bottom
or by going to:
The Earth and human consciousness is shaking off the chains of the
past as celestial and terrestrial frequencies shift dramatically
throughout 2015.
The core concept of self-government has already shifted with the
Internet, and as this article explains, the frequency shift
now surging in ‘The
has the power to
our Net reality with
universal rights in the public sphere, empowering collective wisdom by
culturing social consciousness with 'Open
Source Everything' in our
ubiquitous global social network
Understanding the Big
Shift is prelude to a global
Now is the time ordained by the 2015 frequency shift.
by Christopher L. Rudy,
Concluding with an inspirational
2015 Frequency Shift
Highlights and Keynotes:
Three Parts:
The Science, the Prophecy and the Application
Frequency shift is accelerating with dramatic affect
on our individual and collective consciousness, and the big picture of
what that actually is – and where it’s going – is the vision that
compels an optimal ride on the
wave of transformation. THE SCIENCE
The quantum field of
Earth and our consciousness is now being morphed in resonance with a
combination of cosmic energies ranging from Galactic Alignment to the
huge April gamma-ray burst of light from an exploding star, captured by
telescope at McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis Texas, and it was also
clearly visible in the night sky. Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they
realize that they are very important. Gamma-ray bursts are the most
powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in
10 seconds than our Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected
lifespan of 10 billion years.
now know that our RNA and DNA are shimmering, waveform configurations
that are moment by moment being modified by Light, solar radiation,
magnetic fields, sonic impulses, thoughtforms, emotions, and most
profoundly, GAMMA-RAYS.
Whether you know it as Biblical 'Revelations', as ‘Shemitah’, or as nature's 'prophecy' in
Galactic Alignment surge in the Source Field, or as crop
circles speaking to humanity with 'source
code', or as the
prophetic DIVINE FIRE vision of Peter Deunov for this time,
or as hosts of heaven stepping through the veil with spiritual guidance
as in the
heartstreams (video) below... you can
clearly see a prophetic big picture now emerging with the 2015 ‘Frequency
"The liberation can no longer be postponed.
Humanity must prepare itself for
great trials that are inescapable and are coming to bring an end to egoism.
~ Peter Deunov Prophecy
Pride goeth before ego’s fall.
Humility ascends with 'I Am's call.
remains as ‘best for all’.
Shift trends towards
the September ‘reckoning’:
As I’ve been saying for some time now, shift happens.
is happening helps to understand that it now
is clearly happening... big time in 2015; a clear trend.
The cycles are converging for ‘perfecting’ the Earth.
Global Netizens are highly motivated to culture
social networks
as a common space for truth, the new ‘public commons’ where
we can get our act together; common sense
for enlightenment.
“The government
is merely a servant -- merely a temporary servant;
it cannot be its prerogative to determine what is right and what is
wrong, and decide who is a patriot and who isn't. Its function is
to obey orders, not originate them.” ~ Mark Twain
Time is a test of truth. If it is true, it will last. And lasting truth that is truly universal will become self-evident in the ‘cycles’ now converging with natural laws of truth through September.
Everything is
cyclical from the circadian rhythms in the brain
to women’s menstrual cycles, lunar cycles, solar cycles and
economic cycles. When analyzed with conscientious study
and discerning common sense, you can connect the dots to
2015 shift dynamics with high probability of likelihood.
All energies of
cycles within cycles are connected, and what we see in earthquakes,
volcanism, tornadoes and extreme weather in general are all directly
connected to electro-magnetic energies of the ‘cosmic
quantum field’.
In this article
on ‘The
you can see the video on
Earth’s magnetosphere that is always connected to the larger cycles of the heliosphere of the
Sun and beyond, specifically the ‘Great Cycle’ of alignment of our solar
system with hundreds of billons of suns in the galactic plane of our
Milky Way Galaxy.
The 2015 surge in the quantum ‘Source Field’ has
profound implications for a Big
Shift in the morphic grids of Earth energies as are directly
connected to not only weather patterns, but also the Schumann Resonance
(heartbeat) of Earth that directly corresponds to our brain waves in the
Alpha-Theta range.
The last 3 decades have seen a big increase in the
previously stable Schumann Resonance, and alpha wave frequencies in the
brain have shifted from the 7.8 Hz historical standard to the higher
range of 13 Hz, a Big Shift in the "global mind" (collective Earth
field) as corresponds to each one's brain field
holodeck as a whole.
the Dots Intuitively to the Big Picture
According to Dr. Simon Atkins, the CEO of Advanced
Forecasting Corporation (AFC), Earth's energy shift is accelerating
through the 3rd-4th week of September with
serious portents for Earth changes as well as a
big shift in human consciousness and the economy.
As Dr. Atkins explains, we live in an intelligent
universe that operates on ‘sacred geometry’ (mathematics) and not by
chance, or as I’ve often explained, there is common natural-universal
law geometrizing the fractal
order of the
holographic universe.
As explained by the Heartmath Institute and their
video on
heart coherence, this is why your thought patterns are so
decisive in determining your life’s outcomes. For example, if you are
thinking pessimistically frequently - a negative frequency - life is just a great
mirror of the universe for attracting your own negativity. But when
actually thinking positively, you can end an influenza virus in 40% less
time, or attract more money, or many other beneficial outcomes that
overcome negative results. Remember September as ‘Collective Initiation’
Gregg Braden refers to
this global process of mass awakening as ‘Collective Initiation’, the
process of consciousness growth to where we are evolving… an awareness
of the order of the universe that conveys universal law
language in the pure geometry frames of reference for sacred
meaning behind all creation and divine co-creation. A new world of scalar electromagnetics is now being recognized as filling the vacuum of quantum space with ‘0-point energy’ called ‘free energy’ that could now empower a world never before dreamed of… but there are negative forces and influences in the ElectroMagnetic spectrum, like ‘smart meters’ and other EM pollution that suppresses the positive as does endless terror war for tyranny tactics.
Why Jade
Helm – Preparing for Social Chaos As Dr. Simon Atkins explains in his recent May 7th interview on Phoenix Rising Radio HERE, there will be an increase of severe Earth changes in 2015, plus anomalies in mental states with many people going “bonkers” (nonlinear perception) with normal brain waves disrupted by the ‘thinning of the veil’ as the energetic shift reaches critical mass for spontaneous evolution - the hundredth monkey effect of quantum field consensus... common sense... unity conscience... intuitive knowing... mass awakening.
It's an
energy frequency shift,
As the frequency shift accelerates, it’s all
connected in the quantum field to cosmic cycles, like
Planet X, as well as
market cycles that are converging through
September. As this energy intensifies, it gets more
and more stressful with more intense
earth-shaking changes as
affects more people, some whom are becoming negative and acting out
negatively as seem in social chaos. This is the ‘excuse’ for martial law preparations in case of mass public awakening to the cause of dysfunction in our core social, political and economic institutions that have been privatized for the profit of a relative few intent on ownership and control of the physical and human resources of Earth. Fortunately, PowerShift happens! Disruption of Deception and Corruption
The higher the concept
of a positive future and a
systems are virtuous, for our evolution.
Indeed, many
people are aware of the disruptive
"Enlighten the people
generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body & mind will vanish like
evil spirits at the dawn of day."
With more people now getting news from Internet
sources rather than the MSM mind control matrix, the ‘truth genie’ is
out of the bottle and the veil of mass deception is lifting to expose
the systemic corruption that challenges all our ‘comfort zones’. The frequency shift will accelerate this process.
The ‘back-lash’ of mass
enlightenment is thus the fear of the unknown – beyond the old paradigms
– towards a more enlightened ‘normal’.
There are no human solutions to human problems.
Those who
are enlightened as to this divine reality Bridging Science and Spirituality
the Holy Spirit of the 'Divine Matrix' as Braden calls it,
So embrace the 'Holy
As the Big Shift accelerates now on the 2015 timeline
Or as an enlightened 'Forest Gumption' might
say. |
Bottom Line:
Understanding the Highest Meaning of
The 2015
frequency shift is a big shift, a quantum leap of mass awakening
with conscious evolution revolution from the inside-out; open source
relationships of relevance and ultimate reverence of, by & for
universal-natural law language governing ‘The
Field’ and
grand orchestration of humanity’s co-creation with
tools and processes
for culturing the light of
unity in our
open-connected social networks.
with universal law language at the
interactive interface
of our
with balancing-
higher self-correcting
frequencies of
‘Open Source Everything’
Consider the
future of Earth with open transparency,
truth and trust with open elections, open power and
‘Open Source
Hear the Sat.
May 16th interview with the author of
The Open-Source Everything Manifesto:
Transparency, Truth, and Trust’
on BBS Radio.
See Robert Steele's enlightened on-going work on his
Public Intelligence Blog
And please support Heartcom Network
'Open Source' writings
contributing to your health with nature's premier 'UltraFood'.