The 2014 Shift In Our Net Reality
Mediating the 'New Media',
Keeping the
in Mind
“The media is the message.”
Marshall McLuhan
Social media is defining, refining and combining
the full
spectrum of Netizen gifts and talents with
an instant-everywhere
and interactive Net reality,
shining social conscience in our social networks.
2014 heralds big changes in our new global
and there's no opportunity more promising than
mainstreaming of a vision for
a universal interface for global
Christopher Rudy
Upgraded July 24, 2014
The most common response I get from readers
is for a more comprehensive explanation of the
concept of ‘heartware’ as the next phase
of the
revolution to follow advances
from hardware (IBM)
and software (Microsoft) to
netware (Netscape's
pioneering of the InterNet).
Net reality
has arrived and
quantum reality
is maturing.
For those who would appreciate
insight into
2014’s ‘Big Shift’,
here are some commonly
asked questions about heartware™ and with
that are simpler than previously.
Keep in mind the quantum reality whereby
the focus of attention on any experiment or
experience will morph the
results in terms
qualified by the intention of your attention.
Fearless faith naturally heals
faithless fear.
Keep the faith
in long-term global solutions
and short-term action for their fulfillment.
The higher the
expectation and anticipation
of optimal results, the greater those results
for the
highest and best service to humanity.
For our
common sense
Paradigm shift
always includes concepts and
terms that have not been common
TeLeComm’ is such a concept.
In a global
village of instant-everywhere
and interactive Internet capabilities, we
now have the opportunity for a
system of
What we do to the web of
with our global
we do to ourselves as a holistic whole.
When we
co-create social conscience
our local and global social networks,
our conscientious common sense
us, perfects us and protects us.
The pure intent
of, by and for all of “US”
of Earth -
naturally focuses
attention on a process
for involving and evolving our individual
and collective
common sense resolution
for a more enlightened and conscientious
Effective Sensory Perception at the
of the
process that optimizes
the web of conscious evolution capabilities.
In previous articles I’ve
explained how an
interface for mass-
will rapidly culture
“common sense” (social
conscience) in
all-connected global social networks.
"Alone we
can do so little. Together we can do so much."
~ Helen Keller
A simple explanation of
with frequently asked questions:
Heartware™ integrates existing hardware, software and
netware to provide a
standardized interactive Internet interface for culturing social
conscience in our ubiquitous global social network communities. This
process involves and evolves WHY IS THAT SO IMPORTANT NOW?
All social, political and economic problems are, at
core, communication problems; how ‘Spaceship Earth’ comes into unity with our
new instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities.
These capabilities define a global village in potential but still lack an
‘Operations Manual’ for personal/public win/win in our local/global social
networks. Social media is the message; our social consciousness is morphing rapidly. How we mediate our new Net reality will determine how fast and how well global society moves towards highly decentralized, everywhere-connected “Net roots” (the new grassroots) with mass interaction models of cooperative communications for culturing social conscience and holistic healing in our social networks.
This ‘Big
Shift’ in paradigms has profound implications for systemic change.
As interactive telecomm makes old models of top-down, one-way mass
programming increasingly obsolete, the new technology capabilities naturally
disrupt the status quo. Normalcy bias is disrupted by cognitive dissonance as
fearless faith in a
whole systems upgrade challenges faithless fear of change in deeply
entrenched institutions.
This is a
‘perfect storm’ – compelling drama --
that will either lead to systemic upgrade of our global communications
infrastructure, or by default, the institutionalized incentives that profit from
war, disease, disinformation and destruction of the environment will do what
they’ve always done for devolution of humanity. SO HOW
Interactive social media is sometimes referred to as
‘web. 2.0’;
platforms for public-to-public communications. Facebook is the contemporary
success model for social network communications. But this model is
still either ‘one-to-one’ (chat) or ‘one-to-many’ for both the origination and
evaluation of content. Real-time
“mass-to-mass” (many-to-many) is an abstract concept, like trying to explain
what the Internet would look like BEFORE the Internet.
But this next phase of the computer/Internet revolution will become a
reality with heartware™.
The advantage for everyone will be the rapid culturing of social conscience in
social networks “with a heart” (heart
coherence) and ‘cognitive
congruence’. The synergy of these two concepts, as explained at
multiple websites, is like the ‘symbiosis’ of the left and right hemispheres of
the brain. Like RAM and ROM in a computer, the creative learning process
involves synergies with both linear thinking and non-linear intuition at the
heart of both Heartware™ and
Universal Self Care™
Understanding how this works requires a basic comprehension of the
language of consciousness
that heartware™ frames at the interactive interface for real-time mass-to-mass
This languaging
involves both content origination and evaluation processes with a frame of
reference for universal archetypes in geometry, psychology (Jung) and
“spirituality” (Effective Sensory Perception).
computer/Internet revolution has evolved with ‘ephemeralization’ whereby less is
more. Hardware emphasis with giant mainframe computers evolved to software
emphasis on desk-top computers, and then netware emphasis whereby the ‘computer’
is the network of computers. Now we
are on the threshold of ‘quantum computing’ with heartware, an interactive
interface for mass-to-mass interaction that registers ‘heart
coherence’ as well as ‘cognitive
The problem of
contemporary information overload, which is just as debilitating as sensory
deprivation, is to organize all information IN FORMATION. This requires a
standardized topology interface model that is truly universal as a function of
natural law, quantum reality, and ‘biomimicry’, the biological model that
corresponds directly to the processes of consciousness at the quintessential
foundation of ‘self-governance’.
Heart coherence
is a frequency that is measured with simple biofeedback apps, developed by
Dan Winter, and mind
congruence is a ‘psyche-feedback’ readout of collective
3-number input at any one
moment of a video.
Heartware is
like ‘cultural DNA’ for
optimizing ‘information’s ecology’, the recycling of general knowledge in that
way that generates wisdom with whole systems meaning, value and purpose.
networks are our new ‘community commons’, and conscientious common sense
naturally becomes more common as we evolve with cooperative ‘come-into-unity’
processes through public origination and evaluation of content that cultures our
social conscience.
The last
frontier of global humanity will be inner space as well as outer space, and
heartware™ provides the ‘e-valuation criteria’ for a ‘cyberEthics’ portal from
Internet to the ‘InnerNet’ of our vast untapped human potential.
Witness the synergies between cyberspace and inner space as unprecedented
search capabilities and knowledge power compels that we do better as well as we
know better. Resent statistics show that about 3 billion global Netizens are now connecting to the worldwide web with smartphones, tablets, lap-tops and desk-top computers. The vision alone – how heartware™ and Universal Self Care™ works to serve all of humanity – can be the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy of self-correcting “self-elevation” (salvation). As Chief Seattle once said, "Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM? HOW DID THIS EVOLVE?
As a long-time whole systems geek “BC” (Before Computers), I was enthralled with
the Buckminster Fuller inspired Whole Earth Catalog in the 60’s and early 70’s.
That’s why I attended Bucky’s month-long World Game Studies Workshop at
At this World
Game, I gave a group lecture on the core concepts of mass-to-mass communication
capabilities for defining a new ‘World Game’.
Members of Barbara Marx Hubbard’s ‘Committee For The Future’ at that
lecture asked me to attend a 3-day SYNCON (SYNergy CONvergence), a ‘futurist
summit on Capital Hill’ that November. There
I gave the final address to ten agencies of the federal government who were
looking to the future of the “Bicentennial Era” (’76-’89).
I summed it up with a vision of how to best celebrate the Founders’
revolutionary spirit with utilization of modern space age communication
capabilities to upgrade our horse-and-buggy legislative system with better
public representation and accountability for our self-governing systems.
was the genesis of heartware™ which I coined in 2000, recognizing the
trend fit of the computer/Internet revolution via evolving emphasis from
hardware, software and netware to what I had conceived and believed
could achieve global ‘TeLeComm’
with more
heart. From the
late 70’s to early 90’s, I developed three holistic healing centers, pioneered
quantum medicine and fine-tuned the protocols for
Universal Self Care™.
happening in ‘baby steps’ now. Did you
read the recent news of a global consortium of leading Internet visionaries who
are championing
‘the web we all want”? See the
articles and videos HERE and
One of the most important things I learned at Bucky’s World Game was the
‘interaction matrix’ for cross-referencing world game objectives with resources.
Once we identify what we want to achieve to best optimize the ‘World Game’, we
must then get congruent about which resources can be best utilized to
‘make it so!’
If global unity in our diversity is the goal, then a ‘World Game’ model of
modern communication capabilities must be utilized to achieve this in a way that
will most likely culture peace, love and sustainability of abundant life on
Earth. That’s the potential of heartware™.
If a vision of holistic healing for Earth’s 7.2+ billion inhabitants is the goal,
then a ‘World Game’ model of free, on-line in-formed choice services for the
analysis, prevention and treatment of all dis-ease will be utilized for the 3
billion Netizens that are already connecting with the Internet. That’s the
potential of Universal Self Care™
The synergy of Heartware™ and Universal Self Care™ is far greater for the
‘currency of conscience’ than their separate contributions spiritually,
mentally, physically and financially.
Watch this video to understand why the current system of government This video should make it obvious that the extreme imbalance of the wealth and power of 1% creates powerful demand for accelerated social transformation by the 99%. The prospects are thus positive for acceptance of innovative standards for integrative medicine and mass-to-mass interaction as optimized with heartware™. With vision, holistic healing begins.
Just as the
best health care cultures preventive health assurance – and the best media
cultures social conscience – so will a compelling vision for synergizing the
benefits of both most likely win the hearts and minds of the public with
widespread support of a Bill of Rights for the web.
The reality of
heart coherence standards has been well established by the extensive research
and development of Dan Winter, and his ‘heartsring’ app for the iphone has
received international acclaim and usage over this last year.
As a standard for ‘heart-centered’ consciousness, this breakthrough has
vast potential when synergized with the real-time mass-to-mass interaction
capability of heartware™.
There are well
established self care websites like WebMed and SelfCareForum that provide a lot of
information on different health conditions, but these web sites are largely
biased towards allopathic drugs-per-symptom medicine with little regard to the
respective strengths and weakness of naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic,
acupuncture and quantum medicine for different health conditions. Integrative
medicine with Universal Self Care™ will dramatically upgrade the health care
debate with ‘health assurance’ standards and support groups for different health
conditions that are ‘mediated’ via heartware™. This is a good example of the synergy that heart coherence and well-informed choice can bring to social network communities holistically: spiritually, mentally, physically and financially.
It is estimated
that more than 100 million people worldwide have seen the
Thrive Movement website and documentary,
and are following developments.
This last week,
the Thrive Movement published a comprehensive overview of the pathological
problem with the medical-industrial complex that is virtually killing us with
disease profiteering at the expense of health optimization as could now go
mainstream worldwide – very quickly – with
Universal Self Care™.
See this THRIVE presentation:
Seize the Vision:
How Universal Self Care Works;