New Video Review
Understanding the
'3D Shift to
appreciate the
'Gift of 5-D'
Christopher Rudy
With Vision, the public naturally thrives.
Without Vision, the people perish.
It has always been that way.
This following Vision is
dedicated to the
one eye
Click on the blinking eye
for preface to this article.
This video review is archived at:
Excerpts Following... Concluding with 'THE GIFT'
Experts on the subject (scientists and others) give us important information about what will happen through to December 21, 2012 and beyond. It's not the end of the world, but the end of the world as we have known it... the beginning of a new world, a new era. We can realize that the final "Apocalypse" (which in Greek means 'Revelation', as in the Bible), coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar and prophecies of various ancient civilizations that had advanced knowledge of cosmogenesis. We can also realize that all these prophecies and scientific data are now CONVERGING around the SAME date and the SAME event that is KNOWN IN VARIOUS WAYS:
revelation, the shift, ascension, zero point, Earth rebirth,
Just as humanity has evolved from “flat-earth
thinking” (2-D) to global thinking of a 3-D nature, so is there a
4th dimension which enters the realm of a new ‘Common Sense' or
‘Unity Conscience’ (5-D) with an Effective Sensory Perception which
is as far beyond 3-D cognition as 3-D is beyond ‘flat earth’
thinking which we now consider ‘ignorant’.
The Earth is now being flooded with This highly charged 'photonic energy' fulfills the ancient Hopi and Mayan prophesies of the 'Great Purification' with 'cosmic fire'... the 5th Sun 'etheric fire' prophecy of the Mayans... which may be accompanied with geomagnetic storms that not only affect the weather and electrical grids, but also the physical nature of the brain and consciousness itself.
this is the spiritual challenge
with accelerated shift dynamics. Dimensional shift can be unnerving if you are not experienced with 'deep meditation' or some other form of adept mastery between multiple 'dimensions' that reflect 'altered' states of consciousness... as above, so below.
Considering the numerous brain-wave biofeedback
devices available, you may be aware of the Beta, Alpha, Theta and
deeper Delta brain wave levels of mastery that you can The science behind this is well documented.
Most of humanity is in the first three dimensions most of the time:
3-D consciousness. This 3-D prevailing awareness -- in the Beta-Alpha-Theta ranges of physical, mental and emotional
activity -- has little if any connection with deeper 4-D reality,
but that's changing.
Keep in mind where this is going with the
Since the Spring of 2012, we've all seen how the 'sovereignty
movement' in the U.S. (Tea Party), and the 'Arab Spring' in the
Mid-East, and the 'Occupy Movement' have ALL morphed our 3-D reality
with the
Aquarian Spirit of Freedom-in-Love
love of freedom
-- with a rousing sense of indignation for all that is less than
FREEDOM in the SPIRIT of universal
Assembling the Components to
This process is analogous to what has happened thus far in the
adolescent computer-Internet revolution from its first emphasis on
hardware, then software, and then
netware -- the instant-everywhere-interactive all-connected
When you have 'Effective'
Sensory Perception,
is optimized with
as both thoughtware - pure geometry archetypes for
mind congruence
-- and with Dan Winter's
HeartsRing app for
4-D heart coherence.
The natural synergy is far greater than the enlightened 3-D and 4-D
The difference
between 3-D and 4-D is not
as important as their synergy combined. The one without the other is
like a heart without a brain, or smart without heart.
Support your DNA regeneration and replication with
concentrated RNA/DNA genetic material as will also support your immune system for adapting to change. Even the vibrant pulse of the Earth itself is quickening. The base resonant frequency of our planet, referred to as the Schumann Cavity Resonance, has been recorded as a constant 7.8 Hertz until 1986 when mysteriously the rate began steadily increasing.
That's when our solar system's 25,800 year orbit began On a cellular level, our bodies mirror this electromagnetic pulse. Human physiology harmonically resonates to the same pulse as the Earth, which resonates with the Sun, which resonates with the solar system, which resonates with the Galaxy core, which pulses in tune with universe itself... the golden ratio coordinates of heart coherence.
Humanity literally shares a resonant pulse
With this understanding, Mayan timekeepers mapped subtle
astronomical changes of the zodiac, and by so doing, they tracked
changes mirrored in the human psyche. David Wilcock explains
how the Great Pyramid of Giza is also a sophisticated 'cosmic clock'
that reveals the same amazing correspondence to the Precession of
the Equinoxes,
new science has shown that it does just that, Using computer jargon, the upgrade of our DNA could be roughly the equivalent of a radical systems upgrade, the final result of which we can only guess at. However, the extraordinary implications suggest the ancient Biblical prophecy which states:
"Lo, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, So does this mean that humanity faces imminent apocalyptic catastrophe? Or sweeping renaissance that neutralizes worse case scenarios with the miracles of heart coherence? Researcher Gregg Braden reminds us that the emotions of love and fear are measurable vibrational frequencies. Love is a 'faster' more energetic frequency then that of fear. As thus, fear actually retards evolutionary spiritual advancement at an electromagnetic cellular level.
A Time to Reboot the Personal/Planetary 'Holodeck'
In fact, at the time of full-blown dimensional shift (see: 'Nonlinear
Perception'), the holographic field within the brain holodeck
will reboot rather dramatically... and that's when true initiates of
Global civilization will also reboot along more enlightened lines
that frame this same archetypal process for culturing
social Conscience
in our social networks. |
Continued at:
The Next Phase of Human Evolution;
"The Great Shift that is approaching is to lift humanity into a higher
resonant field, thus elevating and liberating spiritual progress.
LOVE is the only way out!"
~ Gregg Braden