Holographic Healing / Soul Contract
If You've Sold Your Soul,
Buy It Back! ("Pay It Forward")
By Christopher
The DNA of the "tribe" -- the
genetic programming from hundreds of former ancestral embodiments -- is also
overlaid with, and influenced by universal "cosmic" influences; the "kingdom of
heaven within you". Both these influences -- "terrestrial" (genetic) and
"celestial" (cosmic) -- are also subtly influenced by the on-going "triggers"
(transits) of energetic influences in our solar system, galaxy and the
cosmos-at-large. More on this at Cosmogenesis.
We are in the universe and, indeed, the universe is within use. It resonates in
our DNA and is organized in our brain. Modern science has discovered that at
least 90% of your DNA -- once considered "junk DNA" (because earlier science
didn't understand what it did) -- is actually a miniature communications
transceiver for both celestial and terrestrial energies. In the same way, at
least 90% of one's brain -- once considered "unused" (because earlier science
didn't understand what it did) -- is actually a 'framing" mechanism for the
holographic universe... whose purpose is organizing information in formation.
It should be common sense that understanding the laws of consciousness and
language of the heart for
Call it "cultural
DNA" at the heart of
higher conscience for personal and planetary
Just as the clothes are an extension of the skin, and cars are an extension of
the feet, computers are an extension of the brain and the global network of
computers are an extension of the global brain. Common sense in, by and for the
science of the soul gives your brain a "heart" (conscience) just as it gives the
"global brain" (Net reality) a frame of reference for "wise dominion" (wisdom)... with
the Nature of LOVE.
This science of subtle energetic influences has been denied by mechanistic
scientists bound by gross laws of physicality. The new non-linear principles of
quantum mechanics governing the energetic universe have made old theories out of
touch with new energetic quantum reality. This may sound like "revisionary"
science to some, but now we know why homeopathy works and how "cosmic energies"
(photon belt, etc.) are "thinning the veil" and effecting the transformation of
consciousness on Earth.
Most people don't understand this only because they don't know the science of
the soul -- the quintessential laws and language of "quantum reality". Apply
this cultural DNA to the web of global consciousness -- Net reality through the
LOVE Network -- and you have a formula for global
healing transformation.
To say that the science of the soul will provide a quantum leap for humanity
is common sense when you understand it. It's like "Effective Sensory
Perception" (real "ESP"). There's nothing "Extra" about it when you have it.
The implications are profound -- no less than
the transformation of
global consciousness.
Obviously, planetary civilization needs more effective systems for managing itself than endless wars, man-made plagues, economic instability and on-going crisis in the soul of humanity.
The world is a cosmic
struggle for the soul of mankind
and that struggle is reaching a climax.
Of course, a paradigm shift to global wholeness and healing would open the door to healing with light and sound and advanced energetic healing modalities that make drugs mostly obsolete. As things are now, deeply entrenched Big Pharma in collusion with Big Government profits from the prevention of optimal health and has become the biggest obstacle to natural healing without drugs.
The problem is so bad, we have our
Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld making $5 million dollars on Avian Flu vaccines
-- that don't work -- to treat a disease that was created in American biological
warfare laboratories, as was AIDS; see
www.tetrahedron.org for details. Both could be cured quickly with new
bioenergetic breakthroughs that are being suppressed by the "medical-industrial
complex" (disease profiteers) which is far bigger than the military-industrial
complex of war profiteers.
The science of the soul has the same implications for establishment education,
the public fool system. But then again, you can't teach people HOW to think
when the social engineers and educrats get to the top of the politically correct
"food chain" by teaching us WHAT to think. Obviously, if you were trying to
mechanize the masses as "cogs" in the social machinery controlled by the
captains of industry, you wouldn't want them to have self control with the
science of the soul.
Even greater is the implications for the science of the soul on organized
religion. My God! If people got it straight, they'd be communing with the holy
spirit of divine Love directly! And all the gifts of the holy spirit would
follow! People would be chasing down BUSHwhackers, educrats, medicrats and
theocrats alike, and at the very least, taking them out of harms way coming
through these "lock-step" control freaks. Excuse the rant - I love freedom more
than lock-step robotization.
The bottom line, in physicality terms, is thus the full implications that the
science of the soul has on the economy. It would expose the system of
scarcity economics for what it is - bankrupt. It has
created scarcity of all the things people want... like corruption-free
government, dogma-free religion, ideology-free education, disease-free health
care, and a scarcity-free economy. Indeed, the oxymoron "value of scarcity"
(profit before principle) has created shortages of all we hold sacred,
especially a shortage of genuine freedom across the
Yep, that's the fruit of scarcity economics and why you never hear about the
science of the soul. It would make people accountable to a higher conscience
then the scarcity consciousness they have now. And to the extent people know
better, the soul's pure intent to learn and grow warrants they should do better
than the unconscious habits they are stuck in now. That's the common sense of
"We're either busy being born anew or busy dying".
I realize that the living dead and poor in Spirit will always be with us.
But that's not those who contribute to this list with their attention, heartfelt
prayers, mindful intelligence, and selfless donations... which all follows the
"spiritual practicality" in the science of the soul.
This is the Spirit that matters --
from Spirit to matter
-- that frames our soul matrix "habit":
Whose "God" rules when the heart
of your religion is the heart of ALL religions? Who's "Country" rules when all
mankind is connected through the instant-everywhere-interactive Internet?
Better that the science of the soul rules the Family of Man in our global
This is the contest of freedom for the soul of humanity at the cusp of Aquarius
- the millennial Golden Age promised by the Prophets. It ain't rocket science -
the science of the soul needed to bring homeostasis and healing to personal and
planetary consciousness. It's just the common sense that has become uncommon.
Make it common -- the standard for higher conscience -- and we're born anew.
This is the pure intent of the LOVE Network. It's
the pure intent of "Networking for Net worth". And it's the pure intent of
finishing what U.S. Founders began... worldwide.
CopyRound 2007
GeoNotes News Service
All rights
Framing Net
Conscience with Divine Order
Universal LOVE -- in principle, form and frequency -- is, at heart,
the "Law
of the Angles of G.O.D." (Geometry Of Divinity)
whereby the "Language
of the Angels" is framed by
the holy spirit of
LOVE-in-action that mediates
the mass medias collective conscience
with the golden rule-law language
as the interactive interface
heart of Net-centric
of, by & for
the heart & mind of
global TeLeComm~unity:
high touch HEART of high tech
with a higher understanding of
defining ~ refining ~ combining and shining
our God-given gifts & talents via
Net Standards
for a New Economy based on
LOVE-centric Net worth
and the Abundant Life culturing the
with "all" (om)
with Keys
to the INner
sense of G.O.D.
To love with all
your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
and your sovereign neighbor in our Global Village as thyself.
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