2024 Quantum Quickening Series
Let’s Get Real:
Zionism Unmasked in 10 minutes
Outing the WWIII
Intentions of the Zionist State of Israel
Jan 3, 2018 / reallygraceful
This is intended as an educational mini-documentary
This lucid 10 minute video was published
6 years ago. Back then, this subject was
relatively unknown... and less explosive.
With all the 24/7 death and hell in Gaza,
the whole world has rapidly awakened
to an
in-our-face evil that NO civilized
country on Earth has risen up to stop.
PS: Skip to the bottom for 'Future Memory'
May 17, 2024 / Heartcom Network
It's important to understand the Deep State political
ideology called Zionism, which is not to be confused
with the religion Judaism.
The Bible refers to the 'Synagogue of Satan' as
those who say they are
Jews but are not.
Or as Joe Biden infamously said,
"You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
I am a Zionist"
~ video clip HERE
Oct 17, 2023 / reallygraceful
recent update by reallygraceful provides a more thorough
backstory on the
asymmetric WWIII warfare we are now witnessing in the mental, spiritual and
physical realms of the 'global mind' (collective consciousness).
In my last newsletter - WHAT DOES IT ALL MEME? – one section on Zionism inflamed a lot of heated response, so I’m featuring the videos above. The sweet, loving voice of reallygraceful cuts through all the ‘BS’ (Belief Systems) that rationalize and justify murderous insanity.
The ongoing slaughter in Gaza – witnessed by
the whole world for 7 months – should be a rude awakening for anyone who equated the modern
State of Israel with "God's
chosen people".
Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism
The common definition of "antisemitism" - that equates the holocaust with Jew-haters - has been 'weaponized' (redeployed) by Zionists. Now it is used to conflate mass opposition to the mass murder in Gaza as an irrational hatred of Jews.
April 30, 2024 / Reese Report
Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government;
From JFK to 9/11, the Zionist agenda comes first.
People of conscience who object to genocide - or genocidal conduct
by a foreign government - cannot be condemned as 'antisemitic'. That's our
humanity being blamed for racism by racist Zionists whose Mossad Motto
is "By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War".
This is WWIII in the cognitive realm of
conscious evolution revelations as
the diminishing of dysfunctional
(Dimwit, Unconscious
& Heartless).
"Enlighten the people generally, and
tyranny and
oppressions of body and mind will vanish
like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816
(musings on the success of Common Sense?)
Also known as
The Great Awakening, the current
ascension process of waking up, wising up and rising up is classic
atonement for ‘S.I.N.' (Stuck
In Negativity). It seems like the whole
world is
stuck watching the inhumane slaughter in Gaza.
Are we witnessing the acting
out of 'antichrist'
holocaust) at
the birthplace of the Christ?
Is Zionist 'supremacy'
acting out crucifixion of
Christlike Conscientious Common Sense as the
'2nd Coming' in our
collective consciousness?
This is the WWIII meme in the
'Spiritual Realm'
where spiritual pride (superiority complex)
always goeth before the fall.
As Israel completes its extermination of 2.3
million Gazans,
latest poll finds overwhelming support for it
by Israel's religious Jews
May 15, 2024 /
US is now the main and sole supporter of Israeli military crimes.
The greatest fear of the effete elite is that the collective consciousness of
humanity would awaken with Aquarian enlightenment in a High State of Christ-like
Game over for the Deep State of diabolical devolution.
Is it true
that there’s nothing more evil than godless mass murder in the name of Zionism
or ANY other ‘ism’?
When we think of ‘human sacrifice’, we often think of Aztec pyramids or satanic rites by evil people. We don’t usually think of the ‘apartheid’ (racist) State of Israel or the political Zionists who have 'captured' (virtually own) Big Banks, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Brother Government addicted to Big War.
Such conspiritorial thinking is anathema to
‘Christian Zionists’
(Scofield Bible) who equate the modern State of
Israel with God’s chosen people.
Are you aware that any truth of Zionist influence peddling is increasingly being censored as ‘hate speech’ and ‘antisemitism'? These are the same political Zionists who want to lock down civilization with digital IDs, digital currency and a digital social credit system (digital gulag), as pioneered by Big Tech in Communist China.
Would you agree that part of the last plandemic lockdown agenda was to initiate their digital dystopia with digital IDs and digital passports?
If you agree
that this is just WRONG, speak up now before the Zionist desperados - whose time
is short and fear is great - attempt another lockdown with another plandemic
psy-op featuring ‘Bird Flu’ and ‘Disease X’;
Plandemic 2.0 with mass pharmacide:
leading cause of death in America
Also known as
'iatrogenocide' (death by doctor);
#1 side-effect of the medical-industrial complex;
profiting from 'drug pushing' (disease treatment)
rather than 'health building' (disease prevention).
Bird Flu 'BS' - A Pathological 'Belief System'
Always remember the inconvenient truth revealed
the first plandemic scam, that NO virus has ever
been isolated. Zipp, zero, nada. An invisible
boogie man that kills if you buy the BS
and volunteer for injection infection
by toxic concoctions that do kill.
Remember the bogus PCR test used to ramp up
hysteria over a Covid 'virus' that did NOT exist?
That's what a PSYchological-OPeration is folks!
bogus tests detecting a bogus virus!
If they lied to us about "safe and effective vaccines"
- not safe, not effective and not your normal vaccines -
would they lie to us about the reason to get them?
Is it true that NO virus has ever been
And that there is no bird virus infecting cows?
And that the possibility of infecting humans
with those invisible non-isolated viruses
is ‘BS’ (a pathological
to compel injection of toxic infection
as causes ‘Disease X’ blamed on
a ‘mysterious’ (invisible) virus.
Ginning Up Another Pandemic:
One Health, Sick Cows,
Milk, Bird Flu, And Lies
May 16, 2024 /
Few of us were born when the forces for milk
launched the first major attack on Nature's
perfect food.
So I've discussed the dystopian WWIII meme in cognitive and spiritual realms. If you don’t also see the Grand Illusion in the physical realm of the medical-industrial complex, then you haven’t been paying attention… or find the truth too appalling to consider.
For example,
this came out yesterday;
a five minute 'Reality Report'
How doctors were bribed to push vaccines on
May 16, 2024 / Reese Report
If that's too much information as offends your comfort zone, you can unsubscribe anytime. I've lost about 6,000 subscribers since the Covid psy-op began. That's when WWIII went global, and I've been on the front lines reporting the contrarian truth whether readers like it or not.
Most readers have been on my publishing list
for more than 5 years, many for 10.
Lots of
to you!
remember that the
Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth empowers
wisdom for overcoming victim dictum with victory virtues.
If enough awakened lightweavers share this post far and wide in social network communities, mass up-wising can turn things around sooner rather than later.
"Those who profess to favor
freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up
the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean
without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it
may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a
struggle! Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never
Find out just what people
will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong
which will be imposed upon them;
and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or
with both.
The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
When you are honestly mistaken and hear the truth,
you will either cease being mistaken,
or cease being honest.
It’s time that the collective conscience of global humanity shuns the power elite potentates who are ethical infants. They are the ones who should be censored.
Nation's Conscience, Part I
May 18,
2024 / Chris Hedges
The courageous stance of students across the
- in
defiance of genocide -
is accompanied by a near total blackout of their
Their words are the ones we most need to hear.
The mainstream masses worldwide must be sufficiently outraged by corrupt politicians and media moguls to hold their feet to the fire until they see the light of 'best for all' - not for the unelected power elite who pull their strings.
"It is at all times necessary, and more particularly so
during the progress of a revolution, and until
right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we frequently refresh patriotism
by reference to First Principles”.
~ Tom Paine, citizen journalist,
who wrote Common Sense
sparked the Revolution
So Keep the Faith ~ See the Good
And Network for the Net Worth of
Net Reality!
Click on the 'light man' for
all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.
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it will only cost your intention
as focuses attention with
retention for
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~ Christopher
The Aquarian
Quantum Age is the New Testament fulfilled.