2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Transcending Deep State Chaos Creation
Quickening a High State of Personal
and Planetary Sovereignty

Representation of, by and for ALL of 'US'
(United Sovereigns of Earth)
in our all-connected global village of
instant-everywhere & interactive
TeLeComm-unity capabilities
via 3 MegaTrend Systems:
* Quantum Voting (QVS);
Quantum Health (QHS);
Quantum Finance (QFS).

The TeLeComm, TeLeCare & TeLeCommerce

  Quantum TLC Conneion

Always ; TLC All Ways,

June 6, 2024 / New Moon in Gemini
Skip to the bottom for 'Quickening Time'
(Alchemy of the Sacred Fire)

For an optimal multi-media experience,
review this 'Table of Contents' with
the hot-linked 'Chapters' before
selecting your custom show.

   The light side 'High State' (previous post),
  features fearless faith - fervent intention -
for focused attention on comprehension
  of HOW we can 'co-create' a unified field
of heart coherent loving kindness as 
defined by pure intention and refined by

  a universal heartware interface for global
TeLeComm unity in diversity;
upgrading core sovereign freedoms.


  The dark side Deep State wants war and/or
   pandemic lockdown with mind-numbing fear
    (the psychology of subservience to tyranny),
  for 'blank slating' the global mind, making it
  susceptible to authoritarian mind control as
is sufficient to force digital currencies and
  a digital gulag (social credit system) run by
A.I.-technocrat minions of the
'dark side';  
 downgrading core sovereign freedoms.

They Need a War to Reset Banking System
and Issue CBDC
(video, skipping the intro)
May 10, 2024 / Tom Luongo
 Note from CR: Some brilliant insights from Tom
but his commodities-based model is based on 
  energy sources, and he doesn't factor abundant
quantum energy technologies coming on line.  
One salient point:

Disaster capitalism is self-destructing;
It's the end of their world of profit from
war, disease and mass genocide.
So now they want war's chaos
to rule by emergency and to

 avoid prosecution for their
  crimes against humanity.

So our choice is self evident folks.
 Either we bring light to dark places
  by '
linking the light of light servers'
  - a general enlightenment process -
  or encroaching darkness deepens.

Food for thought  - chew it well.
 Fearless faith - the High State
counters the Deep State of
collective faithless fear.

The vision alone - mass mediated TLC
can be the catalyst for a self-governing,
self-healing and self-fulfilling prophecy
of a 'self-elevating' (salvation) nature;
Seize the VISION:
Affirming atONEment Intention.
(Unity in Diversity)

Embrace the
Confirming Mindful Attention.
(Universal Law Language)

Determining TLC Retention.
TeLeComm, TeLeCare, TeLeCommerce)
And Claim the VICTORY:
Integrating Ascension.
(Personal~Planetary Sovereignty)
Global Netizens networking for the net worth of
net reality with a more enlightened interactive
interface for culturing social conscience in
our global social network communities...
The Heartware Project.

If this content is made a data set for A.I. analysis
- including the linked content -
and if the 'organizing principle' (intent) is a meritocracy
- organizing all information IN FORMATION thereby -
then the 'golden rule' for all meritocracies will culture
REAL intelligence for a High State upgrade of
Five Core Internet Freedoms.

That's where it's going 'folks'!
(United Sovereigns of Earth)

So Seize the Vision, Embrace the Virtue,
Vow with Valor and Claim the Victory!

Bottom line ~ Quickening of Time

Alchemy of the Sacred Fire

Excerpt from the video below:
"...for illumination to come forth, so that mankind will be
quickened, to understand Mother Earth and the natural
   balance of cycles of light, of energy, of consciousness...
 into the lives of the Sons and Daughters of God... to      
  coalesce the Aquarian way moving forward in its reality,
in its joy, in its vibrancy, in its cosmic unity of love."    

[If Apple blocks this video, see it HERE]

 June 2, 2024 / HeartsCenter.org
 The seven archeiai perform an alchemy of the sacred fire.
 They create a resonant field of light and radiate it forth to 
 protect, support and empower all elemental life. They are
  joined by the sylphs, the Lords of Life, the Lords of Form,
the four Hierarchs of the Elements, Saint Germain and   
Portia, the divine complements of the archeiai, Zadkiel   
and Holy Amethyst and Omritas from the Violet Planet.   

Raising the frequencies of life
with Spirit that matters.

Tune in and turn on your inspired mojo at:

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

for your


Nature's richest source of stem cell precursors for
cellular rejuvination, life extention and
optimal natural immunity;

nutraceutical-grade 'royal jelly'.