As Mass Illusion Disintegrates
(Fake News Exposed)
And 5-D Conscience Integrates
(Whole Truth Disclosed)
Celebrating our Revolutionary Heritage
for ‘US’
as United
Sovereigns of Earth
July 4, 2017 / Heartcom
common law, patterns of perfection,
and common language of inspired direction,
love within... so as we all enter in,
we find a
state with one clear mandate:
we optimize unity or we're insensate."
~ Aquarian Mandate
The Family of Mankind is now uniting as
a global village
of instant-everywhere & interactive
Internet connection.
There is a revolutionary spirit of
spiritual enlightenment
that is surging in the heart and mind
of global Netizens.
Fake history
is now being unveiled along with
Fake News
(3-D disinfo BS) and
False Flags (3-D terror BS),
but rarely
do we hear how
3-D 'BS’ (Belief
System) is the
dark side of
the force that inverts and
our ‘5-D
And how the power of
can restore
balance in the unified field of "the force":
June 16, 2017 /
Bruce Lipton
This is the time ordained in ancient prophecy and modern
revelations when mankind’s
conscious evolutionary
surges the
5-D ‘High State’
to purge the
3-D ‘Deep State’.
The Spirit of ’76 in Our Global Village
Elective government is the hallmark of public representation, yet we
still have a horse-and-buggy representation system which has been
hijacked by a
corporatocracy that rigs elections in a myriad of ways.
The ‘Deep State’ IS the
Since the founding of the U.S. Republic, there has been a struggle
between “self-serving” (3-D) corporate interests and “5-D”
(public-serving) interests, and mostly over the ownership and control of
the currency of the nation – the banking system – and the currency of
conscience where morality rules… or not so much.
The author of our independence warned us about this stuggle with banks
and the corporatocracy. ![]()
Even the teaching of true history has been rigged – ‘fake history’.
Many Americans don’t know the #1 cause of the American Revolution
was over control of our currency and taxation without representation… and that the cause of the War
of 1812 was refusal of Congress to renew the charter of the U.S.
central bank that was controlled by foreign Rothschild banks… or
that Alexander Hamilton was a Rothschild agent who betrayed the
Constitution’s intent for public control of the currency.
Popular culture, like the much-acclaimed Broadway musical ‘Hamilton’, celebrates the illusion
that this Founding Father represented the Spirit of ’76. He may have
displayed loyal courage on the battlefield, but moral cowardice in
the White House. He was ‘bought off’ by the Rothschilds while
founding ‘Wall Street’ of, by and for the banksters… but I digress.
“We need a revolution every
20 years
We’re long overdue for reboot of the
banking system and ‘elective government’. Consider what a systemic
5-D upgrade will look like, integrating both ‘high touch”
(coherence) and “high tech” (web 3.0) capabilities. It’s each one’s choice whether they involve and evolve good will for 5-D paradigm shift... or go along with 3-D paradigm paralysis.
This is a choice for either unity with Heaven knows that the power of wisdom with love is the ‘3-fold flame’ that is more brilliant when balanced... like the balance of Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
Ascension of 5-D ‘True’ Christians
Pricking the conscience of those who have one,
Brother? Or My Enemy?’
“I find it more than interesting
that great spiritual revivals broke out among the Confederate army
during the War for Southern Independence in much the same way that
they had erupted among the Colonial army during our War of
Independence from Great Britain. One could make the argument (and I
do) that it is the thirst and fight for liberty and independence
that often coincides with great spiritual awakenings. The Protestant
Reformation is a European example.
Therefore, I
am absolutely convinced that there will be no more spiritual
awakenings in this country without a subsequent thirst and fight for
liberty and independence, because
the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
(II Cor. 3:17 KJV) Turn that verse around and it says, “Where
liberty is, there is the Spirit of the Lord.” And the antithesis of
the verse would read, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is not, there is
not liberty.”
Is there a “spiritual revival” among Millennials?
Note from CR: This kid is a classic 5-D ‘Indigo’ who has his finger on the pulse of ‘Global Fireworks’ as the 2017 Big Shift hits the ‘fan’ of 5-D unity consciousness. It is whiz kids like this who spark the enlightened intent for evolutionary ascent of the Family of Mankind in our ALL-connected global village. Mature 5-D adults will appreciate his candor in addressing the 3-stages of conscious evolution revelations that find billions of global Netizens yearning to breathe free from 3-D recalcitrance… The Genesis of Global rEVOLUTION
"Can one generation bind another
Universal Rights-
High State
versus the
Deep State
Common sense would say that the greatest opposition to 5-D
prescience is 3-D obstinacy that is ‘Stuck
That negation of 5-D goes the full range from fear and anger to full
blown perception deception. Each individual struggles with this
personally, and with others who are likewise struggling.
But this 3-D => 5-D shift is also a public process that warrants
vigilance with conscientious common sense of a balanced 5-D nature.
5-D social conscience does not mature without some 3-D opposition.
It goes with the territory – the quantum field terrain described by
Bruce Lipton in the video at the top.
The ‘dark side of the force’ is just another metaphor for the ‘Deep
State’ of 3-D prevailing “BS” (Belief Systems) that are incorporated
and institutionalized in Deep State organizations of power and control
that poorly serve the public purpose of civil society.
The emerging 5-D mass ascension SHIFT is more about connection than
separation; more unity in diversity and less divisive conflict.
Cooperative humanity will rise above 3-D insanity. And we’ll see 3-D
organizations devolving (entropy) even as 5-D organizations are evolving
“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the
universe. Though seemingly affected only by its
immediate surroundings,
the sphere of external influence extends to
infinite distance.”
~ Nikola Tesla
Tesla is referring to the subtle quantum connection with
The Field. This
is the subtle but pervasive energy that is surging with
9th Wave Energies
to morph the matrix of 3-D with 5-D frequencies activating one’s
‘light body’.
“If you wish to understand the Universe,
Quantum reality has brought global humanity to the threshold of
mastering the fractal order of the
universe. There is a fractal geometry to universal order, and
Law of the Angles
framing the
Language of the Angels’
is equisite metaphor for the Quantum Age just as
reaping what we sow
and thrashing the "chaff" (3-D)
from the "wheat" (5-D) are classic parallels
(parables) from the Agricultural Age.
It’s the same dynamic with a new frame of reference via pure geometry ‘first principles’ of pure intention-![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
This Currency of Conscience The fireworks has begun with the floodgates of “heaven” (5-D) opening increasingly for billions of global Netizens who are now linking the light of general enlightenment that nurtures discernment as naturally neutralizes negativity of 3-D 'anti-light' intransigence:
A little history you may not know is that the Rothchild banking cartel - co-owners of the Federal Reserve Bank - created and financed the State of Israel... as proudly stated by a Rothschild in the video HERE.
See also:
Enlightened Netizens worldwide are now well aware that Zionism is
the face of the Deep State as owns and controls those major
3-D money,
media and military organizations that use deception,
terror and other Zionist policies that have
devastated the Middle East and infiltrated U.S. government at the
highest levels.
"When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of
remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption
restoring its lost principles;
every other correction is either useless or a new evil."
~ Thomas Jefferson
This is an update on Global Economic Reset
And in regard to celebrating our
Church of Zuck?
Has Mark Zuckerberg found 5-D spirituality?
How much
By the grace of the whole, holistic and holy spirit of
Nikola Tesla Interview, Hidden for 116 Years!
(We are in the Universe and the Universe
is in us.)
June 27, 2017 /
Universe Inside You
We have two eyes: the earthly and spiritual.Yellowstone Light Conference
Note from CR: There is a level of truth here
that speaks to 5-D sensibilities of an
open heart and coherent mind.
Almost 3 hours. Enjoy!
Universal ‘Rights'
- Public 'Sphere'
- 'Co~Creating'
“Rights” () Well “Rounded” (
) &
“Synergized” (
with the
healthy, holistic & otherwise holy “whole”
five core dimensions of
For a millennial-Aquarian Quantum Golden Age
on Earth as in "Heaven" (Cosmos-at-large).
“The present is theirs; the future, for which
I really worked, is mine.” ~ Nikola Tesla
Thanks for supporting the Heartcom Network;
publishing a vision of paradigm shift victory
during these wild and unpredictable times.
And thanks for supporting UltraMedics
while serving your optimal health with
Swedish Pollen Extract.
~ CR