2024 Quantum Quickening Series
The Davos Elite in the Cross-Hairs
Unelected Leaders with Pretentious Intelligence
Lecture the World on What to Believe and Do
While the whole world witnesses the moral depravity of
the Gaza bombing of civilians in a
concentration camp,
the Great Awakening to this horror must get a grip on
enlightened sovereignty
that naturally neutralize dystopian in-our-face tyranny.
First principles of personal and planetary sovereignty
- for the Family of Mankind in our new ‘global village’ -
(our instant, everywhere and interactive Net reality),
will optimize our opportunity for 'TeLeCommUNITY'
with a universal interface for
local/global interaction.
"It is at all times necessary,
and more particularly so
during the progress of a revolution,
and until right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we frequently refresh our patriotism
by reference to First Principles”.
~ Tom Paine, citizen journalist who wrote
that sparked the American
The United Sovereigns of Earth are
the new 'US',
Unified Solidarity
with Palestinians
and All Netizens of Earth.
Cosmic weather report from the Cosmic Cowboy:
Jan 11, 2024 / CODEPINK
Blinne Ni
Ghralaigh KC presents South Africa's closing argument
re: Israeli genocide in Gaza. International law has
established via
Nuremberg trials that occupiers of a country can't claim 'defense'
as justification for killing those who resist occupied subjugation.
International LAW will eventually align
with the
Aquarian Gold Standard:
Universal Law Language of
America: NOW is the world’s 1776 moment
Jan 19, 2024 / Kenny
"We are in the phase of determining
what order and principle will prevail".
Excerpt: The Big Picture:
“In little more
than a single generation, the United States and
its allies in WW II moved from being the saviors of humanity
from the
scourge of Nazi fascism and its avowed program to
exterminate an entire race
to aiding & abetting the Nazified
coalition of forces now guilty of perpetrating the very same
war crimes as those tried and convicted at Nuremberg.”
The World Economic Forum and their annual
self-congratulation festival is a meeting of
global cartel of self-appointed
who claim the authority to make the
rules for governing Earth's future.
The biggest wealth transfer in history
Jan 6, 2024 / London Real
Deep State Propaganda and Our Fight for Freedom
Either mass media is liberated from 'mind control'
(via Secretive
Society Shapers),
or corporate prerequisites of 'stockholders first'
(whenever profits are at stake),
will sacrifice the whole truth of consequences
- for profiteering from war and disease
until we no longer have peace or health.
The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse
Jan 21, 2024 / Chris Hedges
Joe Biden relies on advisors who
view the world through the
prism of the West’s co-dependence on Israeli supremacist
policies of controlling hearts and minds with shock and awe.
EXCERPT: Joe Biden's inner circle of strategists for the Middle East - Antony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and Brett McGurk - have little understanding of the Muslim world, and a deep animus towards Islamic resistance movements. They see Europe, the United States and Israel as involved in a clash of civilizations between the enlightened West and a barbaric Middle East. They believe that violence can bend Palestinians and other Arabs to their will. They champion the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. and Israeli military as the key to regional stability - an illusion that fuels the flames of regional war and perpetuates the genocide in Gaza.
~~~ Conscientious Content ~ Food for Thought ~~~
For Those Who Are Truly Thoughtful
Great Awakening to
Great Enlightenment
The Great Awakening has shown the world that
the Federal Reserve Bank is not ‘Federal’
– it’s owned by oligarchic banksters –
and the ‘FED’ has no ‘reserves’;
just money created as debt
‘We the People’
pay interest on.
For example, the collusion of Big Pharma with Big Gov
rewrote the law of retribution for harm from vaccines
to protect Pharma from liability for ‘pharmacide’
(massive death & dying caused by Pharma).
Likewise you can say that
makes vaccine injection
more-or-less mandatory
even though now proven
ineffective and harmful.
When the Davos crowd of power elite potentates
tell us, "You will own nothing and be happy",
they are mouthing mindless socialist drivel with
their Big Brother psychology of subservience.
Claim the Victory with Spirit that Matters
for wising up and rising up with a
High State of
are One!
Full Spectrum 5D
Aquarian First Principles
'Geometric Ordered
(G.O.D.~ Constitution)
Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light
for Effective Sensory Perception
via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and
next TeLeCommerce economy.