Integrating the Ordained
Power of
As the inordinate love of power
acts out while disintegrating.
Nov 25, 2018 / Heartcom Network
Host of BBS Radio’s Cosmic
for 11 years until the studio in
Paradise CA
was destroyed in a firestorm - article
Reality Report:
Rapid transformation; paradigm shift; software upgrades;
heartware innovations; enlightenment portents:
linking the light of lightworkers globally
for a revelations revolution with
the language of light.
transformation has accelerated. General enlightenment via the Internet
has awakened the all-connected masses. Interactive capabilities of an
instant-everywhere nature are connecting all of
‘US’ –
Sovereigns of Earth.
The ‘Family of Mankind’
Deep Shift in
perspective is disruptive to everyone’s same-old-same-old 'comfort zone'
(normalcy bias).
But it’s ‘interesting times’ for the young at heart who are blessed with
existential optimism – the hero’s journey.
A lot of us
are suffering ‘Future Shock’ – the inability to adapt to the accelerated
rate of mass awakening from
ancient history ‘BC’ –
Before Computers. The computer/Internet revolution is like an extension of each one's brain and nervous system just as clothes are an extention of the skin, cars are an extension of the feet, and TV is an extension of our eyes and ears.
Our new
global Internet reality - with unprecedented knowledge power
- has exposed ancient and modern power struggles as never before in human
history. The whole history of empire tyranny naked aggression has been
outed – big time.
regarding the truth of all this has been long-censored by the giant
corporate media conglomerates that dominate the news world. And over the
last year, the largest social media networks including Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube have been aggressively censoring the uncommon truths that
once made those networks so widespread.
A new social networking
model of
lamestream ‘fake news’ media won’t touch the tyranny-at-the-top issue
with the
– institutionalized profits-before-people
policies for power without Constitutional principle.
TV has been running cover for the corporate Deep State every since the
CIA foisted ‘Operation Mockingbird’ with embedded agents in all major TV
networks. It’s a rigged game.
But the
mold-matrix is broken. That game is ending. The mind control fix is
failing. Independent Internet media
is thriving all over the world.. The whole truth has been outed to
challenge the Big Lie. The grand deception has been so BIG and so
bold and so often told that
most of us have been deceived.
As the light of truth shines in the deep state of dark deception,
there's lots of
‘wailing and gnashing of teeth.”
Their time is short –
fear/anger is great
The last
decade has seen an authentic conscious evolution revolution in
revelations regarding the ordained power of truth and love that
naturally neutralizes the inordinate love of power.
That’s the REAL game –
2018 Global
“We have it in our power to
New Rules for the New World Game
The new
‘World Game’ is a contemporary version of the World Game Studies
Workshop pioneered by Buckminster Fuller in month-long workshops at the
University of Pennsylvania in the 70’s.
This ‘game’
is a process that Bucky defined as
‘comprehensive anticipatory design science’ with an ‘interactive
matrix’ that cross references an inventory of resources with design
criteria objectives. Basically, it’s the creative process for designing
anything. And it factors in the trending of timeline innovations for
anticipating the future.
"In the context of constant
inexorable change, I attended Bucky’s World Game in 1974 and was asked to give a lecture on my vision of World Game as a mass communications model, explaining how and why all our social, political and economic problems are communication problems; how we come into unity for REAL Community both locally and globally.
Making Virtual-Pseudo
Community Obsolete
I explained
how Cable TV stations in 1974 were wiring the nation with satellite
downlinks with the potential of creating a global village of
all-connected ‘unity in diversity’ – the ‘E Pluribus Unum' on the Great
Seal of the United States.
This was a
decade before personal computers and two decades before the Internet
went mainstream. IBM mainframe computers the size of a room dominated
the corporate world at that time, and IBM ‘mini-computers’ – small by
comparison – were just coming out.
So I
factored in the new CATV and computer capabilities in design of a
communication system that would update our horse-and-buggy system of
representation with an upgrade of
Five Core
Constitutional Freedoms – now
technically feasible with the new interactive capabilities.
The FCC had
just mandated that CATV systems provide three channels for local public
access TV, and I explained how mini-computers at the head end of CATV
public access stations could process touch-tone phone input from
citizens. This involves the language of consciousness in the
between our ears… inputting 3 numbers in
sequence at any part of a local or global public access video… defining
an x-y-z coordinate axis for a dot in a cube that represents each
individual’s response in relationship to any stage of video evaluation.
A universal
interface for global interaction
and a better experience of cooperative co-creation of social Conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
A unique
of ‘Consensus Reality’
Freedom of Assembly would thus be upgraded with electronic town-hall
meetings. Freedom of Speech would be upgraded with public access studios
origination of videos and then public evaluation of those programs with
an interactive interface – the
model – that provides real-time consensus
criteria as involves and evolves the
language of
consciousness for culturing social
conscience in social networks. Freedom to Petition government would be
upgraded with the ability to originate programs that ‘highlight’ public
consensus established within the context of the conscious evolution
process defined and refined by this interactive communication process.
And for the
"Planetary revolution is here:
years later and we have hand-held smart phones with more computing power
than those mainframe computers the size of a room. Bucky saw this
coming. He called it
– doing more with less. He coined the word ‘synergy’ to explain how this
was possible – combining innovations into new wholes that are greater
than the sum of the parts.
We can see
synergy in the way that the emphasis on IBM hardware morphed into an
emphasis on Microsoft software… and how hardware platforms and software
operating systems were synergized to develop
netware whereby the
computer became the network of computers.
was Web 1.0. – the shift from personal computing to personalized mass
communication with basic functions such as e-mail.
Web 2.0 saw
the integration of hardware, software and netware into a higher order of
synergy, creating social network platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and
Twitter. Personalized mass communication went exponential.
Each of
these innovative stages of synergistic integration have matured as from
baby to teenager. Billions of Netizens worldwide are now connecting with
each other. The global mind is maturing to the next level… an upgrade of
Five Core Internet Freedoms... with a heart.
Heartware is Web
3.0. This is a quantum leap in the computer/Internet revolution.
Trying to explain heartware in 2018 is like trying to explain the
Internet ‘BC’ (Before Computers). It requires synergistic integrations
of new concepts of conscious evolution with new
technologies that represent the gold standard for
heart coherence and
mind congruence.
As Buckminster Fuller might say today,
IS what Heartware DOES.
conscience will rapidly mature in social networks with heartware. A
systemic paradigm shift to the Family of Mankind in a global village is
the natural progression of the computer/Internet revolution – a higher
level of civility that synergistically integrates the
language of
consciousness for personalized mass-to-mass
Just like
YouTube made it possible for millions of people to watch an online video
at the same time, so will heartware make it possible for millions of
people to EVALUATE any part of that video at the same time… with a
unique interface window into this real-time read-out 'cloud'
of collective conscience... giving new meaning to 'cloud
computing' and the 'ritual of
the cloud' that energizes one's divine RIGHTS-
Netizen journalists will then create new videos
As thus will
heartware provide a
high state of
consensus reality
– a high form of representative government – that involves and evolves
our individual and collective CONSCIENCE with the
language of
consciousness at the heart of this
universal interface for mass-to-mass
Personalized RIGHTS-
In 2016 I
wrote about this in The Emerging Blueprint for a
Golden Age.
In 2017 I
took it to the next level with The 2017 Big
And since
the 1st of 2018, I’ve been synergizing revelations from 2016 and 2017 in
The 2018 Global Upgrade.
That brings
US –
United Sovereigns of Earth – to the
global crisis and opportunity we are facing today.
The Big Problem and
Self-Evident Solution
“If we can really understand the problem, Common sense unified field social conscience may yet be uncommon, but in the larger scheme of conscious evolution, Effective Sensory Perception naturally matures to right the floundering ship of global civility. In one's heart-of-hearts we can agree that the
higher the concept of Natural Cosmic Law -
So Keep the Faith - See the Good
“The many
steps that will build that foundation cannot happen quickly, and there
will be confusion and wariness as governments, legal and justice
systems, multinational corporations, mainstream media and all other
organizations and agencies that impact life on Earth are purged of
corruption and are reformed by wise individuals with moral and spiritual
integrity and leadership ability.
Message from Matthew, Nov 17, 2018 |
See also:
Codes for 'KoF'
(Keepers of Frequency)
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