2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Snapping Out of Mass Hypnotic Subservience

How Big Media colludes with the Deep State
for mass media mind control to create
electile dysfunction on purpose.


More than any other world leader in modern history,
RFK Jr has exposed the corrupt medical-industrial
complex that creates and treats disease for profit
and for population reduction - making a killing.

Mass pharmacide by the Deep State is the
cash cow that does NOT want exposed,
 and has attacked RFK Jr. relentlessly.

I'm focusing on this survival issue in
this newsletter for those who are
 pro-life for all your loved ones.
August 27, 2024 / Heartcom Network

Mass Pharmacide:
"They make us all sick and create
lifetime customers."
~RFK Jr.

America's Health Crisis at 34:56 Minutes

click on image above for video

RFK Jr: Why He Decided to Team Up with Trump
August 26, 2024 / Tucker Carlson Network
When Bobby Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump last week,

he burned his boats. There's no turning back for him.
Here's his first interview since that happened.

The Shocking 'Health' of Americans:
Increasingly Fat and Stupid?

3 minute video says it all:

Click on image above for video and transcripts

Dr. Casey Means explains to Tucker just how sick
Americans have become due to sickness
incentives that profit from disease.

* In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.
* 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.
* Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese.
* 50% of American adults have prediabetes or
  type 2 diabetes, when only 1% of Americans
in the 1950s had the disease.
* 30% of teens now have prediabetes.
- Infertility has increased by more than 50%.
- Sperm counts are decreasing by 1% per year.
- 40% of 18-year-olds have a mental health diagnosis.
- Young adult cancers are up


This is trending to extinction level
for Americans.

What's causing all this? It's simple:
Our toxic food system and
 our toxic environment.
 (ingested or injected)

"Make America Healthy Again."

August 26, 2024 / Mark Dice
RFK Jr. Endorsement of Trump ROCKS Kamala Campaign
and Causes Media Meltdown.


Whom was correct and right…
journalists or conspiracy theorists?

August 27, 2024 / Freedom's Phoenix

  Lamestream media presstitutes lied to us.
Independent Internet media called it out.
The whole truth has exposed the Big Lie
for a correction of perception deception.
But fear of change can make one ‘mad’.
Normalcy bias doesn’t like being wrong.
And when ‘mad’ it even calls good ‘evil’.

“None are so hopelessly enslaved, as those who
  falsely believe they are free. The truth has been
kept from the depth of their minds by masters
who rule them with lies.  They feed them on     
 falsehoods till wrong looks right in their eyes."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Battle for Health Freedom Heats Up.

The Historic Kennedy Announcement:
Must-See Moments
August 23, 2024 / The Vigilant Fox
All the key takeaways in under five minutes.

What would Kennedy do under a Trump administration?
He would be tasked with
ending the chronic disease
. Specifically, he said he's going to
fix the corrupt health agencies.

"These agencies - the FDA, USDA, and CDC, all of them,
are controlled by giant for-profit corporations.
With President Trump's backing, I'm going to
change that,"
Kennedy said.

The control must be returned to the public
with well-informed CHOICE as with a
whole new system of free online

click on image for the Aquarian Model

Consider how the 3-fold TLC 'flame' (spirit) of
TeLeComm, TeLeCare and TeLeCommerce
will culture conscientious common sense for
 Aquarian 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.

As a life-long 'MetaPhysician' - 52 years since
initiation 'On the Path' (of Spirit that matters),
I've pioneered a unique Aquarian vision with
higher concepts of at the heart of
a global rEVOLUTION in consciousness
- '
US' as United Sovereigns of Earth -
with a higher concept of TLC for
Global Holistic Healing.

 "A higher concept of
for global rEVOLUTION
and a higher concept
TLC via Heartware -
for enlightenment."
~ Lightweaver

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.