Global 5-D Prime Directive

The Holistic Healing of Global Conscience

Preface Article: "The Prime Directive"

by Christos Lightweaver, Producer
"Reality TV For the ET's"

Our global village has come to this point with global issues in everyone's living room.  You can't escape them.  Welcome to my world!

As independent creator, producer and director of "Reality TV For the ET's", I'm well aware of these global issues, in the good company of numerous  intelligent beings who are watching the "Great Experiment" in human evolution as it collectively incorporates the Prime Directive for Civility

Call it the Constitution of Social Conscience in our new global village of instant-everywhere-interactive social networks.  That Constitution of, by and for Social Conscience heralds a future we can all look forward to.  

There are indeed rules for conscious evolution that we're all accountable to in the cosmic scheme of things.  And there are consequences for following -- or not following -- these core rules for civil society.  Those consequence are the ascent or descent of civilization as we have known it.
Cosmic LOVE has methods that reward pure intention.
There are incentives for focusing attention on
our evolutionary ascension.
A free and open Internet has brought these core rules into play -- the blueprint for universal law framed by cosmic LOVE.  As with the first successful system of public self governance with core Constitutional freedoms, we are now about to witness an upgrade of those freedoms for the Family of Man in our global village social networks.

The public option for informed choice is what shapes all our other freedoms.  As that public option empowers informed choice, and as those collective choices are represented in social networks, a more evolved social conscience is the natural result; civility is then cultured as a meritocracy where the best ideas of, by and for social conscience are rewarded. In a meritocracy, merit is rewarded.

This meritocracy idea of rewarding the best ideas is now YOUR CHOICE.
For those who remember the e-mail I sent about the Google competition
for the best ideas, with millions of dollars going to the winners,
you now have the opportunity to vote on the best ideas.

Here's a recent news release from Google's
Project 10^100 team.

Last year, Project 10^100 invited the world to submit ideas to help as many people as possible.
We received over 154,000 submissions, which we narrowed down to our favorites.
Now, you're invited to view the ideas and vote for the ones you think will help the most people.
Our advisory board will use your votes to identify the best ideas for further consideration,
and we've committed $10 million to make up to 5 of them a reality.
Hurry, voting ends October 8, 2009.
Thanks for your help. Please vote! And may those who help the most win.
The Project 10^100 Team

Note:  As you can see, the public was allowed one vote among 16 "Big Ideas" compiled by
Google's team of "deciders" who cherry picked all ideas to fit their politically correct agenda
of the "best ideas". For example, here's the one "Health" category they provide as a "choice":

Promote health monitoring and data analysis


      Health Predict and minimize medical problems and emergencies through real-time tracking of individuals' health data and analysis of historical data. Several ideas submitted in multiple languages recommend this concept, offering various ideas about which types of monitors and devices to use; which vital signs to measure (with varying levels of invasiveness); which diseases and conditions to track; and so on. The idea could work both in the developed world (through wearable, mobile or in-home devices) and in the developing world (via publicly accessible locations and devices), and the data could be used both to track individuals' health status and to spot community trends and prevent disease outbreaks. Suggestions (submissions) that inspired this idea:
    1. Create an integrated personal health data system that uses data collected from toilets to transmit and analyze health and nutritional data
    2. Use a bracelet device to measure blood pressure, temperature, etc. to detect health changes and track trends at a regional and national level
    3. Create an affordable, wearable, nearly invisible device that people could use to effortlessly monitor physical health data, then broadcast it to authorized individuals they have selected.
    4. Design a portable doctor or handheld health monitoring system
    5. Create an integrated personal health data system that uses data collected from toilets to transmit and analyze health and nutritional data
You'll notice that the Google team did NOT include my "sugestion" (submission) for health data analysis with a system of "Free, Online Universal Self Care".  Did you read that article?  What did you think? For some reason, the Google "deciders" did however see fit to find inspiration in a toilet monitoring device, actually mentioning it TWICE as their first and last best idea for health care submitted.  Think about that - what they are REALLY saying about their contest of "best ideas" for healing the sick health care system.  Where's the "best" in toilet monitors or people monitors or other high tech gizmos while ignoring the utter lack of informed choice regarding what is actually working best for building health and preventing disease, as could be simply and inexpensively provided for Global Holistic Healing?  DUH!
If there's no public option for informed choice regarding your own health,
there is no freedom at all!
Planetary civilization, as we have known it, has always been governed by certain common sense rules that make politically-correct doublespeak and disinformation look stupid.  Common sense may indeed be uncommon, but stupefying contests that treat us like idiots are an outrage to people of conscience.  There are consequences for such stupidity -- Google loses credibility and the public looks elsewhere for real solutions.

There are universal rules for the evolution of social conscience in our social networks -- another "best idea" that was submitted to the Google Team to no avail.  It doesn't take that much "conscience" to realize that the Prime Directive is as fundamental to human evolution as are the laws of quantum energy framing the Fractal Geometry of Nature.

The Constitution of rules I refer to is the archetypal rules for self-governance with a pure geometry frame of reference for the Family of Man in our global village.  That frame of reference is the "LOVE Model", aka the Prime Directive.  These 1st principles of divine order -- governing conscious evolution -- were discussed on the archived  Sept. 26th, 2009 BBS Radio Talk Show
"Cosmic LOVE", hosting Therese Emmanuel Grey on the subject of Inner Family Archetypes (her website).

The understanding of Inner Family Archetypes is going mainstream, sooner or later. It's a classic simplified understanding of modern psychology (Jung) as a frame of reference for the 1st principles for cosmic law.

The higher one's concept of the "universal law archetypes" framing your understanding of Inner Family Archetypes, the greater the results for a personal and planetary rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness.  That's the global issue of issues right now... on the network of networks - the Mother of all networks - the Internet.

An understanding of cosmic-univesal law is the natural progression of global humanity
at this unique stage of planetary evolution on the 2012 timeline.

The FAMILY has always been the foundation of civil society in the extended Family of Man.  The Inner Family Archetypes are for the fulfillment of Loving Family with the same operant principles for framing social conscience to create a self-fulfilling prophecy in social networks of our Global Family.  It ain't rocket science.

When LOVE is the rule, LOVE rules,


“To love with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength,
and your Netizen neighbor in or global village as thyself.”