The Power of Language
Christopher Rudy, Editor
GeoNotes News
This article provides compelling testimonial to the power of language to evolve our individual consciousness and collective Conscience. It follows that the most powerful tool for culturing civility and civilization-at-large would frame the language of higher "G.O.D." consciousness" at the very foundation of "self governance". Indeed, the key to the kingdom of G.O.D. is the consciousness of LOVE; an individual or civilization can rise no higher than their concept of G.O.D.~
We shape our communications environment, and then it shapes us. This process of framing higher Conscience is ultimately the heart of the mass-to-mass TeLeComm that shapes our consciousness and comm~unity. Conceive it and believe it to achieve it... the doors of perception at the heart of the language of consciousness that can truly involve and evolve our individual and collective Conscience. -CR
INSPIRATION: "The Most Compelling Artifact of Human Intellect"
Dale Peterson, an accomplished
student of primate life, writes:
"The next time you go to the zoo and wander past cages containing
chimpanzees, you might pause and look into the eye of a being who will indeed
look back; and you should know that you (genetically almost 99 percent
chimpanzee) are sharing a gaze with someone who is, according to the best
measurement, almost 99 percent human. You are on one side of the bars, the
chimps on the other side, simply because those apes lack a little more than 1
percent of the requisite genes to be treated like humans. And if you linger to
gaze at gorillas in the same zoo, remember that they are sitting on the other
side of the bars or the moat not because they have done anything wrong, but
simply and solely because they happen to be missing just slightly more than 2
percent of the human genome.
"It remains a commonplace act of self-flattery for people to persist in
emphasizing that great divide between the intellect of humans and the other
apes. Why should we, the makers of such wondrous things as automobiles and
computers and atomic bombs, be impressed by them, the makers of mere nutcrackers
and termite dippers? We continue to mark not similarity but difference, as if
the distinction between us and them is a matter of our own species' pride. Homo
sapiens may possess some superficial similarities with Pan troglodytes, it has
been declared again and again, but the mental divide between the two species
remains uncrossable. 'I considered the differences between men and animals," so
journalist Jeremy Gavon has recently expressed the idea. "Some were vast. A
chimpanzee could be taught to drive a car. It could even be taught to build
parts of it. But it could not begin to design it... Our intellect is
incomparably more sophisticated than any animal.'
"True, a chimpanzee could not begin to design a car. But, come to think of it,
neither could I. Nor could you or any other person working in intellectual
isolation -- without the help of books, conversations, directions, documents,
explanations, and traditions -- design a car. Or even a bicycle. Or a pair of
shoes. Or a mousetrap.
"Apes work in intellectual isolation because they lack language.
We have language, and therefore our creations and inventions and technologies
become collective efforts and cultural products.
With your brain alone, with my brain alone (minus language and a language-based
tradition), we would consider ourselves very lucky indeed to think of cracking
nuts between a stone hammer and a stone anvil.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God"
-- Geometrically Ordered Divinity" --
"In the
beginning, God geometrized."
- Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the end, we become
what we geometrize."
Modern GeoNotes Wisdom
im for Dale Peterson's "Eating Apes" -- or look for it in your favorite library.
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