2024 Quantum Quickening Series
50 Years Pioneering an Aquarian Vision

The Five Dimensions of 'Peak' Experience

 Wisdom of ‘The Cloud’ (Crowd);
Occupy Collective Conscience

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on Oct. 2nd
has a powerful alignment of portents for
both great challenges and opportunity
as an important election draws near,
and the Aquarian Age commences.


Eclipses are always a wild card, and
this one is primed with a full house
of triggers for collective conscious
rEVOLUTION via revelations of
a Great Enlightenment nature.

Make the best of it with your
highest and best Vision of
Virtue and Valor for the
Victory of .
Oct 2, 2024 / Solar Eclipse in 'Libra'
(justice, harmony and beauty)

Keynote music while reading
in another window:
'Walking Through the Clouds'


Let's take it from 'the top'
- CAPstone -
(Creative Ascent Process)
with the first principles of
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'


This 'top line' (G.O.D. VISION),
defines, refines and 'shines'
(blesses) the 'bottom line'
(conscience currency)
 for personal > global

   This is the PLATFORM (foundation),
 for y'our' ELECTION made sure.

This is the Occupy Consciousness movement,
the mainstreaming of higher consciousness
of, by and for the first principles governing
Conscious rEVOLUTION Revelations.


We are facing an extinction level event
on multiple fronts of a new kind of
'battlefield' (collective mind).

PsyWar Debriefing HERE

More on the extinction level event HERE
(exceptional 'warrior woman'; 9 min video)

This is the time of Revelations that can now
be understood as a 'critical mass' of the
Great Awakening
known as the '100th Monkey Effect'
whereby a Great Enlightenment
 goes mainstream worldwide.

Conceive it - Global rEVOLUTION
for the end of endless war.


Believe it - A New Common Sense:
Worldwide Freedom & Opportunity with
a high standard of Aquarian .

Achieve it - A High Standard of Sovereignty
with TeLeComm mediation of mass media;
a universal interface for global interaction.

The Five Dimensions of 'Peak Experience'

Liberating Conscientious Common Sense
for all 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.

This is a pure geometry frame of reference
for 'Cosmic' (Universal) Law in both
form and frequency:

   - pure intention -  
    1- Liberating the '
Currency of Conscience' as we clearly 'wake up';

     - focus attention -
  2- Liberating our 5 core Constitutional freedoms as we 'wise up';

    - love's retention -
    3- Liberating the holistic healing breakthroughs in order to 'rise up';

         - global ascension -
  4- Liberating the clean Free Energy technologies as we 'stand up';

for Self-


5- The integration of the four sides of this pyra-mid 'overview' (plan)
- freedom’s 
fire in the middle of all-connected global civilization -
is the
HEAT we are feeling in order to see the LIGHT of the
CAPstone' (Creative Ascent Process) to guide us like
Lady Liberty’s torch leading us to 'safe harbor',
the consensus of 99 percent of humanity
that we will have 100 percent victory
as we center and connect with
fire of pure intention
to wholly Occupy


Culturing Our Individual & Collective 'Common Sense'
Effective Sensory Perception).

Creating REAL Community and Global UNITY
by Christos Lightweaver / MetaPhysician
Sept-Oct Issue of Natural Life News

Excerpt: When we consider that the Great Awakening of many souls was ordained for this time, it gives depth of meaning to the Aquarian Frequency Shift - a systemic vibrational shift to higher consciousness. Those who have awakened will soon become aware of the price of soul soaring as a free spirit above the fray. As Nietzsche said, "The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."

Keep in mind that it's not aptitude - but attitude - that determines altitude: whether we soar with eagles on thermals of grace or scratch with turkeys on bug of begrudge. It's the Aquarian high state that makes us kind, rather than the old-world order's eye-for-an-eye which makes us blind. >> READ MORE...

May our pure intention bring peace, justice
and beauty into the world as will 'eclipse'
(neutralize), warring injustice and evil.

For those who made the Vow to serve others
with a high standard of love this time around,
this is the time ordained for mainstreaming a
high Vision of for global realignment
with the purpose and PLAN of ascension for
as our platform for conscious rEVOLUTION.

See Bucky's World Game 1974 - 50 years ago

Wisdom of the Crowd to Occupy Conscience
Conceiving=>Achieving Our Source Connection

Cosmos inspires our "mystical union with Source":

Sept 27, 2024 / HeartsCenter.org
The Great Cosmic Being 'Cosmos' steps through the veil;
an 11 minute message via David Christopher Lewis

Culturing Conscientious Common Sense
ESP’ (Effective Sensory Perception),
via Cosmic-Universal .

Building on the Foundation of Co-Creation with
Five Layers of ‘Peak’ Experience:

1- Divine IDentity – taking inventory of
    our gifts and talents via re-Sourceful
pure intention:
    Affirmation – I Am / We Are

    2- Universal Interface – shaping processes
        of consciousness that then shape us;
       focusing attention.
  Confirmation – We Can

    3- Interactive Matrix – ‘co-creating’ (1 & 2)
      for holistic crowd consensus with
     Determination – We Will

4- Predictive Modeling – optimal trending
from 3D to 5D via 4D NOW for
conscious ascension:
Integration – We Do

5- ‘Creative Ascent Process’ (CAPstone),
for systemic
in the 5th Dimension:
Consecration – Wholly

This Self Mastery Process defines,
refines and shines enlightened
self-correcting selflessness;
service to others
with self-perfecting


"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only
 to know the nature of love itself.  To truly know love
is to know and understand God; and to know God
is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)


Keep the Faith:
Claim the Victory of Great Awakening
(The Great Enlightenment)

See the Good:
The Alpha and Omega of Global Healing
(TeLeComm and TeLeCare)

Make it So!
To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


Your body is the temple of the living Spirit.
Support your full spectrum health:

 Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health

Please care to share with others
who can subscribe for free at:

And check out the new chapters from
The Aquarian Book of Cosmic  .