global Netizens are well aware that
global economic reset is happening behind the
scenes of Trump’s latest
global reality
‘The U.S. Government Shutdown’.
On the
surface, this is rather entertaining
‘bread & circuses’
for the masses, even
though there’s no
bread for nonessential
government, and
the media circus is
the-top, wailing about grave injustice for
downsizing the bloated Fed-Gov empire.
Below the
surface of lamestream media
chatter –
infotainment unreality – we can
see the psychological info-war going on
between open-independent ‘alternative’
news and the mainstream
media matrix
that is managed by
as is embedded in Big Government to
regulate big federal bureaucracies that
pretend to 'regulate'
corporate abuse;
classic foxes guarding the hen house.
For those
with a deeper understanding,
all about the money;
economic war in which vast corporate
cartels utilize
captive segments of the
government to destroy their competition.
To the astute
student of 'the problem',
this is a struggle between ideologies:
united or divided - sovereign or slave;
collectivist corporatocracy governance
individualism and rights of all
sovereigns to own our own lives.
And for those
who grasp the
we’re witnessing true revelations
- a historic battle of light and darkness -
corrupt Deep State public deception
attempts to defeat the emergence of
powershift to a ‘High State’ of
& Love – the
Aquarian Mandate
for 'The United
Sovereigns of Earth'.
with a vision of virtue
and valor for
is the Global Reset:
Restoring Constitutional Government
The Internet has
decentralized knowledge power worldwide, and
Web 3.0
CyberEthics now makes it possible to upgrade
Five Core
Internet Freedoms for more than 3 billion
global Netizens. This global rEVOLUTION is destined to fulfill what the American Revolution began - an update of horse-and-buggy representation capabilites with the new instant-everywhere response ability that an interactive Internet gives people worldwide. This 'Global Reset' is a power shift from the highly centralized, top-down, one-way programming of, by and for Deep State 'matrix management' (mass mind control) - corporate tyranny - that hijacked the American Revolution as Thomas Jefferson warned, rather prophetically:
Click on the image below for a short video on Oligarchy. ![]()
issue today is the same as it has been ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Awakening Is Now Going World Wide,
The Movement Has Started
Jan 23, 2019
X22Report Spotlight
Charles Hugh Smith
Next Government for a New Earth
Will mankind unite as kind men with
fearless faith in the ordained power
of truth in a High State of
Or will faithless fear blind our eyes
to the heart of what matters most?
We're at a classic 'turning point' of
either waking up, wising up and
rising up for global sovereignty
or reaping a whirlwind of hurt.
This is a pivotal time in history.
Harnessing the Power of Love
with the wisdom of
is to
discover 'fire' for the 2nd time.
This 'flame of opportunity' for
personal & planetary freedom
is the white fire core of
at the heart of the High State
as transmutes the Deep State
with a global rEVOLUTION of
Effective Sensory Perception
in the Spirit of a United State:
The Family of
Mankind in a global village;
a ‘U
If 'Continuity Of Government'
(COG) planning
is keeping all this secret, it begs the question:
What kind of
are we talking about?
Will the 'power elite' (1%) be 'bound' by
a High State of Constitutional morality?
Will the 'meek' (99%) inherit the Earth?
Will worse-case scenarios be mitigated
a High State of spiritual
your life - your world;
knows that a Higher Power will
'step down' gifts of the Holy Spirit if we
'step up' the frequency of
the higher the concept of
in form -
Ordered Divinity
and frequency -
Language of Angels
the greater the rEVOLUTION results.
has methods.
are universal
Rules for Ascension
whereby the High
State naturally rules.
This is true on Earth as Cosmos-at-large.
that the greatest power we have
is the ability to know better and do better
with pure intent for our collective ascent.
New revelations of
advanced technology
within the once
'Secret' Space Progam
has shown United
Sovereigns of Earth
that it is time
to get our act together...
a New Earth - a High State of civility.
Let's get
real - what's really happening
that's been lied about for too long:
"The technology in
the Secret Space Program
is so vast it could literally solve all the
problems we have on Earth..."
~ David Wilcock at 12:08 min.(video below)
Nov 3, 2018 / David Wilcock & Corey Goode
"This is real. It's not science fiction. We
being lied to on an unbelievable level."
~ David Wilcock
Brief history on disclosure of the Secret Space Program:
Jan 22, 2019 /
World News 7
Why disclosure? It would put the
Constitutional governments of the world
back in control. Control has been taken
over by rogue elements of the Deep State.
This awareness compels a
choice for free-thinking sovereigns:
Either we quickly
wise up and rise up
along more enlightened lines of
the corporatocracy will do what it has
always done, and we'll get what we've
always got - same 'paradigm paralysis'
of the 3D matrix resisting 4-5D
Remember, what we
resist will persist
since energy goes where attention flows.
So it's better to focus on the High State
as naturally transcends the 'DUH' State.
This process
of High State 'Shift'
is the purpose and plan of the
Genesis Project.
So Keep the Faith -
Pure Intention,
See the Good -
And Make it So - The
Full Spectrum
Enlightened humor from Plato's cave:
Jan 13, 2019 /
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
There are rules whereby Creator's intention…
is self-evident to those who focus
within and with all via
true Love's retention…
wising up to rise
up; conscious ascension…
in a Unity State; co-Creation's
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