- Fukushima Radiation Weather Maps
       - Importance of a Strong Immune System

Now is when an ounce of prevention
- to build a strong immune system -
is worth a TON of cancer therapy.

by Christopher Rudy / updated April 27, 2011

Previous article archived at:
"Radiation Alert"

(GeoNotes News):  High levels of radiation are blowing across America, and the danger is far worse than we are being told.  How serious is open to debate, but you and your loved ones ignore the headlines and the truth of this 'monstrous cover-up" at your own peril.

"This is one of the most monstrous cover-up in the history of medicine...
the greatest public health hazard the public has ever witnessed..."
~ Recent press conference by Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 18, 2011, in Montreal
[MUST SEE:  YouTube video of Dr. Caldicott's exposure of the real danger

Coverup!  High Levels of Radiation Across America
Radiation maps produced by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) now confirm that the Midwest of the United States, all of California, the Northwest including the states of Oregon and Washington and the western part of Canada are under a radiation threat with high radiation levels from the six units of the Fukushima nuclear power plant that started in melt-down on March 11, 2011.

The ‘half-life’ of these radioactive elements – the time taken to decay by half – includes:
Cesium-134 ~ 2 years, Cesium-137 ~ 30 years, Iodine-131 ~ 8 days, Plutonium-239 ~ 24,200 years, Uranium-234 ~ 246,000 years, Ruthenium-103 ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.], Ruthenium-106 ~ 374 days, and Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found in large amounts in spent nuclear fuel and in radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.]

Radiation ‘Weather Maps”:
Click on the map pictures at the top right)

Watch this YouTube Video:
to see the levels of radiation weather in your location of the world.
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)

America is now being blanketed with long-lasting radiation on the land and waters of the food chain.
We'll be eating this stuff.  Many people will get sick and die from this.  Most will survive, but some of
the living will envy the dead as a pandemic of various cancers begins.

The best way to protect yourself is to limit exposure
and strengthen your immune system.

If you read, "Radiation Update - The Deception and the Danger", you know that drinking radioactive milk or eating radioactive food is far more dangerous than radioactive fallout.  That article has been updated with specific immunity-building recommendations since published last week.

Europeans warned to avoid drinking milk or eating vegetables
or cheese due to high radiation levels
Tuesday, April 12, 2011, by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

Even the mainstream media now admits there is no end in sight for the Fukushima radiation fallout on America.  And yet, virtually no one in the lamestream media is raising the alarm or telling the truth...  that dangerous radiation fallout is accumulating here... that one millionth of a gram of ingested plutonium causes cancer... that these symptoms of radiation poisoning need to be recognized... and that the usual therapies for cancer cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and often don't lead to a cure.

This is like a
silent terror alarm going off against an invisible domestic enemy.  But the danger is real, even though ignored by the 'business-as-usual' corporate media.  The right to alarm the public -- to mobilize our hearts and minds -- seems to be reserved by a government which used terror to rally public support for endless war following 9-11.  It used the terror of non-existent "weapons of mass destruction" in invade Iraq and expand the Middle East war for Israel and Big Oil.  It used the terror of economic collapse to bailout the Fed banksters who make a killing creating debt with endless wars. 

But this domestic radiation terror trumps them all,
and even the power elite are scared shiftless.

It may seem cynical to consider official terror-based propaganda as a ploy to exploit the physical and human resources of humanity, but the terror of this radiation health crisis will not bolster the fortunes of Wall Street and health care reform for the growth and benefit of the medical-industrial complex which looks at cancer treatment as the 'golden calf'.  Worship of that golden calf will destroy America...
all cynicism aside.

This radiation danger opens a whole new can of worms.

The problem is that conventional cancer treatment with toxic chemo has the nasty side-effect of wiping out the immune system, your first line of defense against radiation.  People take their health for granted until they lose it, and once they have cancer, they'll pay just about anything to get it back, typically losing their life savings on 'promising new chemo treatments' before they lose their immune system, often dying from pneumonia or other opportunistic infections while medical reports say their cancer was 'cured'... to maintain belief in the 'golden calf' of modern medicine. 

 The hypocrisy of the sick health care system should be self-evident if you read this article:
Vast Majority of Oncologists Would NOT Use Chemotherapy If They Got Cancer

This predatory, self-serving and self-perpetuating disease care system is actually 97.5% of public health care policy, and it is rather ingenious in a nefarious way.  Drug-side effects are treated with other drugs with more side-effects which are treated by other drugs until many seniors are walking pharmacies with half a dozen prescriptions drugging them out of any semblance of health. 

That's very profitable for the ten Wall Street Big Pharma companies which make more profits than the 490 other companies in the Fortune 500.  But the side-effect of this 'success' is killing more than 100,000 American annually with prescription drugs. That's the common conservative number often quoted by drug-pushing media conglomerates,
but the real number is closer to a quarter-million Americans dying yearly from the 'ethical' drug cartels which have hijacked the 'health care system'.

Watch this short video, "Prescription Drugs Killing America".

Thanks to this sick health care system, profit from disease trumps emphasis on prevention of disease.  Public health has degenerated severely, yet people think they are healthy if their nose isn't running or don't feel any pain.  Public immunity against disease is at an all-time low.

Many Americans are so sick and tired of being sick and tired that they are too sick and tired to realize they are victims of the system.  They actually believe that drugs build health when they are only treating symptoms of disease, and there's a huge difference.  The 'BS' (Belief System) -- that drugs build health -- is the Big Lie which is so BIG and so bold and so often told on the boob-tube that people believe it!

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
 ~ Mark Twain

This is why the radiation danger is NOT being reported. It would trouble the public to know that mass culling of the population has begun.  It would trouble the economy to know that the food chain is being contaminated with deadly radiation... from Alaskan salmon to the Midwest breadbasket.

You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to realize what is happening now. There's a news blackout on the subject. None of the talking heads on TV are warning you to limit exposure. It's beyond criminal.

Fukushima radiation taints US milk supplies
at levels 300% higher than EPA maximums
Monday, April 11, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Fukushima Accident Assessment Officially Raised to
'Maximum Level 7'
"Should Japan continue to persist with "controlling" the crisis
with the same success as it has over the past month,
very soon a Level of 8 and/or higher may be required."

Multiple meltdowns at Fukushima are now officially considered as bad as Chernobyl.  Unofficially it's far worse, but we're not being told how serious this is.  Read: "The Deception and the Danger" for more insight into the situation and what you can do for your health. 

U.S. nuclear plants are even more vulnerable
to Japan-style Earth changes.

Are you aware that nuclear plants across the U.S. have Fukushima-style fuel-storage cooling ponds which are currently holding, on the average, "four times more than their designs intended" and are more vulnerable to earthquakes than the reactors?  The shocking danger in the U.S. can be seen in this YouTube video, 'Chernobyl Fukushima USA'. This story has been covered up for 20 years.

Have you come to grips with the increasing frequency and intensity of global Earth changes?  Is it true that these serious portents for U.S. earth changes are NOT being reported in the news?  Would you agree that severe Earth changes could trigger nuclear plant meltdowns across the U.S.?

Keep in mind that there is no miracle drugs for preventing or treating radiation sickness, and the drug-pushing corporate media has little interest in natural solutions. Drugs have a common side-effect; they weaken the immune system.  If you don't minimize exposure to radiation and deal with free radicals in the body from ionizing radiation,
your immune system will be degraded if not destroyed... which is why radiation poisoning victims frequently die from pneumonia, cancers and opportunistic infections.

Notice that virtually NO ONE in the sick 'public health care' system or sick 'government for the people' system or sick 'truth-telling media' is telling the public this.  If you don't understand WHY... and if you don't get a grip on the seriousness... you will more likely be a victim than a survivor.  It's your health - your Life.  Think for yourself and strengthen your immune system!

If you want to survive and thrive, get out of the box of contemporary status quo procrastination and be proactive.  This may be a challenge for cherished illusions regarding 'community standard medicine", but willful ignorance won't help you now.

Combined with natural immunity-building protocols, as detailed at "Radiation Deception and the Danger", the public has a fighting chance.

What follows is a classic example of deadly deception
for the profit of the medical-industrial complex:

"Clearing the Smoke - The Science of Cannabis' is a PBS documentary which explains the scientific mechanism whereby marijuana strengthens the immune system with anti-cancer properties.  This is enlightening in the face of the mutagenic cancer-causing effect of ionizing radiation.  But the deadly deception of the FDA is that cannabis is a dangerous drug.  Either the science or the FDA are lying.

Cannabis is a natural herb.  It's not a drug.  The problem is that it works better than drugs for many health conditions.  And it has a pleasant side-effect of causing 'euphoria' whereby sick people feel better. 

God forbid that this 'weed' actually relieves pain and suffering while strengthening the immune system!

The War on Drugs, you see, is actually the war of Big Pharma
to control health care by eliminating any competition.

The fight for health freedom rights is headline news here in Montana. The Montana public voted the right to use cannabis for healing purposes. This runs counter to Federal policies to criminalize pot as a dangerous drug in the same category as heroin and crack.  On the surface that is ludicrous, considering the science of cannabis for building the immune system. But Big Pharma has hijacked Federal policy at the FDA level, making billions of dollars on expensive drugs which don't work as well as cannabis for a vast variety of health conditions. 

Common sense would say that if we're going to begin healing the sick health care system, we need to take the profit out of sickness and put some profit back into natural healing practices.  There are too many people profiting from disease, and too few people building our health holistically.

Common sense would also say that we've got bigger fish to fry than fighting self-serving medical, media and government cover-ups.  The radiation from Fukushima fall-out is a full-blown assault on our immune systems.  What you do for your self-care is all you can really count on now.

Common sense may be uncommon, but it sure beats the alternative.

Christopher Rudy, Netizen Journalist
Founder/Director of UltraMedics Services

PS: Please forward freely.  As the author of our Independence said so well, "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
 ~ Thomas Jefferson


'Top Line' for a Strong Immune System:
The Most Powerful Love In The World
Bottom Line for a Strong Immune System:
Love Your Body with Nature's 'UltraFood'