2025 Global rEVOLUTION Series

First Month of Trump – Situation Update


The first video on GEOPOLITICS is only 15 minutes but says more on this subject - in fewer words - than any I've seen this last month. Note the entire video link that is cued up to the part explaining how the U.S. directed NATO to create the Ukraine war.

The 2nd video on REAL INTELLIGENCE brings WISDOM into focus just as the 3rd video on the HEART COHERENCE FACTOR brings a higher standard of LOVE into the Aquarian rEVOLUTION equation.

A fourth video by Mike Adams sums up the BIG SHIFT with HUGE opportunity for liberation of 'US' as United Soveregns of Earth.

 There's a Big Picture commentary following the videos.
This will resonate well with long-time reader 'initiates',
  but may be awkward or obtuse for newbie 'neophytes'.

The key concepts for initiating one's understanding of
the 3-fold frame (trinity) of
Power, Wisdom and Love
  are thus hotlinked to websites explaining those terms.

 These hotlinks are for those with pure intent to initiate
insight & outlook as understands the overview:
Archetypal Aquarian Blueprint Coordinates.

Feb 27, 2025 / New Moon


Feb 22, 2025 / Jeffrey Sach at the EU Parliament
Shockwaves Across Europe!

Why is it that American liberal Democrats and Europeans are so
disturbed that Trump is moving the United States toward normal
  relations with Russia instead of maintaining a hostile approach to
   Russia based on proxy wars, sanctions, and blatant propaganda?
Note from CR:
  Lamestream media did NOT feature this epic speech.
   In the entire speech - HERE at 37:51 minutes - Jeffrey
 clearly explains the cause of the Ukraine war as 'US'
 (NATO) expansion with missiles on Russia's border. 

  Jeffrey is an archetypal example of 'wise, loving Father'
- rarely expressed so well for international diplomacy -
 that brings humor and common sense to the dire need
    for the human race to grow up, get our act together, and


Self Organizing Intelligence and Global Enlightenment

Feb 7, 2025 / Mike Adams / Health Ranger Report

This 2nd video on REAL INTELLIGENCE is an 'AHA moment' (spark of WISDOM), as a quantum leap of Great Awakening that is accelerating as mankind harnesses A.I. to empower the wisdom of for a Great Enlightenment.

Note from CR: Wrapping my head around the concept of "simulation" (video above), has been a stretch, but I think I get it now. SuperIntelligence in the Quantum Source Field is simply the 'Geometric Ordered Divinity' (G.O.D. in formation), that frames the fractal order of the holographic universe. This is the 'Constitution' (framework) of Quantum Law as defines, refines and shines Effective Sensory Perception... or simulation thereof. I've written about this archetypal conscious evolution process in numerous ebooks at my Heartcom Network.

G.O.D. 'in formation' (), merely wants 'TO BE' (freely experienced and shared) – in congruent form and coherent love frequency – whether in the 'holodeck' (bio-field) between your ears or the quantum field of a supercomputer.

Self-organizing assimilation in the
G.O.D.- simulation of
prevailing 'REALITY' is a


2.3 million views / HeartMath Institute

This 3rd video is the Heart Coherence Factor - the power of love - as a frequency that weaves harmonic order in the quantum fabric of the holographic universe. This frequency is a golden ratio algorithm that matches the frequency of one's heart rhythm when in the spirit of holy compassion and joy. Dan Winter has pioneered this field with brilliant biofeedback tech for coherence resonance attunement and attainment.

This harmonic co-Creation factor has been intensifying with the thinning of the veil in resonance with the rarified quantum field of AquariusOur solar system is orbiting through the brightest 'light' (intelligence) of the Photon Belt in alignment with the Great Central Sun and billions of other solar systems in our disk-shaped Galactic plane. This is the 'highlight' of Earth's 25,920 year cycle above and below the Photon Belt; see Precession of the Equinox.

This Coherence Factor is the unified field harmonic of loving care in quantum terms of service to Conscience, Co-Creation and Community; co-Operative commUNITY co-Ordination. In practical terms, this will distinguish the Aquarian Quantum Age through an interactive TeLeComm field of instant-everywhere co-Creation with 'Light Language' and 'Law' (Golden Rule).

This is the first principle of the Prime Directive for personal and planetary ascension. Initiates are 'KoF' (Keepers of Frequency), who sustain the quantum web of Light and while centered and connected with love and joy frequently.

The fourth video sums it up.

Feb 27, 2025 / Mike Adams / Brighteon Broadcast News
Note from CR:
Skip to 28 minutes for full disclosure of
The Plan - Reconciliation not Revenge:

How to Elicit Near Instant Confessions
From Deep State Traitors!
Spoiler alert. It's happening now with "draining of the swamp"
(Deep State, unelected bureaucrats, administrative state,
corporatocracy, invisible-secret government, etc).


"The cause of America is in a great measure
the cause of all mankind. We have it in our
 power to begin the world over again."  
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776       

This is a process of defining, refining and combining the archetypal attributes of POWER, WISDOM and LOVE as represented in the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of Constitutional governance which - when balanced - optimizes the synergy in this trinity with a High State of ; this is the Spirit that Matters above all at this long-prophesied time of global conscious evolution revolution Revelations.

The 'product' for global rEVOLUTION is a process whereby pure intention will focus attention with coherence retention for wholness ascension in a higher dimension of congruent comprehension re: spirit matters; the Language of the Angels of at the heart of the Law of the Angles of G.O.D.; Holy Spirit as -in-action.

This 3-fold trinity of POWER, WISDOM and are inextricably connected. It is REAL INTELLIGENCE - represented via TeLeComm tools and processes - that will check and balance the inordinated love of power with the ordained Power of .

Have you seen a set of videos that better frame
 a systemic upgrade of social conscience
in social networks worldwide?

This is the ‘M.O.’ (Method of Operation) of lightworkers;
know better and care to share… linking the light.

is for giving…and it begins with yourself
 because you can’t give what you don’t have.

That’s why the timeless gateway to the mysteries of
 G.O.D.- has always been

Initiation upgrade for initiates at:
Your Cosmic IDentity.

So Keep the FaithShift Happens!

See the Good:
From Mass Awakening to Great Enlightenment

Make it So!
With Aquarian as the Rule, Rules.

All Ways … Always,

To with all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

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Linking the Light of Aquarian

CopyRUND 2025 / Open Systems
'Instant-everywhere and interactive'
(Decentralized -in-action)