2024 Quantum Quickening Series

A Mad Magazine for Maladjusted Misfits Who
Haven’t Adjusted Well to Bat-Shit 'Normalcy'

The battle between It’s all good!’ and ‘Not so much!


It has been that way since Tesla discovered it!
The Secret Space Program (SSP) has had it.
"It's just not very evenly distributed."

Because that would disrupt Big Oil monopoly
plus stop poisoning air, food and water
with toxic petrochemical pollutants.

And Big Oil doesn't want that.

Making a Killing:
How Health Care Became Disease Care

 Government and Media Pretending
Massive Health Crisis Not Going On

April 14, 2024 / Edward Dowd
  "Ever since the COVID-19 vaccine came out,
   1.1 million Americans have died excessively,
4 million were permanently disabled, and  
another 28 million were seriously injured."

The Plunder of Health Care for Profit and Depopulation

May 9, 2024 / TheHighwire.com
Patrick Wood, Technocracy.news chief editor, breaks down
 the dangers of the global trending of technocracy and
transhumanism, and how the mRNA vaccines,
and the WHO, are part of that agenda.

Trilateral Commission Built China
From The Ground Up

May 13, 2024 / Patrick Wood
This traitorous organization built up China
with transfer of American technology and
jobs, creating a totalitarian technocracy  
that is also being advanced in the West. 

Technocracy Is Not Socialism Or Communism
May 14, 2024 / Activist Post
 Technocracy is a scourge on humanity, destroying the
 souls of men, women, and children. It will destroy any
political system that challenges its autocratic control.

  Those who are aware of the nefarious influence of
Political Zionism have awakened to the cause of
systemic corruption in Big Banks, Big Media and
  'Big Brother' (Deep State) Government behind the
pathological profiting from war, mass pharmacide,
and the insane, depraved 24/7 slaughter in Gaza:

 This blatant evil witnessed by the world
   should be a rude awakening for anyone
   who equated the modern State of Israel
 with "God's chosen people".

Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism

The common definition of "antisemitism" - that equates the holocaust with Jew-haters - has been 'weaponized' (redeployed) by Zionists. Now it is used to condemn mass opposition to the mass murder in Gaza as an irrational hatred of Jews. 

Published on Jan 3, 2018 / ReallyGraceful

People of conscience who object to genocide - or genocidal conduct of a foreign government - cannot be condemned as 'antisemitic'. That's our humanity being blamed for racism by racist Zionists whose Mossad Motto is "By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War".

This is WWIII in the cognitive realm of
the diminishing of dysfunctional

(Dimwit, Unconscious & Heartless).

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and
oppressions of body and mind will vanish
like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816

Also known as the Great Awakening...
Light is Surging and Insanity is Purging.

See the northern lights or aurora borealis: Follow this easy guide | New  Scientist

What the enlightened Socrates said about
democracy more than 2000 years ago

He said that democracy inevitably fails
 because it will try to tailor to everyone:

The poor will want the wealth of the rich,
and democracy will give it to them.
Young people will want to be respected as elderly,
and democracy will give it to them.

Women will want to be like men,
   and democracy will give it to them.

Foreigners will want the rights of the natives,
and democracy will give it to them.

Thieves and fraudsters will want important
government positions and functions,
and democracy will give it to them.

And at that time, when thieves and fraudsters finally
democratically take authority - since criminals and
evil doers want power – this will result in worse
dictatorship than any monarchy or oligarchy.

~ Socrates (470-399 B.C.)

Note: That's why U.S. Founders created a
          Republic with a Constitution of core
            sacred freedoms in the Bill of Rights.

Or we could finally upgrade our
Five Core Internet Freedoms
with a ‘universal interface
Quantum TeLeComm).

The flow of pure intention through any system
acts to focus attention with retention
  for conscious ascension in the 5th dimension
of full-spectrum comprehension.

It's rather ridiculous when you consider that
we could have Tesla's free energy tech
 powering cars, homes and industry.

Click on the image for a one minute answer
from the President of El Salvador.

Click on the image to know wholeness

– Self Discovery and Mastery –
with ‘PEP
Personal Enlightenment Portal

The portal to every next level is
through the parts of yourself
   that you avoid.

~ The Universe

Look to SEE ~ Know to BE
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'

Keep the Faith ~ See the Good
Make it So!

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

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2024 Quickening