Please forward
freely for mass awakening as to the
Note: The full documentary on the
Thrive Movement
is now free for on-line viewing at:
This movie addresses many of the ten points
The order of these top-ten cover-ups ranges from the more credible
'BS' (Belief Systems) at the top, to the least credible 'BS' at the
bottom. Of course, beyond the 'BS' of cherished illusions and willful
ignorance is awakening
with prescient knowing for metamorphosis of these things:
10 -
Cultural warfare of a predatory nature, pitting Wall Street against
Main Street, is rarely explained as simply the money-changers in the
public Treasury who, since 1913, have privatized the banking system
and socialized public debt for profit and control by the
corporatocracy who have a vested
interest in a win/lose economics of scarcity
whereby they thrive with abundance and the public suffers a scarcity
of health, liberty and prosperity.
9 -
Free energy technology, pioneered by Nikola Tesla more than 100
years ago, has been suppressed, often ruthlessly, to maintain the
giant corporate interests in power and control for profit without
the principle of the highest and best use of technology for public
service and a clean environment. The same robber barons who
suppressed free-energy 100 years ago were involved with the takeover
of the public Treasury with the privately owned 'Federal Reserve'
which is neither 'Federal' nor has any 'Reserves' (creating money
with interest).
8 -
You won't see
on TV: Ron Paul's real popularity and success is blacked out in
the corporate media with massive vote fraud since the first Iowa
caucus. It's obvious why. If his Constitutional principles win and
the privatized Fed is eliminated, the
loses power to monopolize the physical and human resources of the
public. The Internet has provided pictures and videos of thousands
of people attending Ron Paul rallies while Santorum or Romney get a
few hundred people to their meetings, yet supposedly win in
blatantly rigged corporate media polls, even when only 1-2% of the
vote has been tabulated. See:
This Hoax Affects Everyone
7 - Disease care has been privatized for profit and the cost
is 'socialized' with health
in the
public-at-large. Corporate disease treatment incentives have
inverted, subverted and perverted preventive health-building
policies; a pound of cure is now worth 16x's an ounce of prevention.
A covert population reduction agenda via chemtrails, fluoride,
vaccines and GMO foods is extremely profitable, making a killing
(literally) for the medical-industrial complex. There's nothing that
makes this sick system more self-evident than the 'Universal
Self Care' that could globally provide practical holistic
healing protocols for anyone with an Internet connection.
6 - The world's fastest growing economies, representing 42%
of world population -- Brazil, Russia, India,
China and South Africa (BRICS) -- are
abandoning the U.S. dollar as
their reserve currency. That's the REAL issue behind corporate media
propaganda about attacking Iran which has been 'sanctioned' into
selling it's oil to BRICS. It's also the REAL reason that Iraq and
Libya were ruthlessly plundered for threatening to dump the US
dollar as their reserve currency. See:
Why BRICS is Dumping the Dollar
5 - The boob-tube indoctrinated masses seem to be oblivious
to the key elements of tyranny and oppression reflected in the
NDAA signed into law on New Year's Eve, 2011 by the Obama
Administration. This law nullifies the Bill of Rights and
eliminates any right to due process for Americans. It allows the
government to arrest, detain, interrogate and torture any person,
for any reason, even if they are never charged with a crime.
Similarly, on March 16 of this year, President Obama signed into
effect an
executive order that seizes control over all food resources
across the country, including food, seeds, livestock, farm
equipment, food processing facilities, and animal feed. This is
written in clear English, right in the order itself.
4 - Increasing UFO activity is openly reported in nations
worldwide, but black-out in the U.S. corporate media. Full
disclosure of the ET presence and crop-circle creators would blow
the lid on the long-term collaboration of secret government agencies
with ET's on advanced technologies hundreds of years beyond what the
public believes exists now. The real reason for corporate
media/Hollywood 'fear porn' about 'higher beings' and UFO's is to keep
the lid on 'higher Conscience' and technologies that would liberate
humanity from corporatocracy corruption.
3 - AIDS was created and deployed out of American bio-war
labs and deployed in hepatitis B vaccines in black and homosexual
communities in the U.S. as well as by the World Health Organization
in Africa. Vaccines in general are part of a population reduction
agenda that injects toxic pathogens directly into the population for
extreme profit to Big Pharma as pathologies are seeded for gestation
over years or decades. Autism has increased dramatically in
proportion to increased vaccination of children, but unvaccinated
populations like the Amish don't get it.
2 - The real story behind global warming and climate change
on all planets in our solar system is the surge in the 'Source
Field' as our entire solar system completes it's alignment with
the Galactic Plane of billions of star systems in our Milky Way
Galaxy. That's the REAL story behind the Mayan calendar and the
intensification of bio-energetics accelerating conscious evolution
and tech innovations. This 'Great Crossing' of the Galactic Plane
happens twice in the 25,800 year 'precession of the Equinoxes', the
last time being about 14,000 years ago with the 2000 year rise and
then fall (sinking / Great Flood) of 'mythical' Atlantis.
1 - The 'complex' of moons and space debris around "Nibiru"
(Planet X or PX) is being photographed increasingly worldwide. The
vast amount of information on this at (and is warning of massive Earth Changes due to the
highly charged electromagnets of PX affecting Earth with imminent
passage. A high percentage of the IP addresses registering on these
websites are visits from the Pentagon and other nations whom
consider this information accurate and essential to their
preparation for what's coming soon. This is perhaps the most
significant, yet least reported news in the corporate media. When
everyone begins seeing this 'complex' in the sky, realize that the
time is short for the 'elect' who elect or otherwise choose to
prepare for a major 'reboot' of global civilization.
NEWS: 29 March 2012 / The U.S. military has strong will to
defend and protect the Constitution and the public against all
enemies, foreign and domestic. Mass arrests of core corporatocracy
conspirators have long been planned and are moving forward due to
criminal activities that are so desperate that they are pumping up
the fear porn with last gasp efforts to nullify the Bill of Rights
and declare
martial law
to seize all food resources at will (point #5). Details at:
Listen to David Wilcock talk to 'Drake' about all these things at:
is the most sacred of all
~ Chief
Architect of the Constitution, James Madison
- The 'Currency
of Conscience' is defining and refining the 'Next Economy'.
All social problems are basically communication problems, and
there is nothing that will highlight past failures and future
success like an upgrade of core
Constitutional freedoms with
interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm as will culture
Social Conscience
in local and global social networks.
The more that corporate
media blatantly suppresses the truth, the more that people will go
to the Internet for the truth. In one year, CNN has lost half of its
viewers and the prostitute press is losing readers for the same
reason. Mass awakening to the problem/solution resolution is the
divine destiny of Earth's evolutions in this amazing year of 2012.
Informed choice -- the heart of all our freedoms -- can't survive
unless the truth is freely open to all with FULL DISCLOSURE in 2012.
"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of
body and mind
will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
~ Thomas Jefferson
to Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours, 1816
So please forward freely,
PS: And please support these writings by supporting your
optimal health
extraordinary health supplements at
Thanks, ~ CR
As above, so below... 'on Earth as in Heaven':
students of astrology understand that the 2008 financial meltdown
corresponded directly to the move of Pluto into Capricorn, just as
the '100
days of global disaster in 2011' (YouTube) corresponded directly
to the move of Uranus into Aries. Now we are facing another
huge move of Neptune into Pisces, as explained in-depth
HERE (YouTube). Universal principles vital to the
preservation of civility and the conduct of global public affairs
are now the focus of pure intention, love's retention and conscious
ascension into a higher dimension of common sense 'Unity
for the United Sovereigns of Earth. |