Unreported News This Week

2012 Awakening Series

In Touch with Truth in 2012

by Christopher Rudy, Publisher
Heartcom Network

Three major news items of this last week:

(warning: some shocking items are included)

1- Political forces are trying to co-opt the 'Occupy Movement' as they did the 'Tea Party Movement;
Big $'s from Democrat institutions are funding 'training' for a '99% Spring' offensive. For Obama?

2- There is tremendous MOVEMENT in the financial structure of the world at this time;
Five major Nations have met to dump the U.S. dollar as their reserve currency standard.

3- The mainstream corporate media is dramatically losing viewers to truth-telling Internet sites:
There's no stopping the MOVEMENT from centralized media control to decentralized public awareness.


1st...An Inspirational Preface Video (3 min.) on 'Movement Ethics'

--------- article follows:

1- Political forces are trying to co-opt the 'Occupy Movement' as they did the 'Tea Party Movement.
    Big $'s from Democrat institutions are funding 'training' for a '99% Spring' offensive. For Obama?

This is not widely reported.  Read the article HERE, and you decide. See also the article from, 'Ignoring Empire: King, Gandhi and the 99% Spring'. A lot of insight in that article. For example:

"99% Spring claims the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi.
Neither of these teachers held that justice at home was possible
in a country engaged in murder and thievery abroad."

Think about that folks!  The core issue of ethical conduct has come front and center... which brings us to the global Movement that is going mainstream in other major nations as they dump the US dollar behind so much murder and thievery abroad... which is the rather shocking 'Good News' in the following point.

2- There is tremendous MOVEMENT in the financial structure of the world at this time;
    Five major Nations have met to dump the U.S. dollar as their reserve currency standard.

 This is Big News that's being suppressed by corporate media. Guess why?
Corrupt Fed bankster policies are disintegrating and the corporate media is
 trying to close our eyes to the global MOVEMENT ending corporate tyranny.

    Basically we're seeing major nations joining together to get rid of the
US dollar as a reserve currency – the end of economic imperialism
predatory capitalism behind severe austerity in the US and abroad.

These are the world's five fastest growing economies, and now are
     breaking free of the IMF, World Bank and Goldman Sachs (the 'Fed').

BRICS Nations Move to Establish Their Own Bank, End Dominance of US Dollar.

(4 minutes / March 31 / RTAmerica News)

(Brazil, Russia, India ,China, South Africa) move to create their own world bank ,
based on a basket of BRICS nation currencies. This will end the dominance of the
US $ / British Pound backed World Bank
signaling collapse for both currencies.
India and China have already dropped the US $ as payment for oil from Iran,
of which they consume a combined 40% of total output. That's the REAL
issue behind all the corporate media propaganda about attacking Iran.
It's the REAL reason that Iraq and Libya were ruthlessly plundered.
Both Iraq and Libya were planning to abandon the $ as BRICS.

The 'petrodollar' monopoly on oil is ending with free-energy technology anyway.
Watch the free-energy segments at and you'll know why.

 The BRICS’ MOVEMENT represents the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement
towards economic reform by ending the Fed-fraud monopoly capitalism.

The BRICS countries’ leaders had their annual meeting Thurs. March 29.
These countries make up 42 percent of the world’s population and a 1/4
of its landmass. They are also responsible for 20 percent of the Global
GDP and own a whopping 75 percent of the foreign reserve worldwide.

As Americans end the mutant form of predatory capitalism
created by the privately owned ‘Fed fraud banks’ and the
corporatocracy that has grown up around this corruption,
a new system will integrate as the old order disintegrates.

The U.S. war economy is ending because those policies are clearly bankrupt.
U.S. troops and bases worldwide will be 'redeployed' home for civic service.

The good news is that extraordinary abundance is about to be liberated
free energy, universal self-care and mass-to-mass TeLeComm.
An economics of abundance will replace scarcity economics.

This is the MOVEMENT of personal and planetary METAMORPHOSIS.

3- The mainstream corporate media is dramatically losing viewers to truth-telling Internet sites:
There's no stopping the MOVEMENT from centralized media control to decentralized public awareness.

A new report shows viewers are leaving the mainstream media by the droves.
According to statistics CNN is loosing 50 percent of its total viewers
leading the list of losers in the media.

Uploaded by  on Mar 28, 2012 - 7 min.

In response to mainstream media propaganda,
people naturally switch attention elsewhere
for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but

This is the nature of global enlightenment in 2012.
 More 'light' is outing dark-side policies behind the
virtually insane agenda of core public institutions
 which have been privatized by the corporatocracy
 via scarcity economics behind mass austerity and
suppression of abundant truth, liberty and health.

This TRUTH MOVEMENT is making all this known in 2012.
Whether you pursue truth through the 'Thrive Movement' or the
'Singularity Movement' as made famous by Ray Kurzweil,
  or the 'TimeWave 2012 Movement' of Terrence McKenna,
they ALL represent the same global dynamics in 2012.

   The enemy of this Awakening Movement is ‘stinking thinking’
 as paradigm paralysis that is closed-minded and ‘stuck’ with
   the inability to process new information of an in-depth nature.

Mobility consciousness is an attribute of ‘Good Conscience’,
and Big Changes will necessitate this in 2012, ready or not.

If you have pure intention to know better and do better
than unplug from corporate media for news and do
Internet searches to find important information for
local ‘community currencies’, ‘barter systems’,
and personal as well as community survival.

Right now the corporate media is suffering ‘siege mentality’
with extreme fear-based suppression of all truth that
threatens the status quo of the corporatocracy.

If you connect the dots to the Big Picture, you will see
the trendline to a new ‘singularity’ emerging in 2012.
 This 'singularity' is a common sense unity-in-diversity
 of, by and for
‘The United Sovereigns of Earth’.

And as more people arrive at where we began with 'singularity',
a singular '
Unity Conscience' realizes "O-Point" (Omega Point)
 whereby the Family of Man is UNITED in our global village.


See also, recent articles at:
(Good News with