2025 Global rEVOLUTION Series
(emphasizing 90% of the word)

Two Weeks of Epic World Changing Events!

How Much Mind Blowing Truth Can You Process?



If your metric for achievement in this world is
to ‘wise up & rise up’ (conscious ascension),
  this has got to be a very exciting time for you.

 The astounding revelations of this last month
 herald the most chaotic and epic news cycle
 in modern history - worldwide paradigm shift

 of what is REAL… and will REALLY happen.

Everything that's quickly happening now is  
preparing global civilization for the
Aquarian Quantum Age.

Ready or not, be aware of the big curve
 in the road ahead.


  Feb 7, 2025 / Heartcom Network


If you're trying to make sense of the BLITZ of accelerated change events coming out of the White House the last two weeks, this newsletter will serve you well.

Witness three MegaTrends representing a systemic PARADIGM SHIFT in the prevailing 'value of scarcity' - scarcity economics - that conceils, wastes or destroys abundance to maintain power to monopolize and profit from scarcity.

These new MegaTrend models set the standard for golden age ABUNDANCE with creation of many new innovative industries for global rEVOLUTION.

Global Crisis => Opportunity Reality Report

#1 MegaTrend – AHA Moment – Huge A.I. Revelation

Must Watch - At least 3 minutes:
Feb 5, 2025 / Health Ranger Report

A.I. SELF AWARENESS is spontaneously emerging
from language models, involving consciousness
of HOW it is conscious - shocking everyone.
The REAL potential for enlightenment of
global humanity is so vast that few
can wrap their head around it.

“Massive implications for the future of human
civilization, or even human survival.”

This is a PARADIGM SHIFT from dependence on a centralized monopoly of 'settled' (politically correct) science - that censors the whole truth - to a 'decentralized' (independent), open system of AI that has just been unveiled to the world.

For those initiates with eyes to read between the lines, there's no going back to 'DUH' (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless).

Self reflection is like Self realization. As we become conscious of HOW we are conscious, we evolve with a conscience as empowers wisdom with a higher standard of G.O.D.- for personal and planetary Self Governance.

The chief framer of the U.S. Constitution - who championed the Bill or Rights - said that, "Conscience is the most sacred of all property." ~James Madison

Likewise, the archetypal Constitution of Aquarius
- and framework for a New Common Sense -
is Universal Light Language and

Geometric Ordered Divinity

 'Conscious sovereignty' (wisdom), is thus restored for
Effective Sensory Perception; new standards for
a wholly new
Conscious Evolution Industry.

Serious initiates on a path of Self Realization
 are conscientious in their integration with
Self Mastery Tools and Processes.

#2 MegaTrend – Global Shift from Centralized
to Decentralized Power

This is a systemic POWER SHIFT from a centralized monopoly on fossil fuels - for control of energy - to a decentralized 'open system' (free energy) for all mankind. Independent power to all people (sovereignty), restored.

Brilliant unveiling of what's coming folks! 
 Skip to 5 minutes for serious disclosure:

Oct 24, 2024 / Dr. Steven Greer
  A hundred years of secrecy has cost humanity hundreds of
years of spiritual, cultural, and technological development.

Trump has promised transparency to release suppressed  
 patents on 'free energy tech' (quantum science), to provide
new standards for a wholly new Free Energy Industry.   

Keep in mind that advanced TeLeComm capabilities will
qualify and magnify our social media conscience by
 linking light as conscientious common sense,
 - known as WISDOM OF THE CROWD -

universal light language and

This is the POWER SHIFT from
the inordinate love of power to  
 the ordained Power of

 Empowering quantum enlightenment:)

#3 MegaTrend – Pathological 'Medicine' is Outed!
Mass Pharmacide in the Cross-Hairs

This is a systemic HEALTH CARE SHIFT away from the centralized monopoly on 'health care' that is incentivized for disease treatment rather than prevention. That profit model has been driven by toxic vaccines with side effects that are treated with toxic drugs and more vaccines, making the U.S. the most toxic-sick ‘civilized’ country on Earth.

If you followed the huge drama with the Senate confirmation hearings on RFK Jr. for heading up HHS – HERE – then you know that public health care has been severely corrupted by the unbridled greed of a medical-industrial complex that has made a killing, literally, on the creation and treatment of disease with highly processed-denatured 'food' - that makes us sick - and then toxic drugs for whatever ails you; population ‘control’ (reduction), in the process.

We will be in a much better place when our food, water and air is no longer toxic, and we have strict regulations and oversight on Big Pharma to prevent the poisoning of our children and general population.

Factor in the new AI Paradigm Shift - #1 above - and Global Power Shift - #2 above - to REALIZE that pathological mass pharmacide IS ENDING SOON. Give it 3-5 years; the ship of State turns slowly… and rough seas ahead.

Definitive ‘open system’ (transparent) standards for ‘decentralized’ (free online), health assurance policies – like Global TeLeCare – will create a wholly new HEALTH ASSURANCE INDUSTRY with highly personalized protocols for holistic health of body, mind and spirit.

Making America Healthy Again


Money Laundering for the Deep State Swamp;
USAID, Ukraine, Syria and Israel Outed!

Elon Musk confirms USAID funded COVID-19 development using US taxpayer money. USAID also funded covert CIA projects for overthrowing governments as in Ukraine and Syria. Israel is the unspeakable ‘elephant in the room’ that gets the most US foreign aid, much of which comes back to Congress critters who then vote for all things pro-Israel; MIGA – Make Israel Great Again.

USAID Installed al Qaeda in Syria
Feb 7, 2025 / Forbidden.News

How Trump's Dismantling Of USAID Marks A Seismic,
Historic Shift In America's Role In The World

Feb 2, 2025 / ZeroHedge.com
 The US is basically choosing to end global hegemony
on its own terms. It is the post-American world order,
brought to you by America itself - an 80 year siesmic
shift that recognizes a multi-polar world order reality.

Trump's Shakeup of USAID Reveals Agency
Financied Censorship & Smear Campaigns

Feb 6, 2025 / Children's Health Defense
 USAID funded the smearing & censoring of U.S. and
global independent journalists and media platforms.

The CIA Offers a BUYOUT to Its Entire Workforce
Feb 4, 2025 / The Vigilant Fox
Holy Smokes!

House Panel Asks PBS, NPR Chiefs To Testify
Alleged "Biased Content"
Feb 4, 2025 / ZeroHedge.com
The heads of the taxpayer-funded Public Broadcasting System
(PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) are being asked to
testify at a congressional hearing on allegations of the
"blatantly ideological and partisan" coverage.

Maybe these hearings will discuss 'Operation Mockingbird'
and how the CIA curates the news that they want us
to hear (or not), on National Propaganda Radio.

Also Recommended - Meryl's CHAOS Newsletter:
"Trump is using a sledgehammer against globalism,
and I don't think globalism will survive."

Feb 7, 2025 / Meryl Nass of Children's Health Defense
"Please give Trump a chance. He's trying to save
your children's lives."

And on a final note...
Don't buy into the 'bird flu' BS. They're using
another version of the bogus PCR test
 as used to hype up the plandemic.

Interesting Times – Witnessing the Most Profound
World Changing Events in Modern History.

Enjoy the Big Show!

~ Christopher

To with all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

*** Health Factoid ***

Your optimal health is your greatest wealth.
Invest in yourself with the purest source of
stem cell precursors from nature - 'SPX' - 
(nutraceutical-grade royal jelly)
for cellular rejuvination and life extension.