The Light Force Wins / Dark
Side Loses
Christos Lightweaver
Big Shift notes from the timeless continuum:
a decade before the
2011 Galactic Alignment -- and for a decade afterwards -- the
transformation of Earth with a massive infusion of intensified light
has rebooted the DNA and Conscience of global humanity. This rEVOLUTION from the inside-out is quickly remaking human beings in the image and likeness of the Creator's energies at the heart of global/galactic/universal intelligence. Did your really think that our prevailing linear lock-step, left brain-dominated civilization could withstand the right brain's non-linear intuitive connection to the intelligence of billions of stars systems at this time? Is it true that we live in quantum field of energy that has always affected our DNA and consciousness thereby? Would you agree with quantum science that provides ample evidence of change in our DNA as the consequence of change in the quantum field of our emotions, thoughts and 'spirit'? Consider how the 'spirit' of our times -- the GREAT LIGHT of the BIG SHIFT -- has changed us and our Net reality with a global grass-roots (Net roots) rEVOLUTION in all-connected social Conscience. Consider the quantum reality whereby Cosmic Light carries intelligence with "photon carrier waves" of an extremely sophisticated nature analogous to a single strand of fiber optics as a vehicle for laser light carrying thousands of digitized e-mails, phone conversions or YouTube Videos. Consider the light-carrying intelligence of 'Great Cosmic Intelligence' in the heavens above, ALL in alignment for creating a New Earth during this time. Consider how the quantum reality of this Great Cosmic Intelligence is 'aligning' our energies by rebooting our atoms, cells and DNA with the blueprint for divine harmony and order as framed all creation and continues to frame all creation.
time is, indeed, a great Cosmic drama. The light of a vast
cosmically-aligned spiritual intelligence -- approximating our most
enlightened concept of "Universal God" -- is being intensely beamed
to Earth at this time, creating a classic 'judgment' on the
prevailing momentums of all that is less than "THAT
This is the time of the “Great Purification” (Hopi prophecy) which is the “Judgment” (Christian prophecy) as the purifying judgment of DISCERNMENT which makes obsolete the sense of separation and suffering from the collective karmic habit of "DUH" (Dummies, Unconscious & Heartless), which is also known as 'paradigm paralysis' or 'stinking thinking'. That too shall pass.
Consider your responsibility in the unified field at this time --
beyond 'DUH' -- as though you are one with 'God' for wholeness and
healing of Earth. God knows that a unified field IS what
Unity Conscience
DOES:) |
"This is
a test to see if your mission on Earth is over.
If you are still alive, it's not."
~ Sir Francis Bacon
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All “Rights” () Well “Rounded” (
) & “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic
To love with all your mind ~
of a
and all your
heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~
in our Global Village
as thyself ~ , culturing