2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Honoring the Sacred Labor of the Heart

Elevating the Meaning of ‘Labor Day’


Those who realize the sublime beauty of a
process for culturing social conscience
in global social network communities
 will see unity-in-diversity appearing.

It’s an instant-everywhere and
interactive Internet world now!

We are a unified field in principle
- quantum connection singularity -
and can now unite in practice.

“We have it in our power to
    begin the world over again.”

~ Thomas Paine, 1776

This is the global rEVOLUTION
 known as the Great Awakening
initiates The Quantum Age
with the
Great Enlightenment.

Sept 2, 2024
New Moon in Virgo

Skip to the bottom for Light~ excitement!


Wisdom of the Heart - Dr. Naomi Wolf:


"One of the bravest ladies I've ever known." ~CR

Dr. Naomi Wolf

A Jewish woman, Dr. Naomi Wolf understands the concept of
a chosen people. I share her words below.

IN BRIEF: The chosen people that Jews and the church
          has been sold is an easily disproven lie.

Dr. Naomi Wolf: "Okay, so I was challenged below: ‘Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people.’ So... I may get crucified for this, but I have started to say it most recently -- terrified, trembling -- to a warm welcome in a synagogue in LA.
Actually if you read Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew -- as I do -- you see that God did not "give" Israel to the Jews/Israelites. We as Jews are raised with the creed that "God gave us the land of Israel" in Genesis -- and that ethnically 'we are the chosen people." But actually -- and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this, I checked my reading with major scholars and they confirmed it -- actually God's "covenant" in Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy with the Jewish people is NOT ABOUT AN ETHNICITY AND NOT ABOUT A CONTRACT.  IT IS ABOUT A WAY OF BEHAVING.
Again and again in the "covenant" language, God never says: "I will give you, ethnic Israelites, the land of Israel." Rather He says something far more radical - far more subversive -- far more Godlike in my view. He says: IF you visit those imprisoned ... act mercifully to the widow and the orphan ... welcome the stranger in your midst ... tend the sick ... do justice and love mercy ... and perform various other tasks...THEN YOU WILL BE MY PEOPLE AND THIS LAND WILL BE YOUR LAND.
So "my people" is not ethnic -- it is transactional. We are God's people not by birth but by a way of behaving, that is ethical, kind and just. And we STOP being "God's people" when we are not ethical, kind and just. And ANYONE who is ethical, kind and just is, according to God in Genesis, "God's people."
And the "contract" to "give" us Israel is conditional -- we can live in God's land IF we are "God's people" in this way -- just, merciful, compassionate. AND -- it never ever says, it is ONLY your land. Even when passages spell out geographical "boundaries" as if God does such a thing, it never says this is exclusively your land. It never says I will give this land JUST to you.
Remember these were homeless nomads who had left slavery in Egypt and were wandering around in the desert; at most these passages say, settle here, but they do not say, settle here exclusively. Indeed again and again it talks about welcoming "zarim" -- translated as "strangers" but can also be translated as "people/tribes who are not you" -- in your midst.

"Blew my mind, hope it blows yours." ~ Dr. Naomi Wolf



More Light and Going Mainstream!

As the Vision of Global TeLeCare and TeLeComm
gains traction in the collective consciousness of
The Great Awakening... SHIFT HAPPENS!

The many details of a whole system of global healing
begins to coelesce as 'Wisdom of the Crowd' that
empowers a high standard of heartware
for culturing interactive collective conscience
of an enlightened 'wise dominion' nature. 

When 'We the People' (worldwide),
wise up via REAL sovereignty
- 'Higher Power' (w/) -
victory virtues overcome
victim dictum as 'SIN'
(Stuck In Negativity).

The archetypal foundation for this upwising process is
"The most powerful thoughtform in the universe
and key to ascension of the planet."
~ origins at 'Universal Interface'

This is the 1st principles of cosmic-quantum law
geometrized in codes, and realized via
a universal interface for global interaction with  
the whole and holy spirit of -in-action

  - Pure Intention; G.O.D. Presence - I Am;
    (spiritual quadrant of the cosmic clock).
        - Focus Attention; Conscious - I Can;
(mental quadrant of the cosmic clock).
Love Retention; G.O.D.~ - I Will;
       (emotional quadrant of the cosmic clock).
  - Conscious Ascension: Integration - I Do.
    (physical quadrant of the cosmic clock).

In the meme time...

Deep State Whistleblowers FLOOD In:
Justice Coming Sept 3

August 8, 2024 / Man in America
This is some serious food for thought for understanding
 the legal Constitutional process for making government
  accountable to the purpose it was created to serve.
[One hour video with brilliant Big Picture insights ~CR]

Keep the Faith ~ See the Good
Make it So!

A higher concept of
for global rEVOLUTION
and a higher concept of

'TLC' and Heartware
for Global Healing.

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.