2025 Global rEVOLUTION Series

Will rEVOLUTION in Global Health Prevail?
Or will Deep State Puppets Pontificate? Or Both!

Hold on to your hats folks!
This is going to be a BIG 'Show & Tell'.

Jan 28, 2025 / New Moon in Aquarius tomorrow
(See video: New Moon Portal is Open Now)


President Donald J. Trump nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,
founder of Children’s Health Defense, for secretary of
the Department of Health and Human Services.

 His confirmation hearing continues through Friday.

The pharmacidal Deep State – known as
the Medical-Industrial Complex – will
trot out their bought-off puppets
 to sabotage his confirmation.


This is THE CRISIS of the week - whether we have
health sovereignty and own our own lives… or not.


We will either have an increase of Freedom of Speech
- representing Truth and Love of and for all humanity -
 or we will witness the pharmacidal A.I. fascism
 that has now raised its fork-tongued head.

Last week, THE CRISIS was Trump’sOperation Stargate (5 videos), and rise of the technocratic state with tracking, tracing and A.I. control of EVERYTHING… including A.I. generated vaccines – within 48 hours – and with no safety trials.

Money can’t buy health, nor can mankind harness
AI when it serves a medical-industrial complex
that has made the United States the sickest
population on Earth;
profit before people.

We have a disease care system called "health care"
 that has been privatized for profit from disease,
NOT prevention of those profitable diseases.

RFK Jr. has explained in his recent books that
vaccines often create a lifetime of disease
 with 10 x's profits for Big Pharma and
the medical-industrial complex.


The Vast Pharmacidal Conspiracy
to Silence Dissent Online

Millions of dollars were spent to weaponize
pharma-sponsored media against all of us.
Sept 25, 2024
/ A Midwestern Doctor

Will billions of dollars be spent to weaponize
  AI against us? Check out this amazing video.
Skip to 4:30 minutes for the #1 Revelation:
"But now, the breakthrough technology for our world
- which is like a new Internet in many ways -
is A.I. and Open Source Language."
(which he then explains brilliantly).

Fear And Loathing In DC:
Why Did Trump Push Larry Ellison's Deranged AI
mRNA Cancer Shots, Days Before RFK Jr.
Is To Be Confirmed As Head Of HHS?
Not A Reason To Abandon Hope, But Very Odd

Jan 22, 2025 / Celia Farber
Dark Roots Of Ellison And Altman Throw The Event
Into Even More Mystery


I watched the whole Project Stargate press conference, and tried, along with everybody else, to fathom what we were watching.

Synthetic biology, genetic snake oil, mRNA fraud—these are creatures of the hardcore atheist, billionaire, technocrat, “machine model of biology” set; as far from both MAGA and MAHA as anything could be.

Much is asked of traumatized Americans who want to believe in Trump; He doesn’t make it easy.

With this, he at the very least lent his spoken word to something that so transgresses the values of MAHA and RFK Jr., that one either has to hold on to the prayer that he is only doing it to expose bad actors - some kind of billionaire dog and pony show - or that he believes not one word of MAHA’s back-to-nature ideas.

Or that he does believe in MAHA, but is fully capable of a schizophrenic leap to the opposite ideology, without even acknowledging that the leap has been made. That means, he either expects everybody to be fully on board with the rules of “5D chess” – so he needn’t bridge anything to put anybody at ease – or his words have lost traction with meaning altogether.  Anything “big”, “unprecedented” and “American", according to this theory, will put him in a trance of his own making and he’ll say anything.

Either way, everybody is ranging from confused to enraged to disgusted to despondent. Except those who are confident it's all part of his ingenious masterplan. And it's only day 2 (Jan 22nd). ###

High State versus Deep State!
Conscience versus Dim Wits! 

The Feminine Principle and nurturing Process
Is a Prime Attribute of Aquarius

CR Comment: RFK Jr is a highly accomplished environmental lawyer who matured in wisdom to realize that the human body environment is under attack by numerous insidious influences that make the U.S. health care system the most expensive yet least effective of any nation on earth. The "safe and effective" debacle has PROVEN - for all but the cognitive impaired - that the science justification for the experimental mRNA vaccines was WRONG. From the top-down, the medical minions of pharmacidal Fauci were 'just following orders'.

Bobby has great vision for the health of America - and we need him. If you are unable to attend the Senate hearings, show your support, at least, by emailing your Senator. And pray for divine protection and direction for Kennedy.

Truth and Love Will Prevail

Flood the zone with faith in an authentic champion of health freedom whom I hope will someday address the self assembly mRNA nanotechnology in the last round of Covid injections.

Those who have followed my articles on that nanotech this last year are well aware of the bio-digital convergence of the 4th Industrial Revolution… and how those nano-bot transceivers are hooking up the ‘Internet-of-bodies’ that can be influenced in numerous ways remotely.

Genetic Modified Humanity

As you know, there are a lot of highly educated idiots in the health science field who believed ‘religiously’ (BS as a Belief System), that the mRNA Covid shots were not genetically altering the human genome to cause strokes, heart attacks, turbo cancers, sudden death and201 types of disease”.

This includes many technocrats who are enthralled with the idea of the new improved AI-generated mRNA ‘vaccines’ that include a nanotech concoction with genetic toxins as before. What could go wrong?

If we understand what they’ve already done to us, how can we possible consent to Trump’s Warp Speed 2.0 launch of A.I. synthesized vaccines?

Be aware that mainstream media gets their major funding from pharma drug-pushing, which is outlawed in all but two countries worldwide. Kennedy has vowed to stop this madness - and mark my words - TV news will be toxic with vitriol and outrage that is cherry picked from the confirmation hearings, continuing Thursday until Friday's final vote.

So please, help spread awareness, end the assault on humanity and support solutions. All things are possible with those who truly care for humanity.

Imagine what could happen if Kennedy
boldly champions free, online
‘Universal Holistic Care’
(Global TeLeCare).

Evidence-based holistic health care
rather than drugs-per-symptom
monopoly medicine.

Think about it folks. Information technology
could now provide database analytics with
highly personalized choice in the analysis,
  prevention and management of all disease.

Evidence-based medicine...
is an interactive crowd source model that
self improves based on ‘empirical results’
 (what’s working best for your unique body
type and current symptom profile), which
  is resisted by Big Pharma because it ends
 their pharmacidal monopoly on medicine.
Evidence-based science naturally trumps
A.I. injections for whatever the A.I. says   
- with no safety or efficacy evidence -  
like the PCR Covid tests - rigged to push
vaccines via false diagnosis of infection. 

RFK Jr. Stuns Critics With Masterclass
Senate Confirmation Performance

Jan 29, 2025 / The Vigilant Fox
 In his opening statement, he expertly broke down
the nation's health crisis, exposing the alarming  
trends plaguing millions of Americans. MAHA!!!   

Keep the Faith ~ See Good
Make it So!

This is the 2025 'turning point'
(from devolution to rEVOLUTION).

We optimize sovereign individuality
and sovereign nationality with
global sovereignty of 'US'
as United Sovereigns
of unified Earth.


Know thy Self
in the full spectrum light of the
'Creative Ascent Process'

at the heart of
  Global TeLeComm.

Heal thy Self
with holistic healing processes
 at the heart of
Global TeLeCare.

 The Aquarian veil is thinning;
 higher frequencies 'winning';
Great Awakening of 'US'
 United Sovereigns of Earth

To with all your strength, mind, heart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

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CopyRUND 2025 / Open Systems
(Decentralized -in-action)