From Technocracy.News / Oct
28, 2019: Wikipedia Commons, Sir Tim Berners-Lee
Internet Turns 50; Creator Warns Of Subversion Oct 28, 2019 /
www.Technocracy.News World Wide Web founder
Sir Tim Berners-Lee warns
- as Internet technology marks its 50th birthday - that the web's power for good is being
"subverted" by those spreading hatred and threatening democracy. Note from TN's
Editor: In a vacuum, the Internet is neutral, but add
and power elite economics and politics get messy. Evil humans will do evil things and the Internet has greatly expanded the capacity to spread their corrupt evil and debauch humanity.
Skip to the bottom for 'Zen
Truth' - the frequency of wholEness -
plus angelic love inspiration and
seven types of synchronicities.
The Creator of the
Internet, assuming he is not evil himself,
must surely be aware by now that the worldwide web of light-as-consciousness will naturally mature with the Next Phase
of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION as cultures
conscience at the
heart of
kind men:
the Family of Mankind
in a global village of all
connected, instant-interactive TeLeComm.
there is the good conscience of generous men,
there is hope that
enough of us with pure intention will
focus attention with love retention for our ascension
in the 5th dimension
Capable, Generous Men Oct 28,
2019 / It's like reading something out of Solzhenitsyn: A
that is nothing more than a stage for a grotesque parody of
justice; some sort of theater meant for God-only-knows
"What happens to Julian Assange and to Chelsea Manning is
meant to intimidate us, to frighten us into silence. By
defending Julian Assange, we defend our most sacred rights.
Speak up now orwake up one
morning to the silence of a new kind of tyranny. The choice
is ours." ~ John Pilger, investigative journalist
If you haven't noticed, millions of people
worldwide are now revolting in the streets against corrupt
power elite potentates who are ethical infants in defiance of public will
for change.
Excerpt:Protests and demonstrations have
rocked every corner of the world in recent days, with tax hikes,
corruption and environmental injustice all raising
public anger. But why have they spread? Watching the news over the last
week, one would be convinced that the world has devolved into a
series of flashpoints, with corrupt governments across the
political spectrum facing the wrath of their enraged citizens.
To be fair, that’s not far from the truth.
Global conscious evolution revolution revelations
are morphing the matrix of collective
consciousness fromthe inside-out; major gama
wave peaks and spikes
in Schumann Resonance are creating flashes of 5D
consciousnessat the heartof unified field harmonics
- thecoherence
factor- thatdefines, refines and
'shines' the first principles of cosmic law framing
of the universeand divine co-Creation. This process of 2019
Global rEVOLUTION represents personal and planetary holistic healing transformationwith the language of
consciousness - light
The Nature of One's 'Web of Light'
for 'Linking the Light' with the
'Art of Consciousness':
13, 2019 / FIFTY8 Magazine The bioenergetics of
conscious light as 'fires' the mind's source code
holodeck INSPIRED BY THE TEACHINGS OF: Baird T. Spalding & Jiddu
by way of the Ancient School of
Wisdom The Matrix
- A TRUE STORY Oct 23, 2019
/ Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
We have been programmed by the 'conventional scientific
community,' and now is the time to wake up and give power
back to ourselves and others. Just like a single cell, the
character of our lives is determined not by our genes but by
our responses to the environmental signals that propel life.
Escaping the matrix is to escape the fear of death.
"Death is a stripping away of all
that is not you. The secret of life is to 'die
before you die' - and find that there is no
death." ~ Eckhart Tolle
Why You May Not Want To Live Forever by Alan Watts Oct 29, 2019 / After
Alan Wilson Watts (6 Jan 1915
– 16 Nov 1973) was a well-known British philosopher,
writer and speaker, best known for his interpretation of
Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. He left behind
more than 25 books and an audio library of nearly 400
talks, which are still in great demand. The audio from
this video comes from a full lecture that can be heard
As you probably know,
truth-telling is becoming a dangerous vocation in
America with the same Deep State media that told us
Hillary would win is now getting revenge by
incessantly spinning the news to fit a transparent
antiTrump agenda with the intent of divisive
cognitive dissonance.
The End Times Madness
has reached a turning point from Deep State
depravity to High State levity - the levitation of
a higher consciousness that inspires the
mind and enfires the heart with a universal 'gold standard'
of vision and virtue with valor for the victory of
as a unified field of
coherence and mind congruence.
Coming article - get ready for
How AI Can Help Identify and Manage
The Cause and Cure of Cancer,
And Why We Aren't Told
This goes much deeper than the
'End Time Madness' we see with the divisive
dialectic of corporate media. It goes even deeper
than the principal issue of global economic reset
whose optimal future is to culture an economics of
abundance based on abundant love through a high state of interactive TLC at the heart of TeLeComm for 'TeLeCommunity' (self-governance),
TeLeConscience (self-learning), TeLeCare self-healing, and TeLeCommerce self-reliance with Abundance
Economics underwriting the millennial Aquarian
Conscious Evolution is a CHOICE...
The public is NOT being given a choice
with the unabashed corporate tyranny as tells us what to think
in fakestream media, and mandates toxic vaccines injected into
our bodies whether we like it or not. If we don't have a choice
of what is injected into our own bodies, then we've lost the
most basic of freedoms - the right to our own life.
The right to a life of
enlightened love is the first principle of
evolution in a free-will universe.
stand up.
temporal synchronicity
is as important for the heart
- and right-brain intuition -
as spacial intelligence is for one's
left brain linear logic.
Aug 16, 2018 /
Tom Montalk The Meaning and Quantum
Origins of Seven Types of Sychronicities Synchronicities
are meaningful coincidences or
improbabilities sent to you from behind the veil
of what we call 'normal'.
Find out what they mean and what causes them.
For the most amazing example of synchronicity
you’ve ever heard of, read this true story:
'On The Path of God and
Quantum reality is
- at heart - a choice;
energy flows where attention goes.
We bring about what we think about.
"The flow of
creative energy through a
system acts to organize that system." ~ Buckminster Fuller (paraphrased)
The CHOICE is to come up higher... or not so much. We can soar with the eagles or scratch with the turkeys.
We can optimize our God-given
gifts and talents, or get along by going along with a crazy world.
Oct 27, 2019 / We're living in an age
of not just
mass distractions,
but also
information overload.
information overload is taken to its logical
it conditions a state of learned helplessness in
most of us,
as we bury our heads further in the
ever-widening, endless array of distractions that let others do
critical thinking for us.
The rate of
change has accelerated. Many of us suffer from
future shock; the narrowing of one's
paradigm of 'normal' with an
inability to process new information of
in-depth nature. In the business
world, this is known as 'executive
burn-out'. In modern psychology, this
narrowing of one's normalcy
bias is paradigm paralysis. High levels
of stress are the typical cause
behind all mental and physical dis-ease,
and this is especially true for elderly unless
they supplement their health habits
adaptogens as help the
body and mind adapt to
stress, for example, quality sources
of CBD's &
Swedish Pollen
Extract. These natural
substances optimize neurotransmitter
activity as well as the 'endocrine' (immune)
We are on a path of conscious evolution and
we're either "Stuck In Negativity" (S-I-N),
wake up, wise up, and strive to thrive with GlobalCo-Creation Codes. So keep the faith, think global, dance local - like no one is watching -
and love like you've never
been hurt.
Affirm it to confirm it
and determine it;
pure intention as focuses attention on love retention for conscious ascension
in the 5th dimension of comprehension
with more Aquarian Freedom-in-. Always full-spectrum light,
and all ways
in an
infinite and eternal process
of evolutionary progression
known as the process of
Ascent to All That
Is Real
- Worlds Without End -
Gathering the tribes of IsReal
- the High State of 'US'
Sovereigns), Now and Forever.
Just consider that our divine destiny
has already happened in the CONTINUUM.
Supporting the 2019 rEVOLUTION with full spectrum holistic health: