Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age Series 4-14-12
The ‘CAPstone’ process – the ‘Creative
assembles the
5-D components to the
at the
heart of the
for 2012 global healing.
"Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks,
and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing."
~ Thomas
Paine, Common Sense, 1776
By ‘Dr.
As we culture
with pure intention,
the will of wholEness
at the heart of universal-
will naturally 'arrest'
Global holistic healing is the consequence.
That's how
'shift happens' with minimal side-effects
beyond the superstitions of the
and towards unmitigated
There’s no excuse for a lack of love under
Law of Love.
Sooner or later that causes ‘arrested development’,
and you may believe you are free, but if you
persist to resist the Higher
Power of
fully present
you’ll be ‘arrested’
as in
‘stuck’: no growth.
There’s no excuse for ignorance of the
“Law” (Common Law).
The common sense of Common Law may be uncommon,
but ignorance of the golden rule/law language causes
‘arrested development’.
To the extent we
culture our Conscience of, by and for ‘wholEness’,
we simultaneously
arrest the
that disrupts redemption.
This is the Core
Dynamic of Conscious Evolution in 2012,
and Towards Higher
This is the
Nature of the 2012 'Truth Movement'
as a systemic
Dimensional Shift.
If you have your finger on
the pulse of the collective consciousness 'patient' as this
metaphysician does, it may seem that 2012 is shaping up as one
'crazy' year'... unless you correctly understand how this 'patient' is in a full-blown healing crisis.
rather obvious
that global civilization is sick Any
good 'holistic' doctor would tell you that the first step for
correcting a personal or planetary healing crisis is
to come out of denial in order to
focus attention
also true for our new 'Net reality' Whether we exercise that right is another matter that requires the Spirit that matters with mind over matter. That's a 'gold mine' of opportunity at the heart of a golden age if only we mind it.
attention with pure intention to be winning from the beginning.
Granted, Net reality is a challenge for anyone who is not
centered and connected with the
eternal Spirit
that matters, and yet, that elusive spirit is awakening in those
who choose
The ‘CAPstone’ process – the ‘Creative
-- When I wrote most of this article on Friday the 13th, I was not surprised to see that Hollywood came out with a horror movie, released nationwide at movie theaters. Commercials in the mainstream media are promoting this so we will part with our 'light' and our money vested in this ‘currency of fear’. It’s amazing to me that people will pay to suspend fearless faith for faithless 'fear porn' that brings their worst fears upon them faster.
what superstition does. There have always been 'false gods' who prey upon our superstitions to own and control our 'light'... our consciousness, money and fruits of our sacred labor. These 'fallen ones' always claim to represent a higher power whereas true prophets and messengers of the 'Great Spirit' truly represent a higher power. In the Bible, there are many stories of 'false gods' promoted by a priest craft who practiced a dark form of 'wish-craft' (black magic) that got people to believe in all kinds of gods rather than the one God of the 'Unified Field' now understood as the 'Source Field' - the high power, intelligence and frequency of holy compassion at the heart of the web of collective Conscience that is now surging with the 'light of God' or 'Source', 'Great Spirit, 'All That Is Real', 'Am That I Am'... whateverJ
craft' that goes to the "dark side' (black magic) Some of the superstitious priest craft and 'wish-doctors' have survived to this day. You can see it in political correctness that is morally wrong. Technocrats do the thing right but do the wrong thing. Bureaucrats exercise unelected power without deference to Constitutional principle. Plutocrats pull all the strings of the corporatocracy that has hijacked democracy, usurping the power of love with their love of power. That's all about to change, one way or another.
higher you go with authentic intelligence of a wisdom nature,
that perspective, REALIZE -- with REAL EYES -- that where we focus
our attention with pure intention is where our "one God" (not plural
'gods') actually dwells within us and with all of us. Same 'One
God'. Same universal
One Earth ~ One God ~ Universal
Consent of the governed –
informed choice
– is at the heart of the
“No man is good enough to govern another man In an instant-everywhere and interactive world of Internet telecommunications, all our self-governing systems must naturally be 'responsible' in terms of response ability... the ability to respond to the consent of the governed. That should be common sense. But many of our core local and federal horse-and-buggy governing systems were designed long before our new 'Net reality, and they are entirely out-of-step with real-time instant-everywhere and interactive telecomm capabilities. That's a major disconnect with reality as fully represents the 'consent of the governed'. It's also a disconnect from the pure intention of U.S. Founders.
"Public opinion sets bounds to every government, The vehicle for 'informed choice' for all global Netizens is now installed and ready for 'real-time' mass-to-mass TeLeComm with web 3.0. Heartware. What that means is that millions of people will be able to respond at any moment of a video replay, utilizing 'cyberEthics' as 'E-valuation criteria based on the 'Light Language' (language of consciousness) as will involve and involve our individual and collective wholEness for Enlightened (holistic) healing in our core social, political and economic institutions.
in our global village; the "E" factor Those who are aware of the MegaShift MegaTrends shaping the evolution revolution understand that the direction of self-correction in the 2012 Shift is toward a highly decentralized grass-roots (Net roots) use of all-connected TeLeComm capabilities for holistic healing in the spirit, mind and body of our social, political and economic institutions.
This capability for global holistic healing is For example, many people confuse love of country with love of government. That's the blind patriotism of 'America, right or wrong'. Or as the humorist Mark Twain said, "We are discreet sheep; we watch were the drove is going and then we follow the drove." The sheeple get along by going along with all kinds of wrong stuff, simply to be politically correct as if it were unpatriotic to resist government wrongs. But as wise old Ben Franklin said, “Make yourself a sheep and the wolves will eat you”. The author of our independence was more specific:
"We have the greatest opportunity the world has
ever seen, as long as we remain honest, which will be as long as we
can keep the attention of our people alive. Thomas Jefferson and that revolutionary firebrand Tom Paine are both alive and well in the 'Truth Movement' at the heart of all the global freedom movements surging now. They both would champion an electronic upgrade of our anachronistic and corrupt horse-and-buggy legislative systems. If you are not aware how Big Government has been thoroughly infiltrated and corrupted by the corporatocracy lobbies that write legislation for the corporate monopolies they regulate, either you haven't been paying attention or are willfully ignorant.
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers Those wolves in sheep's clothing who pretend to represent 'Source', or 'God' or the 'Great Spirit' of 'Divine Love' -- typically use fear or outright horror to terrorize and tyrannize our Conscience so we part with out 'light' - the 'Currency of Conscience'. They try to scare the ‘Be-Jesus’ out of us so we'll surrender faith in freedom for fears of insecurity without faith.
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people Fear inverts, subverts and perverts faith. If you go down that rabbit hole, you can lose all sense of bearing on who you are, where you're going, and how to get there. That's when faith has no meaning, and a lot of people suffer that sense of separation from wholEness, emphasizing the 'E' of Enlightened Conscience.
is the most sacred of all property.”
The sense of separation from
is the root cause of all suffering. Faithless fear is incompatible
with fearless faith. It's like the inordinate love of power that is
incompatible with the ordained power of love. But the suffering
syndrome of separation from wholEness
gets enmeshed in 'evil' as an 'energy veil' -- call it the 'ego' --
which veils the light of the 'Great Spirit' of Source-God-Love.
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil If we are to strike the root of the problem behind anachronistic political and economic institutions that barely serve the social purpose for which they were created, we naturally must culture social Conscience in our social networks. If ‘consent of the governed’ is to truly mean ‘government of, by and for the people’, then the ‘self-evident truth’ we all want is HOW TO DO THAT. So ask yourself… Is it true that interactive mass-to-mass TeLeComm will upgrade core Constitutional freedoms to represent the ‘Currency of Conscience’ with response ability that cultures accountability to the ‘gold standard’ for global civility? Are you aware that Universal Self Care will upgrade global holistic healing with self-correcting database standards and free on-line information that global Netizens – United Sovereigns – can access worldwide? Would you agree that widespread public awareness of these two initiatives alone will naturally provide the catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy? There's nothing more compelling than a vision that has found it's time... and now we have arrived at the time when our global village is no longer bound by time or space. We are already ONE in principle -- instant-everywhere interaction. Now it's time to be one in practice, and get our act TOGETHER.
Either we use it -- the opportunity that our new Net reality offers
-- Information wants to be free to 'self-organize' (in formation) as empowers the wisdom to know better and do better. That wisdom includes the ordained 'Power of Love' that neutralizes the inordinate love of power as would enslave rather than liberate our conscientious common sense.
This is now a global issue requiring global solutions As you know, Thomas Paine sparked the American Revolution with publication of Common Sense, the most successful political treatise in history. He finished with a practical detailing of the gunpowder, ships and other implements of war needed to forcefully declare our independence from empire tyranny. But things are different now. The class warfare we see today is rooted in "BS" (Belief Systems) that sustain psychological disconnection from faith in the power of Freedom-in-Love. Emotional chaos -- endless "fear-porn" (terror war) -- is maintained by mainstream media to sustains this class warfare along economic lines of the corporatocracy versus the public at large. Giant special interests in monopoly control of our physical and human resources have a vested interest in keeping Common Sense uncommon... keeping informed choice FROM the public rather than 'of, by and for the people'. This is in-our-face tyranny whose time is short and pathology is great.
Patrick Henry did NOT say,
"Give me safety or give me death"
Conceive it and believe it so we can all achieve it...
realize that some people reading this have not 'linked the light' in
Heartcom articles, and have not
researched the links that 'flesh out' the whole body of
...raising the standard of 'TLC'
in our interactive social institutions of Willful ignorance and cherished illusions are the real enemy of paradigm shift. In the same way, the paradigm paralysis of prevailing predatory capitalism is ‘stuck’ in service to self rather than free in service to others. Realize that the enemy of a free and open society cannot survive the ‘fire’ of collective judgment and will only see the light if it feels the heat.
“Government is not
reason, it is not eloquence, it is force;