Holistic Health Care Goes Global
The Great Awakening as Blessing and Curse
The choice for each and all is either
the curse of victim dictum or
the overcoming blessing
of victory virtues.
As the pure intention for freedom’s opportunity goes global,
inordinate desire faces the fire of global judgment.
Better to know better and to choose wisely
for one’s
evolutionary ascent and
blessing that is a curse on
all that is lacking a
"Conscience is what conscience does."
~ the Ascended Forest Gump☺
Christopher Rudy, Editor
GeoNotes News
Heaven knows that those self-serving interests which bank on endless war
- and toxic genetic-altering drugs pushed on you for whatever ails you -
would end up making the whole global system so sick, tired,
impoverished and powerless (to do much about it)…
that it would inevitably become a survival issue
for the one Family of Man to return to a
Higher Power – Greater LOVE
as will restore holistic
First Principles of Global Holistic Healing for Our Collective Health:
1- That which prevents disease will also cure disease at therapeutic levels;
2- The higher the concept of Holistic Health Care, the greater the results;
3- The healing power of love is the power of the holy spirit of LOVE-in-action.
4- The more whole, holistic and wholly
holographic the -in-action,
THE GREATER THE RESULTS (purging spiritual toxins).
5- The more that resistance, resentment and revenge energies are purged,
the more that pure intention will focus attention
on our evolutionary ascension.
The profiteering from war, disease and destruction of Mother Earth...
the Wall Street metrics of economic health for our global village...
and the trashing of our environmental life-support systems,
is no longer sustainable for life on Earth.
Now is the time prophesied for a global
The counterproductive status quo "spin on things"
is no longer sustainable, but this too shall pass as global humanity
becomes centered and connected with a clockwise cycling
holistic healing principles and processes that naturally represent
the prime directive of the spirit that matters for planetary reboot.
[review the big picture via "Galactic Shift" and
"Dimensional Shift"]
It is times like this that we all must remember what is constant
in the cosmic scheme of things -- those eternal principles of a
self-correcting, self-governing "self elevation" (salvation) nature;
a "salve" as in ointment and blessed anointment of conscience.
Some see the way things are and are clueless, asking why?
Others are blessed with a vision of how good things can be,
getting past the past and simply asking why not?
if freedom and opportunity is to survive and thrive.
The bailout of the banks, by the banks and for the banksters
is like the current sick disease maintenance system that has
an agenda to vaccinate the masses with sick pathologies
which make a killing for those principalities of darkness
which have a global agenda to reduce population and
to lock down control over the spiritual, mental, physical
and financial resources of humanity.
Few are the servant leaders who have not sold out to the worldly perks
of power, prestige and profit at the expense of public life and liberty.
But this murderous gaming of the public by wolves in sheep’s clothing
is no longer sustainable; we’re now in the end game
that will soon end one way or the other.
If current status quo institutions continue to get along by going along
with the same consciousness that has created all our problems,
it will naturally only compound those systemic problems.
Willful ignorance is the victim dictum of the poor in spirit
who see only the problem with the opportunity for
overcoming with victory virtues in our Net reality.
There is no time like the fully present opportunity before us
for systemic holistic healing of our social networks
with a LOVE-centric
interactive interface for
culturing the healthy and holy spirit of
instant-everywhere global
The choice for each and all is either
the curse of victim dictum or
the overcoming blessing
of victory virtues.
Blessed are those who "feed my sheep" (servant leadership) with
conscientious common sense;
a resurrection revelation for our
evolutionary ascent with sovereign conscience
whereby ALL are sovereign "KING"
with the "Keys
to the
Claim the victory with a few tips -- the first principles of, by and for
Global Wholeness
As simple as 1-2-3
1, Conceive it and 2, Believe it to 3, Achieve it – the Holy Whole.
Conceive it: The words "health", "whole", "holistic", "holographic" and
"holy" are ALL derived from the same Anglo-Saxon root word "hal" that means
"sound" or "whole". Obviously, when we are of sound body and mind, the whole or
otherwise holy spirit dwells within us. Holistic healing is the process
culturing a whole system of health care as a holy whole.
Indivisible Whole”
“I could not be leading a religious life unless I identified myself with the
whole of mankind, and that I could not do unless I took part in politics. The
whole gamut of man’s activities today constitutes
indivisible whole.
You cannot divide social, economic, political and purely religious work into
watertight compartments.”
“Mahatma” (Great Soul) Gandhi
Modern quantum physics has made it self-evident that all sentient life on Earth
is connected in a quantum relationship of terrestrial energy fields within
celestial energy fields that – all together – geometrize the
energy fabric of life support systems in our global village. This is what
Western science calls the quantum field of energy which Eastern
mysticism has long known as the “antahkarana” (web of consciousness).
This web of energy and consciousness is the fabric of Nature itself, and there
are simple yet profound
Natural Laws that govern the connection of energy fields within the nucleus
of every atom (morphic energy), the genetics within every cell (morphogenetics),
and the systemic resonance of whole body energies within the heart of every
living creature on Earth.
Each human body lives within the ocean of vibrational actuality that we
subjugate as "reality". All the atoms, cells and organs of your body are
inadvertently connected to the same quantum field of energy geometrized
in the life support systems for your heart, mind and soul evolution as a
spiritual being having a human experience in dense 3-D space/time relativity.
This divine order of the
universe as a holographic whole naturally follows
the first geometrized principles of
fractal nature.
You can see the early
1974 framing of the pure geometry principles of
morphic and morphogenetic fields within fields. This pure geometry framework of
universal laws governing energy manifestation has evolved with many applications
since 1974, but the core constitution of these first principles does not
change. These geometric archetypes are the constitution of
thoughtforms that represent the quintessential infrastructure of
those ancient and modern maps of consciousness at the heart of conscious
evolution. This is the common sense of the common framework of the collective
consciousness that modern psychology (Jung) has shown to be common to sacred
ritual structures, inspired governmental constitutions, holistic healing models
and the overall integration of the spirit that matters for self-correcting
self-elevation of a salvation nature.
The Conscious-to-Conscience Movement
The Model
is thus a unified field model of, by and for
evolutionary ascent of our consciousness, BEING and world-at-large.
As such, it is the law of correspondence between the microcosm and the macrocosm
-- the body of man as corresponds to the body of Earth as a living BEING.
For example, consider how the Western Hemisphere of the Earth is like the “inear”
of each individual – the
The right hemisphere of the brain and the Eastern Hemisphere of Earth likewise
corresponds (holographically) with the energies of the
-- the global
consciousness that represents the public
sphere in a "nonlinear" (decentralized) way.
The “resonant” principle – how these
coordinates are combined and synergized (
as in any good marriage (
-- is the action principle whereby the holy spirit of
creates the frequency of a holy whole -- the holographic holism
for healing -- as in frequently.
Such unity-in-diversity is the spiritually holy, mentally
holographic, emotionally holistic and physically
divine order
divine harmony
This is the
nature of
a frame of reference for
holistic healing with the first principles of universal law language:
Western science is like the
brain that represents the holographic infrastructure and
for “cross-referencing” cognitive gifts and talents
of, by and for each individual:
-- It’s strength in excess is a weakness whereas “smart
with a heart” represents upward-mobile intelligence;
-- It seeks knowledge power with the priceless
currency of conscience that liberates the
power of love;
-- It may see the divine order of things -- the
fractal nature of the universe as a
holographic, holistic, holy whole,
but it must connect the dots to conceive
the Big Picture as a blueprint for the
scheme of things;
-- It has the capability to resonate with
divine order as a harmonic whole, but it must take heart with faith
this marriage of spirit and matter with the
spirit that matters;
-- It is naturally catalyzed, crystallized or otherwise
geometrized by a higher mental conceptual framework
for “G.O.D.”
that represents all creation via the
Law of the Angles ().
When this natural~universal
framework for Net reality
goes mainstream globally
with a holistic healing
holographic cyberethics infrastructure
for culturing
global rEVOLUTION in our all-connected social networked consciousness,
the science of the soul naturally involves and evolves the soul of science
for holistic healing as personal and planetary evolutionary ascension.
mysticism is like the nonlinear spherical “Right” brain that represents the
wholly connected and
spiritually centered
“point of reference” for optimizing one’s cognitive gifts and talents:
-- It’s strength in excess is a weakness whereas “heart
with smart” represents upward-mobile intelligence;
-- It knows pure intention that pays attention to
evolutionary ascension via the
well rounded
power of love;
-- It may see the holistic harmony of the spheres as the
nuclear power of love at the heart of Creation,
but it must center and connect with that frequency, as
in frequently, to achieve that Higher Power;
-- It has the capability to resonate with harmonic frequencies of divine
order, but it must frame conscience
with faith in this marriage of spirit and matter
with the spirit that matters;
-- It is naturally harmonized, unified or otherwise optimized by a higher
emotional intelligence of, by and for
divine BEING that represents all creation via the
Language of the Angles of (our
better nature).
With this centered-and-connected “We are ne”
perspective in our ALL-connected
instant-everywhere-interactive global village that is accountable to a Higher
the pure intention of, by and for holistic healing with
victory virtues
will culture
a global rEVOLUTION in our all-connected social networked consciousness.
The science of the soul will thus involve and evolve the soul of science as will
give full attention to our personal and planetary evolutionary ascension.
Healing is like the COMBINED SYNERGY of both (
principles and brain processes
that CO-CREATE a holy whole which is greater than the sum of the strengths
(gifts and talents) of each and all:
-- It’s strength (in balance) is the CO-CREATION power that liberates the
highest and best use of our gifts and talents;
-- It seeks a balance between conditional love and unconditional love
with focused attention on pure intention;
-- It knows the “holy trinity” as the “throne”
of (three-in-one)
with a balanced “3-fold
flame” (balance of powers);
-- It may be very creative with the optimal synergy of creative energy
that comes from balanced homeostasis of energies,
but it must realize that many people are stuck with imbalances, dis-ease
and dysfunction as a sick status quo.
-- It has the capability to holistically heal with a clear vision for
culturing social conscience in our social networks,
neutralizing the stinking thinking of paradigm paralysis (status quo)
with a holistic approach to systemic healing.
With this natural law/language CO-CREATION of the
a balanced 3-fold flame of
G.O.D.~ powers
that be
will thus culture
a global rEVOLUTION in our all-connected social networked consciousness.
The science of the soul will thus CO-CREATE with the soul of science as will
pay attention to our personal and planetary evolutionary ascension.
four archetypal dimensions of self and civilization represent the
four triune processes that culture “U.S.”
(United Sovereigns) spiritually, mentally, emotionally and
physically in our core social global institutions.
These principles and processes are holistically holographic,
representing the holy whole “TLC”
for healing:
via G.O.D.~
as will culture
in our social networks with
infrastructure upgrades as will represent Higher Power at the heart of
core Constitutional freedoms;
via G.O.D.~
that represents
in our social network communities
with Heartware™
cyberEthics at the heart of
infrastructure upgrades for education of the heart;
via holistic
database standards for the analysis, prevention and treatment of dis-ease,
informed choice health freedoms with unprecedented knowledge power, wisdom
and love in balance.
SOVEREIGNTY, the greening of our
core institutions. via holistic
that wholly integrates
as will culture
to define a new Economics of Abundance.
With this holistic
e-valuation of the
price of freedom with the ordained virtue of
the whol-spirit
will organize all information IN FORMATION
along more enlightened lines that frame, harmonize or otherwise geometrize
higher intelligence of Higher Power as a standard for holistic healing.
Action Plan
for Optimization:
A unique frame of reference for organizing
individual, indivisible (universal) RIGHTS -
in a new "global village" (public) SPHERE -
an upgrade of CHECKS & BALANCES -
that represents a higher standard of
2- Believe
it: Sustainability for our global life support systems is based on the
viability of first principles as the divine directive for intelligent
life – above
all. The higher the concept of
form and frequency – as in frequently – the greater the results for
outpicturing the first principles of divine order – pure geometry – as a frame
of reference for those holographic-holistic thoughtforms that define, refine,
combine (synergize) and shine the whole or otherwise holy spirit of
Freedom’s Action Plan for Optimization:
Heartware™ cyberethics as an interactive interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm:
Framing our
processes that square with divine RIGHTS -
Nurturing well-rounded
in one’s social network SPHERE -
Culturing holistic
databases for informed choice CO-CREATION -
that centers, connects & frames~models .
3- Achieve it: The victory virtue that overcomes the lack of love (victim dictum) is the abundant conscience that cultures the abundant life. Abundant social conscience -- that honors core Constitutional freedoms – is the natural resolution and healing of the social dysfunction and dis-ease caused by a lack of honor and love of, by and for those Constitutional freedoms.
Freedom’s Action Plan for Optimization:
A holistic
powershift that centers and connects the first principles of
Framing the
Law of the Angles of G.O.D. as our common universal RIGHTS -
Nurturing the
Language of the Angels of Love as our public heart SPHERE -
social network healing models for personal/public CO-CREATION -
Integrating the
holistic holographic blueprint that frames and models
"It is at all times necessary,
and more particularly so during the progress of a revolution
and until right ideas confirm themselves by habit,
that we
frequently refresh our patriotism by reference to
First Principles".
- by Thomas Paine who sparked the American Revolution with
the most successful pamphlet in history whose name and
are the same
Blueprint For A Golden Age
Always and All Ways,
I Am,
One for All.
Holistic Visionary
GeoNotes News
HEARTcom Network
BBS Radio Show, Cosmic Love
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Global Upwising ~
Global Independence
"When I
despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
-- “Mahatma”
(Great Soul) Gandhi
above all -- is
for giving.
To love with
all your heart and all your mind and all your strength
and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.
Networking for
the Net worth of Net reality that
cultures the
Power of Love at the heart
HEARTcom Network™
"Man can
harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the
power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the
man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de
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© wwFoundation™
all "Rights" Well-Rounded