2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Our Election Made Sure with a
High State of

The 'Whole Truth' (High State), redirects us from
  the 'Big Lie' (Deep State) of dystopian deception.

Global geopolitics are a powder keg of volatile intentions
and THE CRISIS is reaching a climax.

 Either we raise the standard of Universal
- the heart of interactive global TeLeCommunity -
or by default, it's down the slippery slope!

Americans' Trust In Lamestream Media Hits All-Time Low
October 17, 2024 / ActivistPost.com
Good news is hard to come by in this late-stage American empire,
but a new poll offers a ray of hope, finding that Americans' trust
and confidence in mass media is at an all-time low.

Restoring trust begins with pure intent for unity;
community building by culturing conscience

 in local & global social media communities.

The mass programming of our perception
- with deception -
has become so blatantly sinister with
overt war and disease profiteering,
that Great Awakening accelerates
 and compells a REALITY CHECK.

If we do what we've always done,
we'll get what we've always got.

What IS REAL for gathering the tribes
of IS
REAL is focusing on what
IS REAL via discernment.

Here's to ALL the 5D gifts of the
fiery holy spirit of discernment
to burn through mass illusion
and individual self delusion.

Oct 17, 2024 / Full Moon in Aries

Featured in this newsletter:
Know Your Language for a better
 relationship with your Self... and others.

 Previous article at:
Soul Evolution and Ascension
(with video upgrade)

The Great Awakening includes seeing the good
that was previously seen as bad.

The dark side Deep State always inverts, subverts,
and perverts the spiritual meaning of words and

As we become more conscious of HOW we are conscious - individually and collectively - it becomes self-evident that it is better to KNOW or NOT KNOW... and to believe nothing - no 'BS' (Belief System).

This used to be known by all indigenous cultures as the voice of the Great Spirit. Also known by common folk as common sense... or good conscience.

This is true in all realms and dimensions of conscious evolution revelations, whether spiritual, mental, emotional or physical.

How can we expect to experience Cosmic as the antidote for 'afflicted social conscience' (mass warring psychosis), if we don't KNOW the solution exists? Our lack of ability to SEE THE GOOD, could allow the greater good to pass us by completely unnoticed.

Energy follows attention - what you think about you bring about - and that goes for Cosmic energy also. What we conceive and KNOW we can achieve, we do.

It is the pure intention of Cosmic in form and frequency that focuses attention with heart coherent retention and mind congruent comprehension of the 5th dimension.

 The 5D 'CAPstone' (Creative Ascent Process)
cultures social conscience
at the heart of our
global social media 'communities' (networks).

  And with voice and text translation capabilities
now very advanced, the vision alone of this 
Creative Ascent Process can be the catalyst 
for a self-fulfilling prophecy of self-elevation 
as a practical path of selfless service to all.   

This is the communications process that I first introduced 50 years ago to ten agencies of Fed-Gov on Capitol Hill. See: 50 Years - Pioneering An Aquarian Future.

Today this interactive communications process - defined as Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics - is a come-into-unity process for community building by culturing social conscience in our local and global social media 'networks' (communities).

Heartware - as developed by the Heartware Project - is the next phase of the computer-Internet revolution after dominance by hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft), netware (Netscape). It is a mass-to-mass interaction interface that involves and evolves our individual and collective CONSCIENCE with a high standard of as Cosmic Law and Light Language - in action (interactive interface).

It is this pure intention that focuses attention with retention for conscious ascension in the 5th dimension of full spectrum comprehension.

This is always true in time-sensitive realms
of Cosmic ; all ways 'TIMELY'!


In my recent newsletter - Soul Evolution and Ascension - there's a link to an article on THE FUTURE OF TIME - Four 'Archetypal' (Jung) ways of perceiving time:

- Spatial intelligence is left-brain dominant:
codes for linear timeline perception.

       - Temporal intelligence is right-brain dominant:
TIMEcodes for nonlinear-intuitive perception.

         - + synergized is hemispheric co-creation
           in the upper brain or lower Reptilian brain.

  - Whole brain integration in the 'CAPstone'
(Creative Ascent Process).


So what dominant and secondary
Time Perception Style is YOUR

"Tell me what you think of time, and
 I shall know what to think of you."
~ J. T. Frazer

Becoming conscious of HOW we are conscious
for a global rEVOLUTION in 5D consciousness
from Great Awakening to Great Enlightenment.

A higher concept of
for global rEVOLUTION

and a higher concept of
'TLC' and Heartware
for Global Healing.

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.