Global Ascent from Chaos to Order
This is recommended for serious devotees of truth
- aka 'Communicants' -
who realize how all social, political and economic
problems are at core communication problems;
how we come into unity of, by and for REAL
community with unity in our great diversity.
Consider what this rEVOLUTION will look like.
Organizing all information IN FORMATION
with a universal interface for global TLC
via heartware's
We've been here before!
242 years ago, Americans committed their lives to a revolution.
They issued a Declaration of Independence in which they
submitted their case for all mankind to judge.
A great moment in the
The principles and ideas of the first American Revolutionaries
have provided inspiration and direction for revolutionary
movements throughout the world.
The parallels today are uncanny.
The printing press in 1776 was a high tech breakthrough that
fanned the flame of freedom with Tom Paine’s
Common Sense,
and the Internet is the modern high tech breakthrough that is
sparking a new
Common Sense
in the hearts and minds of global Netizens.
What emerged at the birth of the U.S. was a Constitution that
honored the sovereignty of our God-given rights, and witness how
our core Constitutional freedoms are now being upgraded with
Five Core Internet Freedoms.
Honor the intent of this Revolution for
The Prime Directive for our
conscientious evolutionary ascent wants
to be free from the tyranny of corporatocracy and technocracy
that uses mass surveillance and fake news to manipulate our
minds rather than liberate them.
The general enlightenment of global humanity has reached the
turning point to either utopia or oblivion. We could see a
veritable utopia of freedom and opportunity with
open-transparent systems of public discourse. Or we could see an
extinction level event that unfettered Artificial Intelligence
threatens with secretive closed systems of mass media
“Discourse is humanity’s immune system
harnesses ‘crowd wisdom’ with the
power of love
and a universal interface for interactive upgrade of social
Global TeLeCare optimizes the ‘immune system’ of humanity with free online holistic self care for all global Netizens - The United Sovereigns of Earth. The
State of the Union is strong, globally,
Technology, like money, is not intrinsically evil, but how it
has been used to create tyranny is evil. As Benjamin Fulford
recently reported, “Western
societies are now drowning in debt, have socially destabilizing
wealth disparities, and have shrinking, aging populations. This
is why the West needs to fundamentally reform its governmental,
social, and economic
The alternative to a reboot, including a jubilee and one-off
asset redistribution, will be a steady decay that will end in
widespread collapse of current structures.”
The Architecture for Systemic Reboot
We shape our global information and communications
infrastructure and then it shapes us. What we do to the web of
consciousness with the worldwide web, we do to ourselves. This
is especially true with all-connected quantum reality in our
global village of instant-everywhere and interactive Net
Smart without
is not intelligent.
There’s no security without purity – no intelligence without the
heart coherence
that distinguishes mankind as kind men. With 16 U.S.
Intelligence Agencies now at war with each other over who
controls what Americans see and believe, the Common Sense of a
moral compass is spinning out of control.
Claim the victory of
With the accelerated rate of change at this epic time of global
transformation, there’s nothing more valuable than the
emerging blueprint for a golden age.
The first principles framing that blueprint were thoroughly
geometrized in the
2017 Big Shift Series.
This ‘Movement with No Name’ is virtually a systemic holistic
‘matriculation of the
matrix’ (reboot) of the Global Mind which is a “gold
(for a golden age) if only we
mind it
with the new currency for the Next Economy – the ‘Currency
of Conscience’
The Global Decentralization Power Shift
This is the ‘MegaTrend
in 2018 folks. There’s a method to the madness – a pattern to
the pathos – and a plan for paradigm shift. A new Common Sense
is emerging with compelling conscientious intent to upgrade
social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
It’s not rocket science. We either utilize advanced information
and communications technology to liberate global humanity or it
will be used to enslave us.
Common sense tells us that the public does not want war, disease
and depopulation for the profit of criminal cabals who have
little regard for the rights of mankind.
The heart of
is a
universal interface
for mass-to-mass interaction and
genesis of
crowd wisdom to
generate a full spectrum enlightenment process with upgrade of
Core Internet Freedoms.
How we think about
things leads to what we get.
So give yourself a check up from the neck up.
Winning From the Beginning
As in the beginning is now and ever will be ACTION PLAN: TLC MEDIATION The media is the message. Either the public mediates the mass media or the media manipulates US. Consider the Heartware Project to claim the victory of global TeLeComm. Consider that Global TeLeCare could be developed for a few million dollars to provide a web platform that provides free, online holistic health care for every Netizen in the world, but instead...
NSA Doles Out Massive $112 Billion In