Global Crisis Overview / Be
Christopher Rudy
Editor of
GeoNotes News Service
Host of the BBS Internet Radio Talk Show at
"These are the times that try men's souls: The
summer soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his
but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and
- from
"The American Crisis"
by Thomas Paine, the author of COMMON SENSE
that sparked the American Revolution
HEARTcom Network
/ March 8, 2009
Denial is the real enemy - take heart! Brave hearts welcome the whole
truth. Fearless faith in a Higher Power is your best hope for discernment of
the whole truth that overcomes denial.
If you read this, I think you'll agree that the consequences are far greater for
ignoring the great danger here forewarned. But don't read any further if you
lack the heart to get a grip on not only the core nature of this global crisis,
but also, your personal course of preparedness.
"At what point
then is the approach of danger to be expected?
I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from
If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
~ Abraham
Lincoln, Address Before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois,
January 27, 1838
The bottom line of that quote from Lincoln is the whole point to keep in mind at this critical time. A nation can't be both slave and free. That was the core issue of Thomas Paine's COMMON SENSE that sparked the American Revolution as well as in Lincoln's time of the Civil War. It is the also the defining issue that the USA is challenged by now -- WHY so many signs indicated that the U.S. is virtually committing suicide.
"The prudent
see danger and prepare, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."
Proverbs 27: 12
The common sense of the cause and core issue has become uncommon, and that is what the American public is struggling with. The truth of this matter has become stranger than fiction, especially since 9-11, with the first casualty of the endless war on terror being truth itself. Everybody who knows the truth of 9-11 is well aware that the quintessential American virtue of truth and the love of law and order is under attack. But the enemy is within the gates of our own "self-government" -- our own collective CONSCIENCE.
Conscience is the
most sacred of all property.
~ James
Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution
Many are those who
are now saying that out-of-control federal government has become the problem. A
closer look at the core problem finds a conflict of interests over who controls
the public commons -- our common wealth. A cabal of giant corporations -- the
most powerful special interests in the world -- have a vested interest in
monopolizing their power to profit at the expense of the commonwealth. These
self-serving privatized interests have infiltrated regulatory agencies in public
government and equate their health with the health of the economy.
We're all seeing the fruit of those policies -- the bailout of the privately
owned banks by the same "banksters" -- the self-professed "Masters of the Wall
Street Universe" -- who create one bubble market after the other so these inside
traders can strip public equity out of the market on the way up and on the way
down. More public debt is created to bail out these private interests on the
back of public taxpayers so the banksters can once again loan money to the
public for big profits again.
Of course -- given common sense -- that game is not sustainable and the inside
traders (traitors) know it. I'm not saying this is a conspiracy -- it's
now an open agenda to create and manage crisis towards privatization of our core social institutions
for profit and control.
As I said in the first sentence,
DENIAL is the real enemy. The United States is in a serious crisis, not to
belabor the "insanity
epidemic" caused by mass use of psychosis-inducing prescriptions. But I
There are five stages for resolution of this crisis, taken in essence from the
recent book by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler, LIFE LESSONS - Two
Experts on Death and Dying Teach us About the Mysteries of Life and Living.
The first stage (core problem) of many Americans is still DENIAL; "no problem - never mind".
The second stage is ANGER; "The system is corrupt - those bastards must go!"
The third stage is BARGAINING: "We've got to get new reps - a new administration".
The fourth stage is DEPRESSION; "Both parties are corrupt - the whole system is rigged".
The fifth stage is ACCEPTANCE; "Just do what the poor in Spirit are not able or willing to do"
The value of these lessons regarding the American Crisis today should be self-evident. Many Americans are going through a mental breakdown and "re-assembly" process. In fact, there is an insanity epidemic in America with people doing what they've always done -- and always thought -- yet expecting different results. It's not just numb disconnect over endless war insanity. It's grief over the loss of America's honor, the moral high ground, and the direction of many of our core institutions that barely serve the purpose for which they were created:
1 - A government where corrupt special interests
deny the best interests of, by and for the people.
2- Mainstream media monopoly that cultures
subservience to special interest agendas.
3- A backwards "health care" system that makes
a killing by treating disease rather than preventing it.
4- An economics of scarcity that creates and
manages scarcity for the profit of special interests.
Healing the grief in America over this crisis --
the downward spiral in our collective conscience since 9-11 -- requires we go through this
5-step process. The
healing of this crisis begins with an understanding of its genesis, a vision of
its resolution, and what you need to do now.
Obviously, a new global revolution in grass-roots CONSCIENCE is needed. Once
you fully come out of denial and move to ACCEPTANCE of the public crisis we're
ALL in, you've got some serious choices to make, and fast. And you will forward
this post to those you really care about who are intelligent enough to think for
Time is of the essence.
If you read the recent "urgent news" updates at
BE PREPARED NEWS, you will realize that the crisis right now is far worse
than the corporate media is reporting. If truth be told, there would be the
type of change we could all believe in -- what's best for all rather than for
the banksters, Big Oil, the war profiteers, and the mainstream corporate media
that the power elite plutocrats virtually own and control.
I think any
thinking person today knows the United States is now
under the control of these multinational corporations.
excerpt from:
Don't expect this
monstrous conflict of interests to change overnight. It's going down fast
because the agenda of the owners of our privatized public
institutions -- those who caused the crisis and sustain it -- is just plain
nefarious. It's just the next unconscionable stage of their terror war that,
since 9-11, has actually targeted the American people. Read my previous article
on this subject at "Healing
the Crisis In America", and connect the dots if you haven't already. Half
of the solution is knowing THERE IS A COMPREHENSIVE SOLUTION.
We need to get PAST the problem -- the Age Old
Machiavellian Dialectic: Creating and Managing Bubbles, Crisis,
Polarization and Demand for "Problem-Solving"... that merely treats the
symptoms while compounding THE CAUSE the profit and power of giant
multinational corporations that have no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution.
In the last twenty-five years, we've witnessed an undeclared war against the
middle class.
The so-called conservatives waging this war are only interested in conserving
--and steadily increasing--
their own wealth and power. Under the guise of "freeing" the market, they've
systematically dismantled
the programs set up by Republicans and Democrats to protect the middle class
and have installed policies that favor the superrich and corporations.
In other words, we're now witnessing class warfare whereby the superrich power elite milks the masses with moneyed power that trashes the Constitution under monopoly capitalism of, by and for superrich plutocrats. That system of corporatocracy has been criminally corrupt for a long time, and is now rapidly morphing into socialist communism under the same superrich oligarchies who financed Lenin's revolution and bankrolled Hitler's corporate infrastructure.
"'We are all socialists now,' proclaims Newsweek. We are creating 'socialist republics' in the United States, says Mike Huckabee, adding, on reflection, that 'Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff.' We are witnessing the Obama-era phenomenon of 'European socialism transplanted to Washington,' says Newt Gingrich." ~ The Washington Post
The solution is neither the Republican
Corporatocracy or the Democratic Corporatocracy. They are just the two faces of
the same
Corporatocracy. The reason is simple. New technology has made some of the
largest status quo globalist corporate institutions largely
obsolete as you can read at "The Great Race for
Global Reboot". The power elite are up against a wall that is
collapsing on them. They don't want real solutions - only to FORCE an agenda
that doesn't disrupt their power to control the physical and human resources of
Earth... at any cost to the inhabitants.
There is no healing this systemic cancer in the body politic without widespread
public awakening to what's causing it. The most powerful special interests in
the world have a vested interest in their toxic "chemo medicine" for the
organized greed "cancer" that is cannibalizing the Republic.
There is hope with the conscious movement
that is wising up and rising up to demand change. But
the corporatocracy is well-organized and Obama is surrounded by these deeply
entrenched globalists whose love of power and control is antithesis to the love
of law and order under the Constitution.
The bottom line is that the behemoth of Federal Government is beyond bankrupt
with a war and disease agenda that intends to compound the crisis and force
their martial law solution that locks down the control they've always wanted.
And even though their
agenda for an Avian Bird Flu pandemic has been exposed in the foreign media,
the embedded corporate media in America is silent on the subject.
World News Covers Purposeful Avian Flu Vaccine Contamination
03-05-2009 Google News
But not a word of it here in the USA. Even Canada has a piece. This is real.
Czech newspapers are questioning if the shocking discovery of vaccines
contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus, which were distributed to 18
countries by the American company Baxter, were part of a conspiracy to provoke a
pandemic. Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 - otherwise known as the
human form of avian flu, one of the most deadly biological weapons on earth with
a 60% kill rate - were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany, and
Slovenia. "Was this just a criminal negligence or it was an attempt to
provoke pandemia using vaccination against flu to spread the disease - as
happened with the anti-B hepatitis vaccination with vaccines containing the HIV
virus in the US? - and then cash-in for the vaccines against H5N1 which Baxter
develops? How on Earth could a virus as H5N1 come to the ordinary flu vaccines?
Don't they follow even basic precautions in the American pharma companies?"
states the translation.
This is all very serious folks. Prepare the best you can.
PS: I suggest you have some Pollen Extract on hand to jump-start your immune system as needed, Avian Flu or otherwise. Check out the extremely accurate Trends Research Institute which explains Why Food Reserves Are Critical Now . The most concentrated "food reserves" is Pollen Extract --the richest source of RNA/DNA super-nutrients for genetic repair and resistance to "dis-ease" -- the stress of what's coming.- CR
"But if
the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet,
and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take [any] person from
among them,
the watchman must be taken away in his iniquity; his blood will I require."
"When I despair, I
remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won.
There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible
but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
-- “Mahatma” (Great Soul) Gandhi
Understanding Earth Changes on the 2012 Timeline...
The Power Shift from One Universal Divine Love on the Inner to
a planetary conscious
Abundant Life naturally follows from Abundant
The Conscious Movement
Defining, Refining, Combining and Shining
the Full Spectrum of Light as Conscience
Co-Creating a
for Soul Evolution
world is a cosmic platform for the evolution of souls,
and that platform has succeeded to the point where
unprecedented human potential for love can
now reboot our
social conscience with
social networks that reflect and
perfect the angels of our
better nature that
will “get
To love with all
your heart and all your mind and all your soul,
and your sovereign neighbor in our Global Village as thyself
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